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from Bop May 1999

Yeah, Joshua Jackson is one of the stars on the WB's acclaimed series Dawson's Creek and an established feature-film actor with a slew of credits under his belt, including all three of The Mighty Ducks movies, 1997's Scream 2, 1998's Urban Legend and this spring's Cruel Intentions. But when it comes to Josh's friends and family back home in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, they don't treat him any differently than they do one another.

Don't get his loved ones wrong, though. No one could be more proud of this blue-eyed swooner than his own mom, Fiona, but she knows full well that once you start to treat someone differently, that's when they start to act differently. As Josh, now 20, tells it, when he told his mom that he'd landed the role of DC's Pacey, "My mother {was} like, 'Congratulations, you're on a TV show! 'Now take out the trash.'"

As for Joshua's friends, they might as well think he was the pizza delivery guy. He's still the same Josh to them--and that couldn't please this mega-celebrity enough. "I can be gone for eight months, but I can still drop by and knock on my buddy's door, and he'll be like, 'Hey, Josh, come on in,'" the amiable actor's explained. "As for the fame thing, they don't care. In fact, they give me a lot of {stuff} for it. They tease me about it all the time."

With buds back home to keep him grounded, this not-so-hot-shot is receiving the best of both worlds. "I got two marriage proposals from Japan," Josh's blushed. "They wrote me letters and expressed their desire to have my hand in holy matrimony." Bet that's something his friends will have a field day teasing him about!

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