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Kerr Smith gives you a Dawson's Creek Preview

Kerr Smith gives you a
Dawson's Creek Preview

from J-14 Sept 1999

This Dawson's Creek hottie caused quite a stir when his character Jack came out of the closet last season. Now, actor Kerr Smith is stirring things up on the big screen with a whole new kind of role.

Summer Vacation

Kerr spends most of his time these days with his year-old boxer Maxine living in Wilmington, N.C., where Dawson's is filmed. But instead of taking the summer off to return to his home in Los Angeles, the actor worked in Vancouver with fellow cutie Devon Sawa on the new film Flight 180.

For Kerr, this role is quite a departure from the sensitive Jack, "which is exactly what I wanted. I wanted a role at the other end of the spectrum," he tells J-14.

Every Dawson's star filmed a movie over the summer (except for Michelle Williams, who starred in a play), which Kerr finds "amazing." "This show breeds work," he says.

Nervous No More

Because he's getting new job offers, Kerr realizes now that there was no need for him to be nervous about Jack coming out of the closet earlier this year. And fans have been overwhelmingly supportive as well, filling his mailbox with letters of praise for the daring storyline.

"My life has changed dramatically," Kerr admits. "Before Jack came out, I could walk down the street in Wilmington and run errands or go to the mall. Now I can't-- which is weird. I'm a pretty independent person. I like to go out and do my own thing. Now it's difficult to do that."

Kerr could often be found at the movie theater by himself, but he made a mistake of doing this the week Jack announced he was gay. Kerr was mobbed by female fans!

What's Ahead

Not much will change for Jack this year. "I still get to play the sex symbol," he grins. As for the other cast members, everyone's life has been turned upside-down. And don't expect things to get any better when the show comes back in September! Joey blames Dawson for sending her dad back to jail, and it will take a miracle for this couple to get back together. Pacey and Andie try to pick up where they left off when she returns. And expect changes in store for Jack and Jen now that they're roommates living with Grams. "Being in the same household will make for some interesting stories," promises Kerr. "Were also going to explore the gay issue with Jack and he'll probably eventually start dating."


KATIE HOLMES (Joey): "We're really good friends. When I first got to Wilmington, she called me up and said 'Let's go to dinner.'"

JOSHUA JACKSON (Pacey): "Josh and I are buddies and we hang out all the time. He's got energy up the wazoo. He's just crazy."

MEREDITH MONROE (Andie): "We've become good friends because we've gone through this thing together since Day One."

JAMES VAN DER BEEK (Dawson): "James is kind of quiet. I wish we could hang out more, but he likes to keep to himself."

MICHELLE WILLIAMS (Jen): "Michelle lives out on the beach, so she's kind of far away from everybody. But we have a lot of fun together."

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