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Small Spoilage

Note: Although these aren't major spoilers, please be considerate of others who do not wish to know any of this. If you post on any message boards, make sure you label your message "spoiler" in the message title. Failure to comply with this will result in my kicking your ass. Also, if any of this stuff doesn't happen, it'll be because the scene or storyline got cut out. It's not our fault if they decide to change things in post production.

€Mitch & Dawson's new film teacher: They meet when Mitch becomes Capeside High's new english teacher. She & Mitch get friendly. That's all I've got for this one. Make up your own "The Flash" joke.

€The wedding: ..and the lucky couple is... Alan & Pam (huh?). Pam is a friend of Bessie's, and she gets cold feet moments before the wedding. Will Pam chicken out? Do you even care? Not to worry, Jack comes to the rescue and saves the day after Dawson tries unsuccessfully. And we all know how sensitive Jack is. Also, Pacey and Andie ruin the wedding cake.

€Jen goes to hell: Well, after her eulogy at Abby's funeral, I think it's a pretty safe assumption. Question God and feel the wrath of Grams. Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out, Jen. Looks like you'll have to crash at Dawson's for a while.

€Mr. Potter and Mary Jane: Dawson catches Mr. Potter dealing wacky weed at the Ice House. Is this not what it looks like?... well, is it?

€Pacey's punch-out: Pacey decks his dad.

€Mrs. Leery wants a cheese steak: Dawson's mom gets a job offer in Philadelphia. Mitch wants to try again with their marriage. What will she do? What WILL she do?

€Jen stays with Jack: After Mr. McPhee takes Andie away for a while, Jen stays with Jack. Geez, too bad you're gay, dude. In the end (no Jack pun intended), they both realize that they need a family, so they both go crawling back to Grams. Grams will either welcome them both with open arms, tell them to take a hike, take Jack in but not Jen, or Jen but not Jack. That should narrow it down for you.