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Dawson's Creek Protest Rocks Wilmington!

.....Okay, not really.

  • Earlier today, (Thurs. March 11th, 1999) some teens from area churches staged a protest outside ScreenGems Studios on 23rd street in Wilmington North Carolina, the studios where the hit teen drama "Dawson's Creek" is filmed. Calling themselves Youth Against the Promotion of Homosexuality (YAPH!), the fourty-someodd teens waved signs reading "No More Gay Promo!", "Jack's Not Gay! He's Confused!" and "Hollyweird!!" in bold protest for thirty whole minutes until police asked them to leave.

  • The teens say they're "disgusted with the most recent Dawson's Creek episodes.", they think that a show that targets young adults shouldn't be pushing a pro-gay lifestyle, and they're sick and tired of what they call "Garbage on TV". They claim the show portrays homosexuality in a positive light, and though they have watched the show in the past, now it has gone too far.

  • They attempted to schedule the protest to interfere with the filming of Dawson's Creek. The Producers of Dawson's Creek said they were "Unaware of protest, and had no comment on the demonstration." what a waste of a perfectly good half-hour.

    Sound bytes:

  • First of all, let me say that nobody cares what these snot nosed anti-gay, gutless, single-cell amoebas think, much less weather they consider homosexuality a sin or America's favorite passtime. With that out of the way, a subtle responce.

  • I, personally am very down on people who picket whenever they see something they don't like on TV. Instead of forming a calm, intellectual, and reasonable plan of action, they whip out their magic markers and draw up funny slogans and plays on words, then go downtown, high off of the fumes.

  • These teenagers say that they watched the show, but now it has gone too far by showing homosexuality in a positive light. If I were a stand-up comic, I would be taking a sip of water right now. They enjoyed the show when Pacey banged his teacher. They enjoyed the show when Joey and Dawson discussed masturbation (see also: walking the dog). They enjoyed guessing which DC couple had sex. But now that they are talking about men who like to sleep with other men, they object. They draw the proverbial line in the sand. A line that is, fortunately, only as long as their attention span. In a few weeks, they'll be turning on the TV sets in their bedrooms to see which DC character croaks.

  • What really grabs my gonads is that they think DC portrays homosexuality in a positive light... Do you hear this? Appearantly, Jack's father mentally bludgeoning him in a weeping ball, then zooming out the door, never to return (supposedly), and the fact that, though everyone claims to understand Jacks' trouble, they still don't know how to treat him, is glamourous. To say that this show promotes homosexuality is such a neaderthal way of thinking, that should have gone out with the droves of religous zealots who tried to sweep across the country with their burning of offencive litterature, and demoting of Rap and Heavy Metal music. Metal music leads to sex, sex leads to drugs, drugs lead to death! METAL MUSIC IS KILLING OUR TEENS! By that same token, Gay characters on TV lead to sexual exploration. Sexual exploration leads to homosexuality. Homosexuality leads to what scientists call "Rear Action". Rear action leads to desease. desease leads to death. THOSE GAYS ARE TRYING TO KILL OUR KIDS! What a pile of crap.

  • It saddens me that teenagers are being taught this way of thinking. Parents, Priests, whoever is teaching this to them is poisoning their minds the same way a Klu Klux Klansman would. The 'Coloreds' of our generation are homosexuals. A widely accepted discrimination that seems to gather more supporters each day. Well, that's what happens when you film your TV show below the Manson-Nixon line.

    Hoorah for Kevin Williamson, and a big fat Bronx Cheer for Jerry Fallwell and his Ilk.

