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Macross City

Macross City
adapted from the R. Kelly song "Gotham City"
from the movie "Batman and Robin"
Adapted by Ariel Helena

Looking out on the times of my life
Light hiding out in midst of dark times
Next to happiness and peace is sorrow
But signals of solution fly high

It's a city of justice, a city of love
A city of peace for everyone of us
We all need it, can't live without it
Macross City in the sky

Staying awake all in fear
Children drowing in their tears
We need a place where we can go
A place where everyone of us are heroes

It's a city of justice, a city of love
A city of peace for everyone of us
We all need it, can't live without it
Macross City in the sky

It's a city of justice, a city of love
A city of peace for everyone of us
We all need it, can't live without it
Macross City in the sky

Dead in the middle of war and weather
We won't stumble and we will win it all
We have a place that offers shelter

It's a city of justice, a city of love
A city of peace for everyone of us
We all need it, can't live without it
Macross City in the sky

It's a city of justice, a city of love
A city of peace for everyone of us
We all need it, can't live without it
Macross City in the sky

It's a city of justice, a city of love
A city of peace for everyone of us
We all need it, can't live without it
Macross City in the sky

Macross city....Macross City...Macross the sky
Macross city....Macross City...Macross the sky