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Why Does It Hurt So Bad?

Why Does It Hurt So Bad?
written by Ariel Helena

It's never gonna end you said
We're always gonna be together
But then when
We were out flyin high
Cutting through the sky
A shot rang out
A shot that would end
The greatest thing ever
You're gone
Without a word
The wound's still fresh
In my mind

Why does it hurt so bad?
After all this time
Sure I've moved on
But the hurt still remains
Like a fresh shot
Ringing across the sky
To come to rest in my chest
Never stopping the pain
I still ask myself
Why does it hurt so bad?

I've tried to tell myself
That I'm better off alone
Than to live with the pain
I hope love still knows me
When I get outta this feeling
That you're still around
When I know you'll never be back
Telling myself doesn't help
I'll still love ya


You're back in my mind
Racing through the sky
Like we're kids in love
Again and again
The thought races
So does my heart
My soul yearns for that touch
But it's ice cold now
Don't touch me
But do
Why am I so confused?

Repeat Chorus 2x

Why do you still haunt my heart
When you're gone?
Why do you still hurt me?
After all this time
I've found love again
Leave me
Leave me
Leave me
But I still wonder
Why does it hurt so bad?
