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Age of Empires CHEATS

Note: enter the chat mode and then type the code 1.Woodstock - 1000 wood 2.Quarry - 1000 stone 3.Pepperoni Pizza - 1000 food 4.Coinage - 1000 gold 5.Big Bertha - catapults shoot cows 6.Gaia - gain control of animals but lose control of your empire 7.Bigdaddy - a powerful rocket launching car 8.ICBM - ballistas get 100 range points 9.Photon Mam - a man that shoots laser beams 10.E-mc2 trooper - gives you a nuke trooper 11.Jack be nimble - catapults shoot men 12.DIEDIEDIE - kills everyone except you 13.Flying Duthchman - Juggernaughts turn into flying boats 14.hoyohoyo - priests move faster and get 600 hit points 15.Steroids - build and create instantly 16.Dark Rain - composite bowmen look like trees when standing still and they can also walk across water 17.Black rider - horse archers turn to heavy catapults when killed 18.Kill(1-8) - numbers represent player numbers 19.CTRL-Q - speeds up construction 20.CTRL-T - Secret menu for resources 21.CTRL-P - left click places rocks 22.Victory - skips a level on campaigns I am always looking for more cheats if you know one thats not on this list, please e-mail me.
