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Chapter 4

The following chapter is written as if they are exchanging emails. Jillian is writing from Chrissy's email account. The chapter is really short because I was having trouble writing it.....

To: Zoe542
From: CrazyChrissy
Subject: JC


Well...I told him. I know you didn't think I would but I did! It didn't blow over to well with him....actually it was awful. He just stared at me like I wasn't speaking english. Then he left. He hasn't seen Jordan yet...he's coming sometime today to see her. I'll email you again then and tell you what happened.

On to some other news....Remember I told you about my sister (Chrissy) and Justin Timberlake being friends? Well, now they're engaged!! I'm really happy for them, but part of me is...well, I guess jealous!

I'll admit it, I'm jealous! Totally and completely jealous of the fact that Justin and Chrissy are so happy together and that I'm alone! What an awful way to live!

What the hell is wrong with me?


To: CrazyChrissy
From: Zoe542
Subject: Re: JC


I'm sorry you feel so bad! But cheer up! Maybe he won't think it's so bad once he meets Jordan! :) And if not you can always move back and here and live your life the way you did before...without him!

Did you tell your parents and sisters yet? Maybe you should tell them about JC...ya know? Even if you do end up coming back here you could at least tell them....

Well write back after he comes over!


To: Zoe542
From: CrazyChrissy
Subject: Re: JC


For the one millionth time I am NOT staying doesn't matter what happens I am not moving back into this hell-hole! I came here for one reason and one reason only...and then I am coming back!

Yes, I told my parents, and told my sisters. They all new it was JC one told them, they just guessed. My mom said she always knew I'd be with JC.

Well, I'll get to the good stuff now...JC came over a little while ago. He was acting TOTALLY different from last night! He said he talked everything over with his parents and they kinda snapped him into reality, I guess. Anyway, the point of the matter is that he's back to being the same old JC again. Plus, he LOVES Jordan. He played with her all day today. Before he left he asked me on a date! I felt like a teenager but I figured it was probably good for both of us, so now I have a date for tomorrow night!


To: Zoe542
From: CrazyChrissy
Subject: Re: JC


I knew everything would work out! Have fun on your date!

It doesn't matter what you say...I know you'll end up staying where you are!

luv ya,

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