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Chapter 8

'Of all the times to be sick, it has to be two days before my wedding.' I thought as I lay in bed.

On top of last minute planning for the wedding, I also have Jordan to take care of, plus with Chrissy gone and my parents and my other sisters at work I have the entire house to clean before some of our relatives arrive...while I'm throwing up sick.

"Maybe I should get out of bed and do a little happy dance." I said sarcastically as I looked at the clock. It said 8 am, which meant I'd been "sick" 4 times since 6 about living in hell.


"Great." I mumbled as I crawled out of bed to answer the door. I was halfway down the steps when the doorbell rang again, "Ok lets wake up the baby while you're at it." I said

As I got closer to the door I started to feel bad and I knew I was going to get sick REALLY soon. 'If I could only get to the door first, maybe I could run to the bathroom after I let whoever this is in.' I thought walking faster.

I flung open the door to see Zoe standing there, but before I could say hello, I leaned over and vomited on her shoes.

"Well, hello to you to." She said bitterly.


"I'm so sorry!" I said to Zoe, "You come down here to be in my wedding and I throw up all over your shoes." I was practically in tears.

"Sweetie, it's ok! Don't worry about it." Zoe said calmly. "What's wrong with you?"

"I have no idea...but i've got so much to do today and there's no way I'm going to be able to do it if I can't even get out of bed, and my parents are going to be so mad if it's not done when they get home, and then...." I whined getting teary eyed again.

"Whoa, calm down! Just tell me what has to be done and I'll do it, no big deal." Zoe told me

"But, you're a guest here, you shouldn't have to do work."

"I want to do it!"

"Alright." I went on to tell her what all had to be done and she agreed to do it AND take care of Jordan for me.

After that she left and some time in the next 10 minutes or so I fell asleep. 2 hours later I woke up to see JC standing over me.

"Hey." He said quietly sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"Hi." I smiled, "What are you doing here?"

"I came over to see you and Jordan and your friend Zoe answered the door and told me you were sick."

"Yeah, but I'm feeling better now."

"Well, that's good." He grabbed my hands and gently pulled me up to a sitting position,

"You go take a shower and I'll fix you some breakfast."

"Ok." I smiled...JC had to be the greatest person alive.


Even though that morning was hell, once i got up and took a shower I felt a lot better. And when I got downstairs I saw that everything had been cleaned up, Jordan had been washed and clothed and breakfast was waiting on the table for me. Thank God for Zoe and JC.

After breakfast I finished most of my planning for the wedding and then it was time for Zoe and I to catch up. JC got the hint that we wanted to talk alone so he took Jordan for a walk.

"So, how's life back at home?" I asked Zoe.

"Oh, you know...same old thing just without you there." She said sadly.

"I'm sorry, Zoe. I wish we could live closer." I told her.

"I wish we could to, but you're marrying JC and I can't just pick up my life and come down here when I don't have a place to live."

"I told you that you could live with us."

"Jillian you know that wouldn't work! I can't impose on you guys and just move myself in with you. You'd get tired of me real fast."

"I just wish there was some way for you to stay here."

"Me too, Jillian. Me too."

I smiled, 'Don't worry Zoe' I thought to myself, 'You may be changing your mind really soon!'