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Chapter 9

"Jilly, where are you?" Mom yelled from downstairs.

"I'm getting Jordan! Hold on just a sec." I yelled back.

"Mommy!!" Jordan called from her crib.

"I'm coming honey." I walked into her room where she was standing in her crib crying, "What's wrong?" She continued to cry as I lifted her out of the crib.

One day left until I'm Mrs. Chasez and all I can think about is all the things I have to get done in 24 hours. The menu for the reception had to be changed due to a shortage of cooks, the flower order was messed up and I have to go down to the shop and fix it, the bridesmaids shoes hadn't been died the right color, and my dress still wasn't completely altered.

"Jillian, your dad and i are going to pick up Chrissy and Justin at the airport. Zoe is in the kitchen talking to the florist arranging an appointment for you, and JC called and said he's coming over in 10 minutes to help with the menus." My mom said on her way out the door with my dad right ahead of her.

I walked into the kitchen to get Jordan a bottle. Zoe was just finishing up her conversation with the florist.

She turned to me, "You have an appointment with the florist at 1 pm. The people from the catering business called and you've got to meet them at 2pm. All the bridesmaids are dropping their shoes off some time between now and 4 pm so that you can take them to get re-died and your dress will be ready at 6:30 pm." She finished up.

"God you are a saint! Thanks so much for helping out with this." I said.

"Are you feeling ok? You don't look to great." Zoe pointed out.

"My stomach's a little upset. Maybe it's just nervousness." I smiled.


"l'll get it. It's probably JC." I said. Zoe took Jordan I went for the door. It was JC at the door and he came in and followed me into the dining room.

"These are the menus we have to choose from." I said holding out some menus I got from the catering business, "They gave me the smaller ones, because they don't have enough cooks to make our original menu."

"Well, it was really nice of them to tell us at the last minute." He said.

"I know but this is what we have to deal with now, so let's hurry and decide and get it over with." I said, my voice dripping with attitude.

"Whoa, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." He said quietly, looking down.

"No, I'm sorry JC. I don't know what's wrong with me lately. It's just that I'm just so stressed out about the wedding. I want everything to go perfectly." I told him.

"I know...and it's going to be perfect because I wouldn't let it be anything but perfect. You deserve the best Jillian and I want to give it to you." He reached out and touched my arm.

"I love you JC."

"I love you too."


"Jillian, I'm home!" Chrissy yelled from the front hallway.

I ran into the hallway (with Zoe, JC and Jordan right behind me) and gave Chrissy and Justin both a big hug, "How was Hawaii?" I asked.

"Great! It was so much fun!" Chrissy said smiling.

I looked at my watch. 12:35 pm. "Chrissy you want to come with Zoe and I to fix wedding stuff?" I asked her.

"Sure, I'm practically a pro at it." She joked

"Hey, were are mom and dad?" I asked.

"Oh, they went last minute clothes shopping for tomorrow." Chrissy said.

"JC and I can baby-sit so that you girls can run your arrends." Justin spoke up.

"Yeah, and we'll collect all the bridesmaids shoes as they come in." JC added.

"Great! Thank you!" I said, "Ok, we better get going because we have to be at the florist at 1 pm."

So Zoe, Chrissy and I spent the rest of the day running around picking things up and making decisions. Zoe and Chrissy were great helps with the decision making and made it a lot easier on me. The flowers and the menus are fixed, the shoes are the right color and my dress fit perfectly. Everything was perfect....well not one thing.

After we got everything done, I made a quick stop at the drug store. I told Zoe and Chrissy that I had to pick up some Advil for a headache but I really had to pick up something else. A test that could make a lot of changes in my life as well as JC and Jordan's life.

When, I got home I took the test and waited rather impatently for the results. I watched the clock constantly and as soon as the correct amount of minutes had passed a picked up the test and looked at it.

Feelings of worry filled my body, as I walked out into the hallway. "JC....can you come up here for a minute?" I yelled downstairs.

"Sure." He said and after a few seconds appeared at the bottom of the steps. He came up stairs and followed me into the bedroom, "What's up?" he asked.

"JC...I'm pregnant."