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Do you wanna know everything and anything about the Backstreet Boys? Well, here's a place to help you! This page is just getting started, so at first there will probably only be a little bit of stuff, but I promise you I'll work on writing stories about their lives and how they got together! ENJOY!
GROUP: Nick Carter, AJ McLean, and Howie Dorough were three very talented guys. They would try out for all sorts of things from musicals to tv pilots. Almost every audition each guy went to they ran into the other two. Then Howie aka Tony Donetti's (stage name) agent told him about a pop group that was about to be started. Howie decided to give it a shot, he went to this guy named Lou Pearlman's house and auditioned. He saw a guy he knew there, AJ McLean. They had already decided AJ would be part of the group so he was just there helping out. Lou told Howie that they'd be in touch.

Then the girl that was helping Lou had gotten very sick so she handed the papers over to Lou and during that switch, Howie's information was lost! Then a boy named Nick Carter tried out and he was accepted immediately. Lou kept trying to find Howie, but he had tried out as Tony Donetti so they weren't able to find him in the phone book.

One day Howie's manager told him about a pop group that wanted him to audition at, Howie thought "This seems familiar." He went and as he walked in AJ said, "Where ya been Tony?" That was the moment Howie decided to stop using a stage name.

The group was almost done, they had found two other guys that seemed perfect! While recording some demo's they found some problems and the other two guys were dismissed at once.

Then Lou heard about a guy named Kevin that worked at Disney world, he had a handsome face and a great voice! Lou tracked him down and auditioned him. He was accepted into the group pretty quickly.

They needed one more member and all of the other guy's that auditioned just didn't have what they were looking for. Kevin told Lou about his cousin in Kentucky, but Lou didn't want to go that far to get someone, so he said no. Then when they couldn't find anyone else Lou told Kevin to call his cousin that moment! Kevin did, it disturbed his cousin's history class at school, but in the long run it was worth it. As you know that cousin was Brian Littrell. They arranged that Lou would call Brian later that night, so they could talk about it. That night Brian finally recieved THE phone call. He and Lou discussed this matter and then Brian auditioned over the phone by singing in the middle of his kitchen to the phone. He was in the group immediately!

Brian then flew down to Florida and the day he arrived the group was auditioning for Grad Night at Seaworld. Without even a days rehearsal they all tried out together, Nick, AJ, Brian, Howie, and Kevin. The tryout went great and they got the job. All of the guys got along so well that they all new, this was the group they had all been searching for.

AJ: AJ's first job in the entertainment business was being a model in a fashion show. He said it was a great experience because he was able to change with the older models.
HOWIE: Howie almost lost his chance to be part of the Backstreet Boys because he was using a stage name and Lou accidentally lost all of his information about him. They searched for him and came up with nothing! Luckily Howie's manager asked him to try out for another singing group and when Howie got there, it was the same one he tried out for before!
NICK: Nick wasn't exactly Mr Popularity in school just because he didn't play sports. Nick says the reason he doesn't think looks matter on a girl is because growing up the prettiest girls didn't like him because he didn't play sports like the popular guys and the only girls that were nice to him were the "not as pretty" girls with nice hearts.
KEVIN: Kevin and Brian might not have ever been in the group because there were 2 guys before them. Luckily the other 2 guys were dismissed from the group. Someone told Lou about Kev working at Disney World and how he was a great singer and looker! Lou tracked him down and asked him for an audition, it went great! He got the job!
BRIAN: Brian was eager to join the group! He jumped on a plane and flew straight to Florida after recieving a call from his cousin Kev. He had his audition in the stands of Seaworld and got in! He had his audition there because the group was supposed to audition for a show that day and a few minutes after Brian auditioned for them!

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