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Chapter Constitution

  • Preamble
    Amnesty International is an independent, worldwide movement working impartially for the release of prisoners of conscience, fair and prompt trials for all political prisoners, and an end to torture and execution in all cases. Amnesty International is independent of any political, ideological or religious affiliations and is funded by donations from its members and supporters around the world.
  • Article I
    The name of the group shall be Amnesty International, Williams High School Group
  • Article II
    Membership shall be open to any student or faculty member regardless of race, sex, creed or national origin.
  • Article III
    Section 1. The offices of this group shall be:
    a. Group Coordinator
    b. Assistant Coordinator
    c. Secretary
    d. Urgent Action Coordinator
    e. Campaign Coordinator
    f. Publicity Coordinator
    g. Faculty Sponsor
    Section 2. All student voting members shall be eligible to hold office.
    Section 3. Officers shall be elected by a majority of the voting members of the group during the second meeting of the year.
    Section 4. Vacancies of officers shall be filled by the Group Coordinator.
  • Article IV
    Section 1. The duties of the Group Coordinator shall be to:
    a. Preside over all group meetings.
    b. Call any additional meetings.
    c. Represent The group at all coordinating meetings with Student Government, etc.
    Section 2. The duties of the Assistant Coordinator shall be to:
    a. Fill in for Group Coordinator at meetings when he/she is unable to attend.
    b. Assist Group Coordinator in doing the business of the group.
    Section 3. The duties of the Secretary shall be to:
    a. Deal with all correspondence.
    b. Take brief minutes in each meeting to take care of any mayor correspondence concerning the group as a whole.
    Section 4. The duties of the Urgent Action Coordinator shall be to:
    a. Receive Urgent Action Appeals and destribute the to all group members at meetings.
    b. Keep track of letters written.
    c. Inform group of Urgent Actin Updates.
    Section 5. The duties of the Campaign Coordinator shall be to:
    a. Sign group up for campaigns.
    b. Disseminate campaign Materials.
    c. Coordinate Campaign activities.
    d. Report to Amnesty International USA activities surrounding campaigns at the end of campaigns.
    Section 6. The duties of the Publicity Coordinator shall be to:
    a. Act as a liaison to media.
    b. Ensure that all group events are well publicized.
  • Article VI
    Section 1. Dues will be paid by members of the Organization as set by faculty Sponsor.
    Section 2. All Finances shall be handled in accordance with the established fiscal procedures in effect for the high school in the fiscal affairs Office procedures Manual/Honor Code, etc.