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~Karma Nima Chodrak Maning
She rests upon the roof of the world,
Peaceful, serene,
Nestled between the
Himalayan arms below her
And the breasts of the Kunlun above.

Her heartbeat comes from Lhasa
The Potala stands strong
Watching over the city.
In each room, 84,000 mirrors
The teachings of the Lord Buddha.
The bells, the horns,
The singing bowls for meditation
The mystic songs of chanting.

While in the street children play
And the women sing
Under the shadow of wish flags.
A people at peace with themselves.
Compassion blows through the air.
Quiet peaceful city.

But then came the sounds,
As a raging storm over still waters,
The peace seared by flames of war.
Unarmed monks murdered ruthlessly,
The monastery at Gandan destroyed.
Pictures of the Dalai Lama taken,
His Holiness forced into exile.

Tenzin Gyatso's heart cries out
For his precious Tibet,
The people whom he loves.
To whom he yearns to return
To his home of 14 lifetimes.
To the songs and the laughter,
The bells, the drums and horns.
To gaze upon the wish flags
Flown over Buddhists homes.
America is my country,
so is Tibet,
yet stronger bonds, endless.
I fought for America
with commons weapons.
I fight for Tibet
with my pen, my voice,
my entire being, and if need be
my life.

Steal the land,
rape my people,
defile monks and nuns.
Make the children
kill their parents,
take away their songs.
Burn their wish flags,
destroy their monasteries,
slander the Dharmas,
and defile the Buddhas.

Ruthless leader,
bloody demon,
called my people inferior.
Red Army, organized thugs,
hoards of predacious leeches.
They suck blood,
and lick poison lips.

You cry for Kosovo,
so do I.
Where were your tears
for fifty years,
just one tear for Tibet.
No one admits
what they see,
Tibetan genocide.

Shouts of death
severs quiet serenity,
as Red China
rapes my people Tibet.
Genocide nears completion.
A peaceful nation
a peaceful people
isolated from
an evil world.
Legally and morally
Yet China and Britain
said otherwise.

It belongs to China
the liars say.
If it were our nation
it wouldn't be that way.
Like Britain we don't care.
After all they're not Christian,
only heathen Buddhist
who've known no war.

Hear the cries in Lhasa
as the children are forced
to execute their parents
then die in red pools.
Would you like to see
the monks and nuns,
forced to fornicate
in the public streets?

The Dalai lama in exile
yearns for his home.
The fourteenth Dalai lama,
the wish-fulfilling jewel.
Whose desire is, listening ears
of those who are unwilling.
To gather support from those
who say, "it's not my concern."

I read the news today
five monks in Kirti were arrested.
Two other monks badly beaten,
To be released.
This doesn't seem to bother
the Pope or our president.
And the U.N. turns its back
to the calls for a free Tibet.
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