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ASARian Logo ASARian, Inc.
"Helping Hands...
   Providing Hope"

What is ASARian Incorporated?

ASARian, Inc., is a non-profit organization created to provide an electronic safe haven for survivors of childhood abuse. Its purpose is to provide a full range of safe internet services to survivors, including resources, information, chat programs, and email support lists to assist them on their ongoing healing journey.

ASARian, Inc. does this by:

  • providing a website with links to various recovery, information, and educational resources.
  • Providing free anonymous internet access va Unix-like shell accounts to survivors and support people which gives access to anonymous email, Usenet, Internet Relay Chat for peer support, a Multi-User-Dimension (MUD) client for survivors oriented MUDS.
  • Providing a host of personal websites for users.
  • Hosting a number of survivor oriented support forums and autoresponders for information relating to services we offer and other survivor oriented material.
  • Providing recycled computer equipment to abuse survivors who are unable to afford it.
  • Online peer support and counseling.

Signing on to ASARian is easy, simply click here.

Asarian currently has over 300 abuse survivors with accounts on our servers.  Additional 800 abuse survivors subscribe to the support forums, which we host.  We are listed with First Call of Triangle United Way.

ASARian has made many changes this past year.  We have applied for and received 501(c)(3) tax exempt, non-profit status from the Internal Revenue Service.  We have added many new board members, and have begun to seek outside resources to further our services, as well as keep up with the ever-changing technological advances of the Information Superhighway.  We continue to reach new survivors daily, and as the survivor community grows, so we must grow with it.  ASARian hopes to lead the way in giving this community of hurting people alternative means to find support, education, and resources in their own personal journeys of healing.

ASARian began as a grass roots, "kitchen table" project 5 years ago, and has continued to expand as the demand for these services and resources has grown tremendously.  Our goals outline what we wish to accomplish through ASARian today, as well as in the future.

Board of Directors

  How ASARian, Inc Started

ASARian is the brainstorm of our Founder and President. David, better known as "Fuzzy" to his friends and associates, started out in 1991 recognizing, and identifying  the needs of the online survivor community.  He dedicated himself to filling the gap between the informational and educational resources of the internet and those that needed access to them the most, the abuse survivor.  He started with his own computer, a 386 SX with a Linux operating system, adding scuzzy disk, more RAM, and other needed resources to the computer as ASARian grew and the survivor community demands grew with it.  All of the inititial operating cost came out of his own pocket, which is a display of his devotion to the survivor community and ASARian as his income was limited to Social Security Income.  In 1994 David was able to get ASARian its own domain on the internet, where the Web site for ASARian now resides, (


ASARian Incorporated
Box 605
Durham, NC   27705-0605

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Design by Stephanie's Community
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