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The Day the Eagle Cried

The Day The Eagle Cried

The eagle shed a tear today
As he flew over his domain
He heard and watched his children die
And his heart cried out in pain

But from the crash, mid smoke and ash
Grew a power both great and rare
It touched the souls of young and old
And gathered them in prayer

Oh hatred you must cast your blows
And death inflict your stings
But we have faith in God above
And the eagle spread his wings

He flew on high up in the sky
And called to all who'd hear
Unite with me in firm resolve
We will not live in fear

We will not rest, we will not cease
And terror will not reign
We vow to you now gone beyond
You did not die in vain

The sun will rise, the sun will set
And time will not abide
But rest assured we will not forget
The day the eagle cried