These are the tiny mistakes they've made during their vids and stuff...(Yes, we've watched them enough to know!) If you've got more that we've missed, E-mail us!
- In the "Get Down" video after AJ's finished his rap, he turns around to walk off, but he runs into Brian so he turns the other way and walks off.
- Also in "Get Down" after they all stop doing jumping-jacks around the stage, Howie's still going in the background.
- The choreography's pretty bad in "Get Down", we've noticed - the Boys run into each other a lot.
- * In the vid for "I'll Never Break Your Heart", when they're all in the snow messing around, Kev accidentally touches a girl's chest (or at least comes really close). But he pulls his hand back really fast!
- * When they all trash the snowman in INBYH, AJ doesn't get to because he falls and when he gets back up to kick it, there are people in the way.
- * Also in INBYH, right before AJ starts singing "As time goes..." when they do a dance move, Howie doesn't clasp his hands in front of him like he's supposed to.
- In the QPG video, there's really bad editing during Nick's solo, and his lips don't match the words.
- During the big ballroom dance scene, at the end, B-rok's just sitting on the floor looking around. It's really cute!
- In the "Everybody" extended version, there's bad editing in two places. Watch Nick and Kev during the vid - they're mouthing the wrong words at two certain parts.
- In the "As Long As You Love Me" music video, at one point while they all sing, Nick is looking down at something (a TV screen or something most likely).
- During the "All I Have To Give" video, during a group singing part, Nick messes up a bit and doesn't actually mouth the right words.
* Keep in mind that the "I'll Never Break Your Heart" video that is mentioned in this section is the Canadian version, not the new U.S. version that has been newly released.