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The ASU Pit Page

The ASU Pit Page

Here we are! The mighty Appalachian State University Pit...from left to right we are: Kathy, Joey, Danielle, Brian, Chris, and Mary.

Well, well, well.... time marches on, as does the marching band, and things have changed again! The 2000-2001 pit consists of the old stand-bys: Joey, Brian, Chris, Adam, Erin, and Kathy, as well as 2 newcomers: Lois and Krystal! We shall undeniably rock the house as this season's share of cynicality (if that's a word) abounds! There will be some pictures here soon, and now you can hear Brian say "Bye,Buh Bye!" How exciting!(And don't forget to turn your speakers down a little. :)

This picture is from one of our more outrageous perfor-
mances.We have Dan-
ielle,Mary, Joey (as Eugene), Dr, Jackson, Kathy (as Frenchy), Brian, and Chris.


The 1998 season will always bring back memories of great times in the pit. How can we forget our little coffee breaks, transposing, "Are you growing a beard?", "Ed-da-da-", the wet noodle and its many keepers, Kathy's wig, Mary's fine sewing abilities, Brian's sunglasses and snappy comments, Chris's plastic car, and oh so many more things. Pretty soon we might have some shirts, because I finally figured out how to make them!

The Marching Mountaineer Pit for the 1999-2000 season will be quite different from 1998's. We now consist of Joey, Brian, Chris, Jamie, Adam, Erin, and Kathy. We wish the new people (Jamie, Erin, and Adam) great luck, and I know we'll have a great time! Our shows this year will also rock, including a "Marches, of course!" show, and a Halloween Shooow! on October 30th. The pit, of course, will continue to set a high standard of tradition with all these new people, including the oh-so-proper sticking of "Carolina Pride". But for now, I must leave this page as it is. It will be changed to reflect the 1998 pit's memories as well as the 1999 pit's new memories.

As an update:

Go back to my homepage!

Last updated December 7,2000 at 11:37 p.m.