The fairy doctor receives his/her power from the fairies, as well as something special he has from birth. They are sometimes people that the fairies have loved and carried away, and cared for among the fairies for seven years. It's not always true that when a fairy loves a mortal they carry him/her off--they may merely grow silent and strange, taking to lonely wonderings in "gentle" places. These children will grow up to become great poets, or musicians, or even fairy doctors (who shouldn't be confused with the Lanhaun shee {leannan-sidhe}, who waste away and die). The fairies that befriend them are called "trooping fairies", and they have a great knowledge of herbs and spells. When milk won't come from a cow, or won't become butter, they are sent for to find out if it's because of common nature, or if it's because of witchcraft, and will administer a counter-charm for it. They also give advice for cases of suspected changelings, and prescribe for the "fairy blast" (when a fairy strikes a person, a tumor rises, or they become paralyzed; it's also known as a "fairy stroke"). Fairies are visible to thing, so they become valuable in advising an owner to tear down a newly built house if it lays across the fairies' road.
He's never to touch alcohol in his life, and eats only fruits, vegetables and bread. During ancient times, he never spoke English, or even bothered to learned the language, though he uses it to curse one's enemy with.
He holds scared a burial-ground, and so never carries away as much as a leaf of ivy from a grave, and maintains that people keep the rites of ancient usages: Never dig a grave on Monday, and carry the coffin around the grave 3 times, following the path of the sun, so the dead will surely rest in peace. Suicides are held accursed for the belief that the dead turn over on their faces if one is laid amongst them.
Not even in his youth does he think to marry, or is he ever known to love a woman (well, we ALL have our little faults now and then, don't we?), and he stands apart from life, holding his powers over the mysteries a secret until his death, when he reveals it ONLY to his successor, and only when the hand of death is on him for certain does he reveal it. No money tempts him to impart his knowledge to another, because he would be struck dead the moment he did so.
He carries an ash wand, which he lays across his knees when he prays, and his
whole life is devoted to works of grace and charity. He's never seen in rage,
and the only angry words heard escaping from his lips is when he recites the
"Lord's Prayer" backwards as an imprecation on his enemy.
As Gaeilge:
Ar n-Athair a tha air neamh,
Gu naomhaichear d'ainm.
Thigeadh do rioghachd.
Deanar do thoil air an talamh,
mar a nithear air neamh.
Tabhair dhuinn an-diugh ar n-aran laitheil.
Agus maith dhuinn ar fiachan,
amhail a mhaitheas sinne dar luchd-fiach.
Agus na leig ann am buaireadh sinn;
ach saor sinn o olc:
oir is leatsa an rioghachd,
agus an cumhachd,
agus a ghloir,
gu siorraidh. Aimen.