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[Tanith Lee]    [Douglas Adams]  [Emily Dickinson]  [Winnie-the-Pooh]  [in Latin]  [Lyrics]  [Quotes]

1.Women matter as much as men do
2.Women have the right to determine their lives
3.Women's experiences matter
4.Women have the right to tell the truth about their experiences
5.Women deserve more of whatever it is they are not getting enough of because they are women: respect, self-respect, education, safety, health, representation, money.
--Naomi Wolf; Fire With Fire
Feminism as spelled out in media-generated images and on actual women's bodies won't have accomplished much until it embraces a flexible attitude toward shape as a woman passes through the stages of her life. Whether it's teen-age chub or middle-aged thickening, all bodies need to be allowed to dwell in the world with grace. Real "girl power" - not the narcissistic, imperious kind - would renounce the female self-hatred that creates intolerance.
-Katherine Dieckmann  
“It hurts so much!” said the little mermaid.
“Yes, you must suffer a bit to look pretty!” said the old queen.

-The Little Mermaid; Hans Christian Anderson

We all have our own kind of life to pursue,
Our own kind of dream to be weaving...
And we all have the power to make wishes come true
As long as we keep on believing.
~ Louisa May Alcott
And here is the danger: even though girls know that happiness in marriage is at best a fifty-fifty proposition, the intoxication of approval and recognition is so heady and so addictive that they will often pursue what they suspect to be a losing battle, at the expense of other opportunities for education and employment. The Little Mermaid is ideologically pernicious in that it does not question the severe limitations on female options, the means by which they can obtain satisfaction in the world, or provide a way out of the desperate need for male approval upon which the mermaid’s search is based.
-Susan White; Split Skins
"Women must understand that simply attacking or hating all men is just another form of disempowerment. A woman has to realize that when she makes a man crawl it doesn't give her power. All it will do is make her puke eventually. Rather than say "all men are bastards" let's say "all men are infants, until they decide to be men." Calling them bastards is boring at this stage."

-Tori Amos 

Female masochism [pleasure in sacrifice; “submission”] involves a triumphant conquering of pain, physical and psychological, which “assures” the woman of approval from the idealized man.
-Susan White; Split Skins
"Women should try to increase their size rather than decrease it, because I believe the bigger we are, the more space we'll take up, and the more well have to be reckoned with. I think every woman should be fat like me."
— Roseanne
Because women have let the false images stand as out representatives, we have falsified ourselves, diminished ourselves, chosen to divide ourselves and exist in a hopeless, endless stasis, unable either to act truly or to be ourselves in freedom and enjoyment. What can we do? We must change our image instead of merely withdrawing inside it and denying that it represents the self.
-Elizabeth Janeway
Visual prejudice has caused world wars, mutilation, hostility, and alienation generated by fear of “the others.” Self-hatred is an economic necessity, a capitalistic, totalitarian, religious invention used to control the masses through the denial of the importance of a body language, which is replaced by a work ethic devised to establish a slavery of the mind burdened by that awful albatross- the body… The soul struggling to become free…the ultimate gift being death.
Why don't you give me a call when you decide you're willing to fight for what you think is real, for what you think is right
~ Ani DiFranco; "Willing to Fight"

It [courage] is rarely reckless or foolish.
- Margaret Truman

To write our dreams into action, give voice to our visions and tongues.   - Kitty Tsui

Your silence will not protect you.
- Audre Lorde

We refused to be what you wanted us to be. We are what we are. That's the way it's going to be.      -Bob Marley

It's the mind that makes the body.
-Sojourner Truth

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Open your eyes and look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living?

The only queer people are those who do not love anybody.    – Rita Mae Brown 

Change cannot change love nor time impair, for love is more than a is a decision; a commitment to care forever.

The way I see it, hard times aren't only about money, or drought, or dust. Hard times are about losing spirit, and hope, and what happens when dreams dry up.
-Karen Hesse; “Out of the Dust"

Do you know how few creative people are left in this world? So many conformists and imitators...Original. It's very rare.
~Robin Jones Gunn; Waterfalls

Originality does not consist in saying what no one has ever said before, but in saying exactly what you think yourself.
~James Stephen

  ...watching...always seeking...always longing to be loved for just being who she was...
- Jane Kirkpatrick; "Love to Water My Soul"

“You can’t turn over your life to someone else, letting him tell you what to do, letting someone else decide your life for you! Don’t you see that?    ….You’re a beautiful girl with your whole life ahead. You still have choices. It’s a sin not to find out for yourself who you are, what you can do. I wish somebody had told me that when I was young. Your first allegiance is to yourself- now, when you are young and have the chance. Sometimes, later in life you’re not free…Circumstances…they- take over. They get you. Where’s the freedom then, I’d like to know?”
-Jan Slepian; Something Beyond Paradise

"A beautiful lady is an accident of nature. A beautiful old lady is a work of art."
- Louis Nicer

If you were in love, you took what you could get and gave all you were allowed to give for as long as you could manage.
-Sophie Weston;"More Than A Millionaire"

"Things are pretty, graceful, rich, elegant, handsome, but, until they speak to the imagination, not yet beautiful."
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

For Marlene Dietrich, commenting on seeing herself in "The Blue Angel" on television, it was an ironic sense of pleasure. "I looked at my face on the television screen, and I remember how every tooth was capped, how every inch of skin on that face and neck was dyed and shaped, and in spite of knowing that, I sit back and say to myself, 'That is still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life.'"

For others, beautiful thinghood becomes an affliction; the image of self stirs painful feelings of inadequacy. Singer/actress Lanie Kazan spoke revealingly of a seven-year period of crisis, during which she fell victim to the corroding influence of her own publicity photos. Haunted by her inability to live up to, or embody, the air-brushed perfection of the image, she became house bound. "I went to bed in 1969," she related, "and I didn't get up until 1976.... I would not come out until I looked like my photograph."
— "All Consuming Images: The Politics of Style in Contemporary Culture," by Stuart Ewen

"The most common error made in matters of appearance is the belief that one should   disdain the superficial and let the true beauty of one's soul shine through. If there are places on your body where this is a possibility, you are not attractive -- you are leaking.
— Fran Lebowitz
“It’s about taking a stand, not being pushed around, pressured or maneuvered. I might not be a high roller, …but I’m ready to play my hand.”
– Nora Roberts; The Winning Hand
"Where shall we see a better daughter or a kinder sister or a truer friend?"
-Jane Austen; Emma

"We can't become what we need to be by remaining what we are."
- Oprah Winfrey

"I expect that Woman will be the last thing civilized by Man."
- George Meredith

"Plant your own garden - don't wait for someone to bring you flowers." 

Hopes and dreams and the possibility of it all.

Dare to believe, dare to dream.

Manifest divine thought and intention.

You can stay in one place and still grow.
- Karen Hesse;  "Out of the Dust"

Follow your bliss.

Dwell in possibility.          –Emily Dickinson 

Dance as though no one is watching you,
Love as though you have never been hurt before,
Sing as though no one can hear you,
Live as though heaven is on earth.

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?

Sometimes you have to stand alone to make sure you still can.

"In the Primordial age, woman was once the sun "      - Raicho Hiratsuk; Japanese poet

The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for whites, or women created for men.
~ Alice Walker

"I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want -- an adorable pancreas?"
— Jean Kerr

(a message on an e-Board from a woman commenting on how much she enjoys her singles life, yet her desire for a Prince Charming)“…As long as he realizes that if we do get married, he has to live across the street.” –rubie60

If it has testicles or tires, it is bound to give you trouble!

No lover is worth your tears, and the one that is will never make you cry.

"No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow. " - Alice Walker

All of Hell's fury hath no equal to that of a woman scorned, and boy! Have I had a b*#ch of a day....

 “...I counted myself so plain, so poorly made, no honest love could come to me! ...I never knew how I should say my love. ...I never knew such goodness in the world.”
-Elizabeth Proctor; The Crucible, Act IV; Arthur Miller

I know God won’t give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish he didn’t trust me so much.
– Mother Theresa

"Women have had the power of naming stolen from us. We have not been free to use our own power to name ourselves, the world, or God."  - Mary Daly

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.   -Eleanor Roosevelt

Peace is always beautiful.  -Walt Whitman

Be the inferior of no man, nor of any man be the superior. Remember that every man is a variation of yourself.
-William Saroyan
"The soul is born old but grows young. That is the comedy of life. And the body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy."
— "A Woman of No Importance," by Oscar Wilde, 1894
There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love.
-Sophia Loren
"When will you learn that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage."
-Practical Magic
Don't worry about developing laugh lines on your face. You're going to get some wrinkles no matter what you do, be it frowning or squinting or laughing. And specialists like Karen Burke, M.D., Ph.D., a dermatologist in private practice in NYC, say "positive" wrinkles, like laugh lines, give your face some character — just as frown-faced women can develop creases that make them look perpetually glum.
— "Age Erasers for Women: Actions You Can Take Right Now to Look Younger and Feel Great," Prevention Magazine Health Books, Editor (Rodale Center for Women's Health, 1997)
The good-looking compare themselves with the even better-looking, the rich with the even richer. Automatically running after what you don't have (yet) may give you a competitive edge, but taken to unreasonable extremes, it can lead to lack of self-acceptance and lack of joy . The key to happiness is being able to occasionally override the more-is-better attitude and appreciate and feel gratitude for what you have.
— "Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty," by Nancy Etcoff
The high status of beauty is one reason why it is a subject fraught with such heated emotions. Didn't democratic societies ban the aristocracy and level the playing field? Perhaps this is also why we are so easily persuaded by the idea that beauty is attainable through the usual democratic means -- hard work and money. If it confers elite status, then we must make it an elitism based on effort and achievement, not a priori advantage.
—"Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty," by Nancy Etcoff
Wisdom knows and research confirms that people who feel themselves to be attractive are correspondingly rated by others as being attractive. A happy confidence in our ability to attract others has the benefit of making us appear more relaxed and therefore facially more youthful; it allows us to smile a natural symmetrical smile, and helps us to respond more positively to feedback from others.
— "The Secrets of Sexual Body Language," by Martin Lloyd-Elliott
In Brazil there are more Avon ladies than members of the army. In the United States more money is spent on beauty than on education or social services. Tons of makeup--1,484 tubes of lipstick and 2,055 jars of skincare products--are sold every minute.
—"Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty," by Nancy Etcoff
Why doesn't beauty, that brings so many advantages, bring more happiness? [Psychologists Ed] Diener and [David] Myers believe that happiness has more to do with personal qualities such as optimism, a sense of personal control, self-esteem, ability to tolerate frustration, and feelings of comfort with and affection for people than with looks or money.
— "Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty," by Nancy Etcoff
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