Final Settlement of the Estate of David Thomas

State of South Carolina-Chester County
James M. Kirkpatrick
Gar of David Thomas


Recorded in "Guardian Returns"
Book "E" page 267

Final Return of James M. Kirkpatrick Adm Cum Testiments Annexo of the Estate of David Thomas to the Amt on hand 1875 Jul 5th

March 1875 To W. A. Sanders for the C.C. Blount County AL $5.00
July 5 By cash to J. L. Albrights $2.00
"""" 8 By cash to Hamilton Sanders $62.62
"""" 9 By cash to J. C. Hardin $9. 50
"""" 9 By cash to john Dicky $26.50
Dec 11 By cash to S. J. Couch $6.50
""" 18 By cash to W. A. Sanders $10.00 $121.12-$2.09
Jan 29 1877 Bal due Adm $129.12
"" "" "" "" By cash paid C. C. McCoy desk
Acting J P CC $10.00
Total $129.12

State of South Carolina-Chester County

Personally appears James M. Kirkpatrick Adm. cum Testamento annexo of the Estate of David Thomas deceased, who being duly sworn says that the foregoing item is just & true--
Sworn and offered this 15th Dec 1877

J. M. Kirkpatrick

C. C. McCoy

Clerk C.C. and Acting P. J. C. C.

South Carolina
Chester County

In the Probate Court
By the Hon. C. C. McCoy Clerk of the Circuit Court and Acting Probate Judge for the State & County aforesaid.
To all where these presents shall come Greetings: --
Whereas, at the term 1876 of the Court of Probate for Chester County on this __day of December in the year Anno Domini 1876, the petition of James M. Kirkpatrick Adm of the estate of David Thomas Dec'd [late] of Chester County was presented setting forth that the duties of said Administrator had been fully discharged & praying to be released from the same and
Whereas the said James M. Kirkpatrick has complied with the Act of the General Assembly enacted on the 26th March 1869 & published in comformity to law for at least one month on Citation calling upon all personal concerns to show cause on or before the 29th day of January why said application should not be granted
And whereas, said citation has been published in the "Chester Reporter" a public Gazette of this State for the space of one month, and no cause being shown against the said application, & if appearing from an examination of the situation of the affairs of the said estate that the petition has faithfully and honestly discharged the trust and confidence reposed in him.
Then know all men by these presents that James M. Kirkpatrick is free henceforth & forever discharged from all liability as Administrator as aforesaid.
Witness Hon C. C. McCoy acting Judge of Probate the 29 of January in the year Anno Domini 1879

CC McCoy

clerk CC & acting Probate Judge

Recorded in Letter Book No. 3 Page 158


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