Carolina Observer
Fayetteville, N.C.
Found at North Carolina State Archives

15 Jul 1830


A number of the citizens of Richmond and Montgomery Counties assembled at the store of John Dockery, Esq., on Satuerday, the 3d inst. for the purpose of celebrating the 54th anniversary of the American Independence; amd according to previous arrangement, Stephen W. Cole read the Declaration of Independence; and John Dockery, Esq. delivered an Oration. After the conclusion of his remamrks, Capt. David A. Covington succeeded him on the subject of Intem,perance; and Robert I Powell on Agriculture. After the conclusion of their speeches, the company marched in procession to Mr. Dockery's, where they partook of an excellent dinner. After the cloth was removed, the following select Toasts were read by the Marshal of the Day, D. A. Covington:

1. The Day we celebrate: May its annual returns still continue to serve as a stimulus to every American Breast.
2. "Our Country, our whole Country, and nothing but our country".
3. The Little River Debating Society: The members of which compose a respectable part of this Assembly: May it tend to the political, scientifical, and moral edification of its members.
4. May we scorn the idea of disunion, if other means can be adopted to exonerate us from those oppressive, burthensome, unjust, and unequal tariff laws.
5. The Prresident of the United States: May he in his official capacity continue to fulfil the expectations of his friends and dissapoint his enemies.
6. The father of our country, General George Washington; whose name is dear to every American breast.
7. Charles Carroll of Carrollton: The only remaining signer of the Declaration of Independence, may his benevolent mind and patriotic heart ever e an example of American Independence.
8. His Excellency, John Owen: Whose mind is enriched with all the truths of virtue, and adorned with al the graces of literature.


By John Dockery. The purity of the present administration: May it shine with that effulgent splenour which it justly merits.
By M. D. Floyd. The State of North Carolina, one of the thirteen colonies, the first to declare herself independent.
By Alex. Pitman. Our Country: May all her ways be ways of pleasantness, and all her paths, paths of peace.
By Nathan Beverly. Lafayette: Ardent in all his designs, bold in his actions, and ever ready to defend the cause of liberty.
By James Allen, Esq. The memory of our Washington: A theme which causes tyrants and freeman to weep --the former that he lived --the latter that he ever died.
By Stephen W. Cole, Esq. The Orator of the DAy: A conspicuous member of the Little River Debating Society, may his brilliant talents and unrivaled oratory, ever be the specimen of that infant society.
By Capt. D. A. Covington: Edmund Deberry, Esq: May his natural endowments, and wisdom in politicsm ever be a specimen of the productions of Montgomery county.
By Col. J. Dargan. The present Tariff: May it be so modified as to produce that harmony amongst the States which prevailed under the Tariff of 1824.
By Robert I. Powell Agriculture: The great art on which the foundation of individual happiness and national prosperity must rely for support.
By Capt. Robert Ussery. The old Hickory: The boughs of which serve best for a rod to correct, and scourge the nations which impose on our liberty. It is the most permanent of wood in our country, and is best calculated for an Axle for the wheels of our government to turn upon.
By Robert I. Raiford The survivors of the Revolution, who fought and bled in defiance of their country, and acquired therby a free, happy, and independent republic for their successors --may Congree speedily adopt some measure to remunerate them for their patriotism.
By Cornelious Robinson, Esq. Major John A. Cameron: May he fill the office which his talents demand.
By Wm. P. Robinson The Tariff: May it be so modified as not to cause disunion between the North and the South. "United we stand, Divided we fall."
By Isham A. Dumas, Esq. American Manufacturers: May they, like American religion, support, defend, and protect themselves.
By Mastin Ussery, Esq. E. J. Hale: The distinguished and impartial editor of the Fayetteville Observer.
By Joseph Gadd. The memory of Washington, Marion, and DeKalb.
By Dr. J. E. Dumas. Dewitt Clinton, whose will was the promotion of public interest: May his name long be remembered, and his workes imitated.


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