State of North Carolina
Anson County

In the Probate Court

The application of Jno. Tyson Jr. for Letters of administration on the Estate of Elizabeth Thomas decd respectfully represents
1st That the said Elizabeth Thomas died in Anson County North Carolina about the day of June 1877 interstate
2nd That the applicant asks Letters of admistration on the Said Estate in Virtue of a -- ? -- in his favor made by John Thomas a son of the said intestate and Joseph Williams a son in Law of said Intestate which said --?-- is hereto annexed marked Exhibit "A"
3rd The personal estate of the said Intestate consisted of the following property Household and Kitchen Furniture to the Value of about seventy five two mules worth sixty dollars (they are both very old) Three head of cattle worth twenty dollars one old wagon Old set of Black Smith tools and some farming tools worth twenty Dollars --some twelve or fifteen bushels of wheat worth about as many Dollars about thirty Dollars worth of Seed cotton fifty Dollars worth of corn and fodder about three Hundred Dollars in Cash and some other property worth about forty Dollars also two notes supposed to be good worth $100
4 She left her surviving the following children
Jno Thomas, who lives near Burnsville NC
Sarah wife of Joseph Williams who lives near Burnsville
Also the following Grandchildren ---William Thomas, James Thomas, Joseph Thomas and Jacob Thomas and Benjamin Thomas who live in Anson County --also Malissa who married Robert Atkinson who resides near the line of Union and Anson Counties --also Henry Thomas who is about eighteen years Ellen Thomas who is not far from the same age. These two have no Guardians and live in Anson County --These are the children of Green Thomas.
also Mary wife of Alfred Nance Sarah wife of Wilson Baucom who lives in Anson County. Martha wife of James Alfred Edwards --Amos Thomas, Joseph Thomas, Benjamin Thomas, James Thomas, Jane Thomas, Ellen Thomas--also Clebourne Baucom son of Clementine Thomas who married ________Baucom. The said Baucom and wife both being dead said Cleborne is under age ---all these reside in the neighborhood--
Jacob Biggers Viny Biggers Matilda wife of Henry Baucom Saphronia wife of Frank Pritchett-- These reside in Anson County or part over in Union--
also Louisa Tolson wife of George Tolson also_____Biggers who married _______Tolson both of whom are dead, leaving a son named Sandy underage and without Guardian. These parties now live in Arkansas.
Sworn to and subscribed
before me November 1st
1877 John C McLauchlin
Judge of Probate
Jno. Tyson

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