Jonah Love’s Will

In the name of God
I Jonah Love of the County of Stanly and State of North Carolina being far advanced in years yet of sound disposing mind & memory and calling to mind my mortality serman being that it is appointed unto all men once to die, do make publish & declare constitute this paper instrument of writing to be my last will and testament in manner & form following, to wit I devise my body to be buried in a decent & Christian like manner with suitable tombstones erected at my grave.

1st I will that all my just debts be paid of out of my estate.

2nd I will and bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary, a small Negro girl Evi Rosanah and one Negro woman named Poly and her increase to be hers and at her disposal.

3rd I will and bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary the free use of ________ and cultivating all my lands and at her death or marriage Then my lands to be disposed of among my three sons [as] hereafter directed.

4th I will and bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary during the term of her natural life all of my household and kitchen furniture all my farming utensils of every description one road wagon and everything thereunto belonging all of my stock of hogs horses cattle and sheep One set of Blacksmith tools Thrishing Machine one wind mill and I wish it expressly understood that or sooner if she so directs – that all the property willed to her in this clause be sold and the monys arising from the proceeds of the sale be equally divided between all my sons & daughters.

5th I will and bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary during the term of her natural life or widowhood the following slaves & their increasee. Viz: Charlottte & Suck Adam Enoch Omy Tamar D_______ Alphonso Richard & Sol. I wish it fully understood that at my wife’s death or marriage or sooner if she so directs that all the slaves willed in this clause together with their increase be sold and the money arising from the proceeds of the sale to be equally divided between all my daughters being eight in number.

6th I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary all the moneys, notes & accounts to be at her disposal and all other property not willed to be at her disposal

7th I will and bequeath unto my daughter Martha Petrea one Negro girl named Ibby and child Joanna and her increase which is now in her possession.

8thI will and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Taylor one Negro girl named Sylvy now in her possession with her increase

9th I will and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Petrea one Negro girl named Bilber now in her possession with her increases

10th I will & bequeath unto my daughter Margaret Little one Negro girl now in her possession named Polly and her increase

11th I will & bequeath unto my daughter Nancy Little, one Negro girl now in her possession named Eva and her increase.

12th I will and bequeath unto my son John Asbury, one Negro man named Wesley, one boy named Ephraim, one boy named Daniel, one woman named Elizabeth, one girl named Martha, one girl named Elvinia, and one boy Josiah and all their increase.

13th I will and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Hartwell one Negro girl named Sarah and her increase.

14th I will and bequeath unto my son Michael Garmon one tract of land lying on the Camp Branch containing two hundred and eight acres known as the Lewis Tucker tract, also one Negro man named Wilson, one boy named Joseph, one boy named Harrison, one boy named Andy, one girl named Leah, one girl named Luoda, & all their increase.

15th I will &bequeath to my daughter Hester Hartsell one Negro girl now in her possession named Julia Ann and her increase.

16th I will & bequeath unto my son Jonah Askew one Negro boy named Hedy one woman Mary, one boy named Jacob, one girl named Lucy one boy named Samson, with all their increase.

17th I will and bequeath unto my son James Wade, one Negro man named George, one boy named Jack, one girl named Nancy, one girl named Margaret, one boy named Enoch, with all their increase.

18th I will and bequeath unto my daughter Malinda Mann one Negro named Lydia, and her increase.

19th I will and devise that all my lands except the Lewis Tucker place after my wife’s death of marriage, to be put into two lots by three freeholders chosen by my Executor, and divided between my sons Jonah Askew and James Wade and it is my will that Jonah Askew have the upper land and James Wade the lower out of the lands giving James forty acres more of the land than Jonah [and] neither of them pay any bond.

20th I hereby nominate constitute and appoint my son Michael G. Love and my friend Thomas J. Shinn Executors.

21st I hereby revoke and set aside all former wills made by me and constitute this my only true will and testament signed sealed and executed this 23rd day of March, A. D. 1859
in the presence of

C. C. Love
Duncan Tucker
A. Hunnycutt

Jonah Love (Seal)