The State of NC Union County
November the 8the 1860

I Ananias Thomas Sn of Said County being Infirme in body but Sound in mind and memory and knowing the uncertainty of my Earthly Existence knowing that all men have to depart this life. I do hearby maik my last will and testament and do hearby dispose of all my property booth real and personal that I have in my possesion of may have At my deth. that is to Say I will to my wife Sarah Thomas all my land on wich I live now at this time and all of my houses and all of my furnity belonging therin to and Stock of kinds that may be own hand at my dethe and all of my nots and accounts that may be on hand at my dethe and also all of the crop of all kinds and the provisions that may or Shall be on hand. if I am in debt at my deth I will for them to be paid out of Said Astate. Now the abov will is She that is to Say my wife Sarah Thomas is to hav the above wiled property To hav and to hold as her own lawful property free from all claims to liv ouppon her lif time and dispose of it at her deth in the way She wishes to as I hav giv to all my chilldren all that I hav for them. I also apoint my Excutors that is to Say my wife Sarah Thomas and E. L. Davis

Test Wm. A. Gaddy
Test D T. Gaddy

Annanias Thomas Seal


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