State of South Carolina
County of Chester

In the name of God Amen. I, Isaac M. Brakefield of the County and State aforesaid, being of sound and disposing mind and memory and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs whilst I have the strength and capacity, do make and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me heretofore made:
First. I will and devise to my son John Brakefield all of my interest in the plantation or tract of land known as the Atkinson place, purchased by me from James Atkinson, also my Yarborough place, upon which John Brakefield now resides, and a small triangular piece of land adjoining the Yarborough place, containing seven acres more or less, and separated from the body of my Home place by a line run from a stake corner, near road, on the Covins land directly to a Post Oak corner on the Omelveney lands (reference being had to a plat of the premises made by W. J. Lucas) to the said John Brakefield his heirs and assigns forever.
Second. I will and devise to my son Alexander Brakefield, in fee simple, the plantation or tract of land known as the Lucas place, upon which he now resides, purchased by me from Peter Lucas. Third. I will and devise to my son Thomas Brakefield, during the natural life of my wife Sarah Brakefield, that portion of my Home Place, which lies South or nearly South of a line run from the point where my Spring Branch intersects my line on the Lee land directly to the point where the Mill Road enters the Church Road and thence in the same direction to my line on the Hollis land, reference being had to the plat aforesaid.
Fourth. I will and devise to my beloved wife Sarah Brakefield, during her natural life, and in lieu of all rights and claim of dower on her part on my real estate, all the rest and residue of my lands not herein before disposed of.
Fifth. I will and devise, at the death of Sarah Brakefield, that portion of my real estate, which was devised to her and to Thomas Brakefield during the natural life of the said Sarah Brakefield, to John Brakefield, Alexander Brakefield and Thomas Brakefield in fee simple and in the following proportions, to wit, to my son John Brakefield eighty three - three hundred and one (83/301) parts thereof, to my son Alexander Brakefield fifty four - three hundred and one (54/301) parts thereof and to my son Thomas Brakefield one hundred and sixty four - three hundred and one (164/301) parts thereof.
Sixth. I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah Brakefield, during her natural life, all of my personal property of every description and at her death I direct the same to be sold and the proceeds equally divided between my children John Brakefield, Alexander Brakefield, Thomas Brakefield, Richard Brakefield, Mary Brakefield, Adeline Revels and Nancy Revels.
Seventh. I do hereby nominate and appoint Adolphus E. Carroll as executor of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the eleventh day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy eight.

Isaac M X Brakefield (SEAL)
Signed, Sealed published and declared by the above named Isaac M. Brakefield as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witness thereto the words “of land” in the first page interlined before signing--

F. B. Lloyd
Jno S. Withers
N. M. Grant


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