Cove Creek Cemetery

Catherine Pless
Daughter of Peter Pless

Born ca. 1810, Catherine Pless is the daughter of Peter and Elizabeth Boger Pless. She was likely born in Cabarrus County NC. Catherine married George Henry Teeter in 1841 Pope County Arkansas. This was the second marriage for George Teeter. Before delving into the life of Catherine Pless, let us set the stage with a quick glance into prior records pertaining to George Teeter.

Born ca. 1810, George H. Teeter is the son of Peter and Elizabeth Dry Teeter. They married 25 Mar 1809 in Cabarrus County NC. During the 1830’s, deed and Secretary of State Land Grant records indicate Peter Teeter and our Peter Pless were friends who seemingly purchased land in partnership. These families also worshiped together at flat Rock Lutheran Church just north of present day Stanfield in now Stanly County. Along with members of the Pless family the following Teeter family members appear on a broken roll ca. 1834-1845. They are: Prudy Teeter, John E. Teeter, George Teeter, G. H. Teeter, Martin A. Teeter, Prudy Teeter, Catherine Teeter, Liza Teeter, Elizabeth Teeter, Sarah Teeter, Caroline Teeter, John Teeter, Paul Teeter, and Peter Teeter and Archibald Teeter. Dated _____, George H. Teeter married first Elizabeth Petray. She is the daughter of John Jacob and Catherine Carriker Petray. Dated 25 Aug 1837, Peter sold to his son George for $1000, two tracts of land (14-196, Cabarrus County NC) on the east side of Rocky River. “Excluding 34 acres which is attached to the Mill Fist Tract” metes and bounds for the first tract of 80 was otherwise nondescript. The second tract of 100 acres adjoined Turner’s Branch and that owned by George H. Teeter. Then dated 17 Aug 1839, George H. Teeter sold 167 acres along Meadow Creek to John Reed. Timothy Reed and Sam’l C. Klutts witnessed the transaction. This deed marks the removal of Peter Teeter and family to Pope County Arkansas. Others who made the journey were George’s father-in-law Jacob Petray, and the family of Peter Teeter’s good friend Peter Pless.

Making the great journey across our American wilderness, this loose knit band of pioneers settled north of the Arkansas River under the protective flanks of Crow Mountain. Located in Pope County between present day Pottsville and Gum Log, the lands lie just east of Russellville. George’s wife Elizabeth Petray died in route or shortly after arriving in Arkansas. As dated 25 Feb 1841, George Teeter married second Catherine Pless in Pope County. Four years later, Elizabeth Petray Teeter’s father Jacob also died. Dated 16 Oct 1845, the loose estate papers for Jacob Petray read in part:

“. . . that the deceased [Jacob Petray] died without a will and that he has left six heirs to wit: Daniel D. Petray, George W. Petray, Sarah Teeter wife of Martin A. Teeter, Mary McEver wife of Brice McEver, & Prudy Catherine Teeter, Malinda Elizabeth Teeter, James Teeter, Martha Teeter, the children of Elizabeth Teeter deceased formerly Elizabeth Petray and John Jefferson Darnel child & heir of Susan Darnel formerly Susan Petray.”

The children of George Henry and Elizabeth Teeter are:

A. Malinda “Lindsey J.” Teeter Born ca. 1833, Lindsey J. Teeter married 7 Jul 1853 John K. Clevinger at the home of her father George Teeter.
B. Prudy Teeter Prudy died and was buried in 1850 at Cove Creek Cemetery.
C. James Teeter Born ca. 1836, James Teeter appears in the 1850 census.
D. Martha “Matildy” Teeter Born ca. 1838, Martha Matilda Teeter married 29 Apr 1855 A. Campbell at the residence of John R. Clevinger.


At some point in the 1840’s, Catherine’s father Peter Pless returned to Stanly County NC. Catherine, her husband George H. Teeter, and members of his family remained in Pope County. Catherine’s brother Charley also remained and her younger brother John Adam journeyed back from North Carolina in the late 1850’s. The 1850 Pope County census enumerates the Teeter family as:

1850 Pope County, Arkansas

40 George H. Teeter NC
40 Catherine NC
17 Malinda NC
14 James NC
12 Martha NC
06 Issabella ARK
04 Priscilla ARK
02 Allen ARK

This record confirms both the death of Elizabeth and George’s second marriage to Catherine Pless. Comparing to the known heirs listed in the estate of Elizabeth’s father, we also see that Catherine has given birth to three children of her own.

George H. and wife Catherine Teeter sold to Samuel M. Robinson 40 acres north of present day Pottsville in the Cove Creek community. And then dated 14 Mar 1857, G. H. Teeter and wife sold to Charley Pless 160 acres (F-207, Pope County AR) in the same area. Hugh Taylor and Brice McEver witnessed the transaction. And then back in North Carolina, Catherine’s father wrote his last will and testament in 1854 and later died 25 Feb 1858 in Stanly County. In the will, he bequeaths the following:

Item. I give and devise to my daughter Catherine, all that tract of land in the state of Arkansas, being in Pope County on Arkansas River containing eighty acres to have and to hold to her, and her bodily heirs in fee simple forever.
Soon after, a deed filed in Pope County AR and certified by the clerk of court for Stanly County NC indicates Peter’s wishes were fulfilled. Dated 7 Dec 1859, and as executor of the estate, Catherine’s brother John Adam Pless deeded over 80 acres (K-305, Pope County AR) to George H. Teeter and wife Catherine. Being in Sec. 3 in Twp 6 North of Range 20 West, this appears to be among the earliest settled land in Holla Bend situated near the bank of the river.

At the foot of Crow Mountain, the community of Cove Creek built a school hose in 1849. The building also served as meetinghouse until a Methodist Church was later built a few miles south in Pottsville. Land surrounding Cove Creek school also became the burying ground for the first settlers. Died 1859 and born in 1787, a simple carved slate marks the resting place of “Ane Liza Teeter.” The wife of Peter Teeter, this indicates he must also be buried at Cove Creek. The only other marker in the name Teeter is that for Miss Kattie Prudy Teeter. She died in 1850 and her marked grave may be the earliest known in the county. Laura L. Shull wrote a wonderful article about the cemetery stating:

The first person buried in the cemetery was Miss Prudy Teeter, daughter of George and Katie Teeter, who died in 1850. The grave is near the front of the cemetery marked only by a field stone.”
Looking back at the estate of Jacob Petray, we know Prudy is the daughter of George and first wife Elizabeth Petray Teeter.

The children of George Henry and Catherine Pless Teeter are:

A. Isabella Teeter Born ca. 1843, Isabella is enumerated in 1850 with her parents. Dated 3 Jun 1856, a 15 year-old “Elizabeth Teeter” was married to William Kendrick. Taking place at the home of George H. Teeter, this may be Isabella.
B. Priscilla Teeter Born ca. 1846, Priscilla is enumerated in 1850 living with her parents.
C. Allen Teeter Born ca. 1848, Allen is enumerated in 1850 with his parents.


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