Concord Nov 5th 1844
Your Honorable Excellency John M. Morehead

Dear Sir,

On Thursday the 4th day of Nov just there was a Jury of inquest held over the boday of Franklin Harrison the verdict of which, was that Harrison had come to his deth by a blow on the head with a stick and that a man by the name of John P.Crayton was the perpetuator of the deed. Crayton avoids the Law and it appears will be vary dicfficult to arrest he is stant built nere six feet high has red hair fair complection wore whiskers when he left - -- Spoke as though he was somewhat tongue tied dresses tolerable well had on when left a cloth coat and white furr hat he has been raised a Gold miner has laboured at the Reed mine in this county since a youth he is about thirty or thirty five years of age.

Yours Respectfully
N. White, Shff.

N B, the parties were all of Cabarrus County

C. N. W.

The undersigned citizens of Stanly County respectfully represents to your excellency that at the August term 1845 of Cabarrus County Superior Court John P. Crayton was convicted of the murder of one Franklin F. Harrison and is now in confinement awaiting the execution of the sentence of the law for that offence if is not the purpose of your petitioners to state the testimony submitted to the Jury on which the unhappy prisoner was convicted the facts of the case made for the Supreme Court by the Judge who presided at the trial and to which your petitioners would beg leave to refer your excellency the testimony as your petitioners believe establishes clearly that although the deceased reserved his death at the hands of the prisoner the act was committed under a sudden excitement of passion in which there was no element of malice that the fatal blow was not itself inflicted with a weapon the character of which was mistaken by the prisoner and that its effect was wholly undersigned and unexpected by him the manifestation of astonishment at the prostration of the deceased the immediate return of kindness the assistance offered to him and the sol solicitude for his recovery as your petitioners believe are wholly inconsistent with any idea of willfulness or premeditation in the offence or of deliberate malice towards the deceased . . .

Your petitioners so not arraigh the findings of the Jury or the charge of the Court under which their verdict was under the legal inference of malice is not as they believe inconsistent with the view of the testimony which they have taken and the conviction tho in conformity to the strict rule of law which implies malice from the nature of the transaction does not accord with the degree of its guilt in morals. Your petitioners therefore most respectfully represents to your excelency that this is a proper case for the interposition of the execution of clemency.

A. J. Morgan
C. Horne
W. Russell
F. Lacke
Wm. Simpson
Hough Parker
_ Hunnycutt
John Tucker
Henry Davis J. P.
E. Almond
James Gou__
Wm. M. Austin
H. Sides
D. Hearne
H. T. Mann
Henry Marshall Jr.
Miller W. Easley
Banner Peeples
Henry Edes
S. A. Mann
John Simpson
James Parker
Alexander T. G. Birmingham Sr.
Daniel Pliler
Thomas Marks
W. ____ Russell
Eben Hearne
M. _Waddill
James Hathcock
Green W. Burkhead
Jones Green
Monroe Creps
Bailey Smith
W Hilliad
Henry H. Milton
John S. Kirk.
J. P. Bumell
B. A. Handler
John Kimer
James R. Hamilton
Wm Howell
James D. Coleman
Jno. Stancel
Wm Foust
Wm. Blalock
Hny B. Carter
Charles Bird
Rowland Fo____
Daniel Moose
___ Little
Yo___ Kine
John J. Love
A. N. Hunneycutt
M. Furr J. P.
Jonah Love
James W. Love
Wm. A. Cagle
Thomas Mann
Samson Watts
George Honeycutt
Ransom Huneycutt
M. R. Eudy
J. T. Stone
Franklin Moss
H. R. Pritchard
Z. B. Little
J. Burris
B. L. Green
William Louder
S. F__a_ly
Edmd Plilade
A. C. Freeman
Noah J. Russell
Stanley A. Moss
G. _G. Shankle?
George M. Sides
Shepherd Lee
Noah A. Moss
Wm. A. Mann
Wm. H Steel
Jere Adderton
George Whitley
Edmunde B. Nash
David Austin
Simpson Hatley
E. W. Lilley
A. Lutzman
Jacob Austin
William Crowell
James Palmer
Mathias Smith
D. F. Crowell
Wm. Parker Sr.
Daniel Louder
James Parker
Saml. S. Stone
Lafayete Greene
Alex Brooks
B. G. Marshall
Thomas B. Sides?
Wiley Safley
Thomas Thompson
Isaac Simpson
Thomas Mauldin
Geo. F. Smith
A. J. Shankle
G. Redwine
J. P. Little
Michael Garman
John Drake
David Sossamon
Solomon Hartsell
James Harkey
Samuel Hinson
Casper Rosenkranz
Johanne Rosenkranz
Conrad Rosenkranz
G. Teeter
William B. Whitley
J. W. Honeycutt
Wesley Honeycutt


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