South Carolina
Chester District

In the name of God Amen. I David Thomas of the State and District aforesaid being feeble in body but sound in mind considering that my end approacheth have made this my Last Will and Testament.

In first place I Commend my Soul to God Who gave it and that my body be decently buried.
As to my Woldly Goods and effects I will and dispose of them in the manner following Viz.

In the first place I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary Thomas all my personal property to be used by her for the support of her and her children as she shall think proper during her life or widowhood I also Will and bequeath to my beloved Wife Mary Thomas my plantation containing one hundred and forty two acres During her life or widowhood In case she should Marry before my youngest child is twenty one years of age I will that my plantation be rented until that time. At which Time I will that my Land be Sold and equally divided between my four daughters and my son Martha Malinda Thomas, Elizer Thomas, Jane Thomas, Robert Thomas, and the child that she is now pregnent with if it shall live and I hearby appoint my beloved Wife Mary Thomas Executrix of this my Last Will Testament

In witness wherof I have herunto Set my hand and Seal this Twelfth day of November in the Year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and foryfour
Signed and sealed in the presents of


David (X) Thomas
G.B. Yarborough
J. T. Johnsey
William Thomas Johnsey

South Carolina
Chester District

In the court of ordinary Dec 1844

Personally comes J. T. Johnsey into open court who was conscribing duly sworn witness that he was present and saw David Thomas above named sign by making his mark seal publish pronounce and allow the above and foregoing writing to contain his the said David Thomas Last Wil and Testament and further Saieth that Said David Thomas was then of Disposing mind and memory to the best of this deponants knowledge and belief and further saieth that in this deponent with G. B Yarborough and William Thomas Johnsey did sign their names as witness thereto in the presence of each other and in the presence if the Testator and at his request
Sworn to and ? date above
Peter Wylie Ord

J. T. Johnsey

Chester District

January 2nd 1845
A true Inventory of the Goods and Chattles of David Thomas Decd.

Log chain 1.00
Lot of Plows, Stock 2. 75
Singletrees & Irons 00.00
Lot of toolss 2. 00
Lot of Sundries 1.00
Leather 00.75
Lot of Geering 1.00
Baskets 00.61/4
3 Axes wedge 7 mattock 2.00
Pot ware 3.00
Barrels 1.00
Lot of Cattle 10.00
Geese 1.50>
Lot of Hogs 12.25
Salt 2.00
Cotton 3.00
Lot corn 25.00
Shucks 00.50
Horse 5.00
Barrels & Cutting knife 1.00
Fodder 2.50
Oats 2.00
Tub and churn 1.00
Wheels and reel 3.00
Loom and Apparatus 2.00
Yallow 1.00
Lot of Sundries 1.50
Tables Box and trunk 4.00
Jug & Vinegar 00 37 1/2
Gun, Shot & Powder horn 1.25
water vessels 00.68 3/4
Clock and Glass 5.00
Cupboard & Furniture 6.00
Beds and stead 30.00
Cotton in the Seed 12.00
Cash in hand 5.00

Appraisers signed

Valentine Atkinson
James Sanders
James Meek
George Hardin


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