Carolina Observer
Fayetteville, N.C.
Found at North Carolina State Archives

13 Dec 1837
Memorial to Cornet Asa Faulkner

At a Battalion Court Martial, composed of the officers of the 14th Brigade North Carolina Cavalry, holden at Wadesborough on the 2nd day of December, 1837, on motion of Col. Wadill the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted.

It having been the will of the all-wise Governor of the universe to remove from amongst us our much esteemed fellow-soldier and brother officer, Cornet Asa Faulkner, of the Anson Dragoons, be it therefore.

Resolved, unanimously, That the officers of the 14th Brigade North Carolina Cavalry wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days, as a token of respect for the memory of our much esteemed brother, Cornet Faulkner.

Resolved further, That the above proceedings be entered on the records of this Court, and that they be sent to the Observer for publication.

C. G. WATKINS, Judge Advocate.


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