Carolina Observer
Fayetteville, N.C.
Found at North Carolina State Archives

21 Feb 1828


The Southern Review gives the following account of the first discovery of Gold in this State: "A young lad, a son of Mr. Reed, shooting with a bow and arrows at fish, in Meadow creek, struck a lump of gold, which, from the description given of it, must have weighed several ounces. Attracted by the its lustre, he picked it up and carried it home. His father, not more skilled in metals than the son, yet, thinking it might be valuable, wrapt it up, and put it away in one of the crevices of his rude habitation. Between the logs of his coarse dwelling it remained for three years, but business then accidentally calling Reed to Raleigh, his wife persuaded him to take that "lump of shining stuff" with him, and see if any one at Raleigh could tell him what it was. Reed applied in that town to a silversmith, who, as he said, gave him a trifle (_3) for it, but honestly told him it was gold and very pure.

Reed's discovery gave him much embarrassment, He was a Hessian by birth, one of the soldiers, we believe, whom the British brought over to this country in our Revolutionary war; honest, but unlearned. He became uneasy lest his neighbours might suspect and persecute him, as for illicit practices, if he should acquire sudden wealth. --When his apprehensions became known they were soon relieved and a small association was made up, consisting of Colonel Ffyfer, of Concord, Mr Love, a preacher, in the neighbourhood, and a brother-in-law of Reed's, whose name we have forgotten. These three were to find labourors, and dig for metal, allowing Reed one fourth of the ore they should obtain. The work, however, was prosecuted very feebly, although their success might, apparently, have justified great exertions."


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