The Green/Greene Family

I have viewed Gideon Green as the only and earliest known patriarch of the Green Family in Upper Anson County. Knowing that my ancestor was first known through his record as a chain bearer for Gideon Green's earliest land entry, I felt there might very well be a kindred connection. Seeking a "needle in the haystack" I sought to verify what was known and look beyond to other possibilities. Keep in mind that prior thinking began the story of Gideon Green with the following land records:
Grant #4324, Anson NC, to Gideon Green. Ent 15 Jun 1779, Sur 15 Jun 1779, Iss 11 Oct 1783. For 150 acres south of Rocky River and situated on both sides of Richardson's Creek. One of the lines of this survey follows the courses of Walnut Branch. Chainers were Salathiel Clifton and Benjamin Thomas.
Grant # 4629, Anson, to Gideon Green. Ent 15 Jun 1779, Sur 15 Jun 1779, Iss 14 Oct 1783. For 50 acres lying on the south side of Richardson's Creek. Chainers were Salathiel Clifton and Benjamin Thomas.
Nearly a half of a year earlier than the above entries, Gideon Green was listed in Anson County in a land transaction filed by "Jacob" Green. There also appeared to be a "Jacob" Thomas that received land prior to my Benjamin Thomas. Here are the earliest known land records for Jacob Thomas and Jacob Green:
Deed (7-379, Anson NC) 6 Dec 1778. Jacob Green purchased from John Culpepper, 100 acres on the south side of Rocky River just above the mouth of Reason's Branch. Witnesses were Jesse Gilbert and Gideon Green. Where is Reason's Branch?
Grant # 4451, Anson NC, to Jacob Thomas Ent 20 Apr 1779, Sur 14 Jun 1779, Iss 14 Oct 1783. Being 100 acres south of the Rocky River and on the south east side of Richardsons Creek. The Entry officer's Warrant mentioned the land adjoined "Hudsons" survey and included his improvements. The chain bearers were Iquiam Hudson and Thomas Gilbert.
Thinking the histories of the above Hudson, Gilbert, or Clifton might release new details on my ancestry, a good deal of time was spent looking in that direction. Links to this research can be found in the Neighborhood. As for the Green Family, let's take a further look at Gideon, Jacob, and other possible family members.


Gideon Green

From the 1800 census and her last will and testament, it is known that Gideon's wife was named Elizabeth. It is believed that Gideon Green married Elizabeth Anderson prior to locating in Anson County. This originates in the records of Chatham County NC in which the will of influential James Anderson mentions a daughter named Elizabeth Green. I have found no further verification.

Gideon did not live on the banks of Richardson's Creek very long. Dated 26 Oct 1785, he sold his 150-acre Grant # 4324 to Benjamin Thomas (H-214, Anson NC). Witnesses were Wm. Gurley and Charles Harrington. On 20 Sep 1787, Gideon Green of Montgomery County NC sold the 50-acre Grant # 4629 to Jacob Gurley (C2-484, Anson NC). Witnesses were Robin (Rollin?) Williams and James Gurley. In the 1790 Anson County Census, Gideon Green is listed as 2m-16/6m+16/4f. Living near him is Jacob Green 1m-16/1m+16/4f.

In May 1790, Gideon Green was listed in the North Carolina Revolutionary Army Accounts as receiving 8 shillings specie. Found in Vol. V, Page 38, and Folio 1, this was an an accounting of Clothing, Currency and Specie sent to New York by the Comtroller of Public Accots of the State of North Carolina. Benjamin Thomas and others in the county are listed near Gideon Green. This was not necessarily soldier's pay for active military service. The general accounting included payment for any food, supplies, or services acquired for the use and benefit of the Revolutionary Army.

Gideon was last recorded in the 1790 Anson County Census. As follows, in 1796, his wife Elizabeth received a land entry originating with Hugh Ross. Later transactions were made by Elizabeth in her own right. Descriptions of land refer to "Elizabeth's" lands. Here are the conveyances of Elizabeth Green:

Grant # 5221, Anson NC, to Elizabeth Green. Ent 18 Jul 1793, Sur 11 May 1796, Iss 10 Jul 1797. From the warrant, this entry originated with William Bryant who transfered the warrant to Hugh Ross as he witnessed on 11 May 1796. Hugh Ross transferred the warrant to Elizabeth Green on 11 May 1796. The survey is for 100 acres on both sides of Grassy Creek at its mouth. The chain bearers where John Green and Elathan Green.
Grant # 5268, Anson NC, to Elizabeth Green. Ent 18 Apr 1796, Sur 31 May 1797. The warrant was for 100 acres on both sides of Grassey Creek. The survey is for 100 acres beginning at the corner of her field, then to north west to the River bank at the beginning of a tract that includes her mill, then back to the beginning. The chainbearers were John Green and Hardy Green.
Grant # 5509, Anson NC, to Elizabeth Green. Ent 15 Apr 1799, Sur Dec 14 1799, Iss 14 Nov 1800. Being 100 acres on the Rocky River. The chain bearers were Jacob Green and Elnathan Green.

The listing of Elizabeth Green in the 1800 census marks the prior death of her husband Gideon Green. Dying after 1790, Gideon Green and family must have lived along Rocky River near Grassy Creek. Gideon's wife Elizabeth made her mark on the world and continued to serve the family. Dated 22 Dec 1812 and poved Oct 1834, Elizabeth Green sold to son Leonard Green 100 acres on the mouth of Grassy Creek (Z-33, Anson NC). The witnesses were Jesse Green and Hardy Green. Dated 2 Mar 1813 and prior to her death, Elizabeth purchased 100 acres on Rocky River from Jonathan Morgan ( 0-347, Anson NC). James Little and George Stogner, witnessed this transaction and would soon be with Elizabeth as she made out her last will and testament. Written in 1813, she mentioned children John, Etham, Jacob, Gideon, Leonard, Nathan, and Jesse. She also mentioned daughters Polly Morgan and Elizabeth Megehe. Her executor was "my well beloved Friend Jacob Green". A likely relative of Gideon Green, could this be the same person whose deed Gideon witnessed in 1778? Who is Jacob Green?


Jacob Green

Jacob Green was a contemporary of Gideon Green above. They were likely related. Dated 6 Dec 1778, Jacob Green purchased from John Culpepper, 100 acres (7-379, Anson NC) on the south side of Rocky River just above the mouth of Reason's Branch. Reasons Branch is located very close to Grassy Creek. Witnesses were Gideon Green and Jesse Gilbert. Note that this transaction connects Gideon and Jacob prior to Gideon's first known land entry. As follows, Jacob Green was involved in other land transactions:

Deed (_-14, Anson NC) 28 Feb 1782. Middleton Pool to Wm. Gurley, being 100 acres on the south side of Rocky River. Witnesses were Jacob Green and John Austin.
Grant #5816, Anson NC, to Jacob Green. Ent. 24 Jan 1799 Iss 14 Nov 1799. Being 100 acres on the Rocky River and Reasons Branch adjoining John Lauhorn lands. Chainbearers are Jacob Green Sr. and Jacob Green Junr
Grant # 5980, Anson NC, to Jacob Green. Ent 18 Apr 1796, Sur 31 May 1797, Iss 14 Dec 1811. Being 200 acres of land on Rocky River and Reason's Branch. Chainbearers are John Green and Hardy Green.
Grant # 5872, Anson NC, to Jacob Green. Ent 24 Jan 1799 Sur 8 May 1805, Iss 16 Dec 1806. Being 100 acres on the waters of Reasons Branch. Chain bearers are Elathan Green and Jesse Green.
Seeking the location of Reason's Branch and any connection to Gideon Green, I sought to trace some of the above lands. Here is what was found:
Deed (S-308, Anson NC) 27 Jul 1816, proved Jan 1819. Jacob Green to Hardy Green, both of Anson County. Being 61 acres on Reason's Branch adjoining Jacob Green land and being part of a 200-acre grant issued 1811. This was likely Grant # 5872. Witnesses were Wm Brooks and James Mullis.
Deed (U-6, Anson NC) 8 Jan 1820. Jacob Austin & Hardy Green, Adm. of the estate of Jacob Green Dec'd to Jonathan Austin for $100. Being 3 [three] acres on the south side of Rocky River and includes "the Hail Rose". This deed likely marks the death of Jacob Green who was a contemporary of Gideon Green.
Deed (U-35, Anson NC) 14 Nov 1819, proved 1822. Leonard Green to Jonathan Austin. Being 100 acres on the mouth of Grassey Creek and adjoining the river and Jacob Greens line. The witnesses were Jesse Barnett and Hardy Green.
Deed (Y-612, Anson NC) 13 Nov 1833. Hardy Green of Montgomery County NC to Peebles Hasty. Being sixty acres on Reason's Branch. This is likely Jacob Green Junr as listed on the early land grant. Witnesses were Jesse Barnette and Jacob Green.
Deed ( Z-31, Anson NC) 13 Nov 1833. Hardy Greene of Montgomery County NC to Peoples Hasty. Being 80 acres on both sides of Reason's Branch Witnesses were Jesse Barnett and Jacob Greene.
In 1810, Jacob Green was listed in the Montgomery County Census as: 4--11 / 1--1- / --8. Living near him were Gideon Green, Malichi Harward, Richard Greene and others. Jacob Green died prior to but ca. 1820, with Hardy Green and Jacob Austin acting as Administrators. Since Hardy was not listed in the will of Elizabeth Green, he is likely a son of Jacob Green. Was Jacob Austin related to Jacob Green? Still not finding the location of Reason's Branch, I sought to trace the conveyances further. Here is what I found:
Deed (1-236, Union NC) 22 Mar 1845. Commisioners of the Court to the heirs of Jonathan Austin, being a division of the estate of Jonathan Austin Dec'd.
Lot 1 Byant D. Austin, Known as the "Upper Mill Tract", being 185 acres passing by the old Jac Green corner to Leonard Green's line to near Grassy Creek and adjoining the Dower tract.
Lot 2 William Austin, Being 172 acres known as "the old place" and starting at Charles Dry & Smith Corner and adjoins Brooks Lawhorns Corner.
Lot 3 Ervin Lowthorp and wife Eliza, Being 119 acres, starting at the Concord Road and runs by the "called Hardy Green" corner then to the 150 acre tract and then to the Gurley Corner.
Lot 4 Daniel Turner and Permila, Being 125 acres adjoining Lot 3.
Lot 5 John W. Hoose and wife Mary, Being 113 acres adjoining lot 4 and Gurley land.
Lot 6 Standhope Austin, Being 22 acres adjoining lot 5 and Lucinda Cuthbertson's line.
Lot 8 Thomas Crowell and wife Margaret, Being 281/2 acres and beginning at lot 6 and joins Lucinda Cuthbertson's land.

Further divisions were made to balance the values of the lots. But note that the first lots adjoined Jac. Green's old corner and others joined Hardy Green land. And they were also situated near Grassy Creek.

Deed (2-7, Anson NC) 3 Jan 1848. Deberry Austin, John Wiley House and wife Mary, Irvin Lowthorp and wife Levine, to Drury Morgan of Stanly County. Being 165 acres beginning on the east side of Grassy Creek to a stake in the original corner, then east to Reason's Branch, then north to Rocky River then up the river and then to the mouth of Grassy Creek and then up the courses of the creek to the Beginning. Witnesses were Cullin Brooks and John F. Miller.

It appears that Reason's Branch entered the Rocky River just east of Grassy Creek in now Union County. Looking at a map, present-day Grassy Creek enters the Rocky River from the south side and between Love's Mill Road and Hwy-200. From the southeast, Morgan's Academy Road intersects Hwy-200 just before is crosses the Rocky River. Just to the north east of the river is Old Morgan's Academy. Reason's Branch must be the small stream entering Rocky River just to the east of Hwy-200. We now know that Jacob Green received land near "Morgan's Mill in 1778 before Gideon Green entered land on Richardson's Creek. It appears Gideon sold his land and joined Jacob ca. 1790. Is Jacob a son, brother or father of Gideon Green? If Jacob were very young and maybe 18 years old when he puchased land in 1778, then Gideon (if he were the father) would have been born ca. 1740. Note that Elizabeth Green named her "Beloved friend Jacob Green" as exeutor in her 1813 last will and testamnent. The 1790 Anson County Census lists Jacob a Jacob Green beside Gideon as 1m-16/1m+16/2f. In 1800 there are two Jacob Greens. The ages as listed in these families make me wonder if this was not a duplication of the same person? In 1800 the listing of Jacob Green was 11010 / 32010 living next to Elizabeth Green. And the other was 11010 / 32010 living near John Lohorn and Richd Austin Jr. Was this the same person that received land in 1778? What was the relation between Jacob Sr. and Jacob Jr. that were chain bearers in Grant #5861 above?

John Melcher owned a mill that spanned the Rocky River just below Mt. Pleasant in upper Cabarrus County. A prosperous bussiness man, John Melcher also operated a store that was situated in now Mt. Pleasant. Though more than twenty five miles to the north of now Union County NC, the purchased of many early settlers of early Anson can be found in the accounts of John Melcher. For instance, both the names of Jacob Gurley and Benjamin Thomas appear together in the ledger. Jacob Green is also listed in the ledger. The account of Jacob Green indicates that he was charged with the ballance of a note on Samuel Bonds. Jacob made purchases for Wm. Phillips and Joshua Williams. Also, the well researched John Hertzel paid part of Jacob Green's account. As will be later discussed, this one record provides valuable information in linking some of the early Green's who lived in the area.

A few other deeds realted to Jacob Green are as follows:

Deed (U-252, Anson NC) __ Apr 1823. Joseph Medley, sheriff of Anson to Edmond DeBerry of Montgomery. Sold due to executions by Zachariah McCurdy, Walter F. Burns, John Beard and others against Jonas Green. First tract: 50 acres on Mill Island and Panter Island including the mill in possession of said Green on Rocky River. Tract 2: being 150 acres on the south east of Culpepper's Spring Branch. Tract 3: being 50 acres on the bank of Rocky River. Tract 4: being 100 acres on the bank of the "thoroughfare" and adjoining Ballard and Turner land. Tract 5: being 100 acres on the west side of the river where Hudson's line of 100 acres crosses and adjoining McIntyre lands. The witnesses were G. Davison and Joshua Allen.
Deed (Z-363, Anson NC) 21 Dec 1836. John Greene of Barbour Co. GA, to Aaron Little. Being 350 acres known as the proprietors land vz. Cupples and Wrights and lying on both sides of Grassey Creek. The witnesses were Robt B. Biggers and W.. B. Jenkins.
Deed (Z-586 Anson NC) 15 Feb 1832. Sarah Greene, Siddy Brooks, James Mullis and Sarah his wife, James Hinson and Sussanah his wife, Jacob Pherby, Howell Gideon and Noah Green of Anson to William Brooks. Being 310 acres lying on the south east side of Rocky River at the mouth of Austin's Mill race then to Reason's Branch to Ramsey's field. The witnesses were ___Cutherbertson and ___Brooks.


Leonard Green

In the 1790's, Gideon Green and wife sold their land on Richardson Creek and were likely living on lands near Grassy Creek and Reason's Branch. Gideon died before 1800 and his wife Elizabeth left a will 1813 in Anson County NC. From the will, it is known that Gideon Green had a son named Leonard. Born 28 Jan 1790, Leonard lived out his life on family land in Union County NC. In the 1840's, Leonard was involved in a Supreme Court case involving the legacy of John Reed. John Reed's daughter Fanny married Lemuel Aldridge and they moved to Tennessee by 1840. Before leaving, Lemuel sold Fanny's share of her father's estate to Leonard Green. A week later, Lemuel appointed George J. Green Power of Attorney for the same estate. This conflict was settled after many pages of testimony were taken in both Union and Cabarrus Counties. Many of the neighbors testified as to the character of these two people.

This Leonard Green died in 1881 Union County NC. He is likely buried on family lands along Grassey Creek. Keeping in mind that this was the son of Gideon Green, it must be pointed out that there was an earlier Leonard Green. Could this other person have been a name sake and/or an uncle?.... Here is what is known at this time:

Dated Oct 1742, court minutes of Edgecombe County NC recorded the last will and testament of Richard Green. Bequeaths were to sons John, Thomas, Leonard, Jacob, William and Richard. Daughters named in the will were Else, Catherine and Mary. His wife is Elee. Then on May 22, 1745 in Edgecombe County NC, Leonard Green was ppointed guardian to Shadrack Pope, an orphan of Jacob Pope deceased. On 16 Apr 1750, Job Wilder sold to Leonard Green 100 acres on the south side of Peach Tree Creek joining the spring branch. The land was then located in Edgecombe County, but now is located in either Nash or Franklin county. Note that Benjamin Culpepper lived on Peach Tree creek. Benjamin was a cousin to Job Wilder and a brother to Joseph, John, and Sampson who moved to Anson/Mecklenburg/Cabarrus NC. One of the descendants was in fact a baptist miniter who preached at a church less than a few hundred yards from where Leonard (or his son of same name) eventually setttled. This land on Peach Tree creek was part of a tract granted to said Job Wilder 25 Apr 1745. Witnesses of this transaction were Sampson Williams, Henry Holland, and Edward Parish. Dated 12 Nov 1756, Leonard Green, now of Johnston County, sold the same land to Thomas Honey of Edgecombe County. The description is now for land on "Pear Tree Creek, joining Green's spring branch. Witnesses were William Sykes and John Honey.

Dated 11 Mar 1760, Hezekiah Farrell received a Granville grant in then Johnston County on Newlight Creek. Located in present day northern Wake County, the land description includes "improvements made by Lanard Green for complement." There is no further mention of Leonard Green in relation with this particular parcel of land. And then on 17 May 1763, Leonard Green is mentioned as follows in the Cumberland County Pleas and Quarter Session minutes:

Whereas a road is laid off from Nuce River to Braswell's Ferry on the Cape Fear River and the road is opened and cleared to the Johnston line, ordered that there be a road from the said Johnston County line; Wm. Cone appointed overseer. Constable of the uper district to summon all the following to appear before a justice of peace on or before the second Tuesday in July to qualify and make a jury to lay off said road: Wm. Cone, Samuel Green, Leonard Green, Robert Pettigro, Charles Broom, Wm. Corbett, Denis Collins, Absolem Tyler, Abden Tyler, Moses Tyer, James Holland, and Shadrack Pope.

Note that Leonard Green and Shadrack Pope of early Edgecombe is now listed together in the same court order above! In 1772, the northwest most portion of Cumberland County was cut off to create the newly formed Wake County. Part of western Johnston County was also cut off to make this happen. In Dec 1772, the Wake County Pleas and Quarter Session minutes records the following:

Ordered that the following Persons be appointed a Jury to lay of a Road from James Quantocks to the County line agreeable to the Order passed last Court (towit)
Jacob Utley, James Quantock, Christopher Woodward, Lewis Jones
Landman Short, Francis Settles, Christopher Osborn, William Barker
Henry Day, James Holland, Richard Green, Anthony Holland
Lazarus Hood, Joseph Thomas, and that John Utley be appd. Constable to summons said Jury.

Ordered that William Barker be Overseer of the road in the room of John Utley and the following hands to work under him (towit)

Leonard Green, Henry Day, Jesse Barker, James Holland
Anthony Holland, Richard Green, and also the hands included in that bounds.

Ordered that Edward Herring be Overseer of the Road from where William Barker Overseer Ends to the County line and the following hands to work under his (towit):

Lazarus Wood, Joseph Thomas, Sampson Holland, Thomas Hicks
Moses Hicks, Jacob Levin, Thomas Hensby, and Sampson Wood.
From the above, we see that Leonard settled for a while in the portion of southern Wake County that was cut from or near old Cumberland County. The last mention of the given name Leonard appears in the Sep 1778 mintues of the Wake County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Being identified at that time as Leonard Green Junior, the record may be for a son or nephew:
Ordered that Leonard Green, Junr. Stewart Hamilton, and Anthoy. Holland be added to the Road where Lewis Lashly is Overseer of and that the district of the said Overseer be Extended from William Barker's to the county line.

Many family members of those named above moved to region of Rocky River (in southern NC) where it bends through present day counties of Cabarrus/Mecklenburg, Union, Stanly and Montgomery. Christopher Osborn settled in Mecklenburg (later Cabarrus) on Anderson Creek where he died in the 1780's. William, Mark, and Daniel Barker lived nearby on Muddy Creek. John Holand lived in Anson and Sion near Cabarrus in a portion of Montgomery that later became Stanly. Thomas Hood moved for a while to upper Anson County where he lived on Flag Fork in Polkton. Descendants of Christopher Woodard lived nearby to the Hood family. Anthony Holland settled in the center of what is now Stanly County. And Richard Green lived also lived in the center of present day Stanly County. What hapened to Leonard Green?

Dated 5 Feb 1771, Abner Nash and wife Justina sold 68 acres (6-52, Meck NC) to Burdick Howell. This land was on the south banks of Rocky River in the part of Mecklenburg County that later became Cabarrus County. Crossing the Rocky river on US 24/27, this land was located within site from the bridge looking to the south. The land was near what was called the "River Mall" and was near "Meeting House Branch." The land is identified as bieng "neigh the Baptist Meeting House." On 16 Dec 1771. Burdig Howel sold the same land (6-128, Meck NC) to Peter Kizer. The transaction was witnessed by John Polk. On 1 Apr 1772, Peter Kizer sold the land (6-135, Meck NC) to Joseph Garret. I suspect Joseph Garret was also from the Wake/Johnston County area. This transaction was witnessed by _______ Polk. At this point, the next conveyance of this land is missing from record. And then on 1 Feb 1780, Leornard Green and wife Ann sold this same piece of land (11-9, Meck NC) to Samuel Bonds. Witnesses were Wm. Haynes and Jacob Self. Dated 29 Jan 1798, Samuel Bond sold the land to Michael Garmon. Witnesses to this transaction were Willi Polke, John M. Gourik, and Archd. White.

Who was this Leonard Green and is there any possible connections to the Gideon Green Family? Previously discussed, the name of Samuel Bonds appears in John Melcher's account ledger under the account of Jacob Green above. The account indicates that Jacob was charged with the ballance of a note on Samuel Bonds. So, Samuel Bonds was involved early with both Leonard and Jacob Green. And Jacob Green's earliest land transaction was witnessed by Gideon Green. Samuel Bonds later acquired land in the Burnsville area of Anson County.

The Green tie from our Rocky River region back to Wake County NC is very real. And for other families, the tie also holds true. But what was in the air that made the move happen? There are several possibilities. First, all those who made the move seem to be Baptists. I believe they were members of Three Creeks, the mother church of present day Middle Creek Baptist in Wake County. This church was in a very real growth based competition with Schubel Stearn's Sandy Creek Baptist in Chatham County. A couple hundred yards from Leonard Green's land in Mecklenburg/Cabarrus was located Haynes Meeting House (founded by William Haynes.) There ae Rev War pensions that tie congregants of Haynes Meeting House back to service in Wake County! See Haynes Meeting House for a map of Leornad's land and for more information on this baptist migration. Another possible cause for the move was timing. There were troubles with acquiring Granville Grants in the 1770's Wake County, and with the county being newly formed, there was better value found in the purchase of cheaper lands a little further west.


Richard Green

A possible relation to the above Greene family, Richard Green received land in Montgomery County NC about the same time Jacob and Gideon acquired land in Anson County. The record for this land is as follows:

Grant # 3466, Anson NC, to Richard Green. Ent 13 Jan 1773, Sur 22 Jan 1773, Iss 23 Jul 1774. Being 200 acres on the east side of Denson's Fork of Little River and including his own improvements. This land later fell into Montgomery County. Some of the people who settled early along Bare Creek and Reason's Branch in Anson County first appear as living south west of the Yadkin River near Denson's Creek.
Grant # 138, Montgomery NC, to Richard Green. Ent 6 Dec 1780, Sur 17 Nov 1779, Iss 11 Oct 1783. Being 440 acres on the south west side of Yadkin River and on both banks of Big Bear Creek. The land adjoins Mical Moore and Diece land. Note that Big Bare Creek runs through the center of now Stanly County and is not far from the lands owned by Gideon and Jacob Green in Anson. The chain bearers were Richard Green and Migal More.
Grant # 139, Montgomery County NC, to Richard Green. Ent 7 Dec 1780, Sur 17 Nov 1779, Iss 11 Oct 1785. Being 100 acres on the south west side of the Yadkin River and on the waters of Little Creek and adjoining Joshua Hearn's land. The chain bearers were Richard Green and Joshua Hearn.

A few related conveyances are as follows:
Deed (p. 128, Montgomery NC) 7 May 1839. Joshua Hicks to Lockey Simmons. The first tract being 100 acres granted to Richard Green 9 Aug 1786. The Witness was David Rowe.
Deed (p. 175, Montgomery NC) 23 Feb 1835. Hardy Green to Malichi Harwood. Being 100 acres on the west side of Yadkin River on the waters of Bear Creek. The land adjoined William Cassel and Whitfield. This is likely the same Hardy that was related to the above record of Jacob Green. Was Jacob Gideon and Leonard also related to Richard who received land on Bear Creek? The chain bearers were Wm. Hatley and John Bowen.
Richard Green was also listed in John Melcher's ledger. One particular entry relates Richard with Esq. Roland, Wm. Potts Jr, Marcus Palmer, and Christopher Loyale. Here is the account. Another entry for Richard Green mentions William Polk. Note that much of the land belonging to Leonard Green was witnessed by members of the Polk family.


Needham Green

John Melcher's ledger lists an account in 1793 for Needham Green, deceased. Who was this Green? He does not appear in the Census and there are no land records for him. However,a query on GENFORUM online indicates that a family of Green's moved from Montgomery County North Carolina to Carroll County Tennessee. Of interest, one of the children born ca. 1800 was Needham Green. Is there a connection?

- DNA -

Recently, DNA testing for a descendant of Gideon Green was found to match that of a descendant of John Green of Johnston County. John married Welthy Moore where he eventually died in Johnston County. There are court and deed records loosely linking this John with Richard and others in the area. And now through DNA, we know that Gideon too somehow ties back to the same family. Where all records fail, DNA will hold the key for knocking down our ancestral brick walls. I hope that someday DNA and ties like these back to Wake and Johnston will give up the ghosts of my own Thomas family history. Who was Joseph Thomas in the above court records? And loking back to Johnston County court records, William Gurley Senr and "John Green" were ordered to serve toether in the 1778 "Jury of Grand and Pettet Court." William Gurley removed to Anson where he is closely linked to Gideon Green and my own Benjamin Thomas. And looking at the names of Richard, William and Leonard who moved from Wake County NC to Montgomery/Anson/MEcklenburg NC; doesn't it make sense that the given names honor a past with roots in Edgecombe County? And could Gideon be a grandson of Richard who died in the 1740's Edgecombe County?


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