21 July 69

Dear Mr. Green:

We received your letter through Mrs. Miller from the Jamestown Post Office. I am Mrs. D. C. Sharp Goss, the daughter of Emma Caroline Thomas Sharp. My mother was 93 the 20th of Jan. She is the daughter of William E. Thomas. Her Grand Father was Jonathan Thomas. Her Mother was Nancy Caroline (not Hartline) Hogg Thomas. My mother never knew any of the Griffin’s, but remember hearing her parents speak of Lewis Griffin. He married Jonathan Thomas’s daughter my mother’s Aunt whom she never saw. She was called (Lize.) Louisa Jane Thomas Griffin. She is buried in Mount Bethel Cemetery, Jamestown Ala. She dosen’t know where Lewis is buried. My mother remembers Gears Toff well. He was a school teacher. Some of his relatives live near us. We don’t know any Griffin’s close by. There is a young Preacher Griffin in Fort Payne, Ala. My mother also remembers hearing Josiah Leath preach many times. His daughter who married a Miller was one of mother’s best friends. Their farm joins ours. Jonathon Thomas came from Bunkum Co. N. C. His wife was a Sharp (not a Griffin). There’s only two of William Thomas children living. My mother and her Sister Margaret Thomas Crowe of Birmingham, Ala. She is 83.

Now – House No. 5 (Refers to 1850 census enumerations) Jonathan Thomas Mary Answer?

James R. Thomas called Jim died in war

Jonathan A. called John

Emery - ?

Andrew married a Cook

Mary Ann – married Henry Richardson.

William E. (Mother’s Father)

Martha ?

Seems there was a lot of nick names in this family and mother remembers as this [Aunt] Tilda Stewart, Beckie Smith, Patsy Humphrey, Mary Ann Richardson, Lize [Thomas] Griffin. Mother thinks Martha & her Aunt Patsie is the same Mayby. How’ever her Aunt Patsie married Dave Humphrey “House No. 7” Aunt Lize married Louis Griffin. One of her Aunts went to Texas. She can’t remember hearing much about her. In house No. 8 Emery Sharp is my Great Great Grandfather Allen Sharp my Grandfather My father was Wriley A. Sharp. My Grand father William E. Thomas my father & my Grand parents Sharps are all buried in Mosley Cemetery, Jamestown, Ala. House No. 7 This Henry Humphrey married mother’s Aunt on her mother’s side She remembers a lot of these you mentioned & hearing about a lot she never saw. Mother is blessed with a wonderful memory.

Hope this is of some help.

We would love to hear if you learn any thing from N. C.

Don’t believe I answered this question Jonathan Thomas wife was a Sharp. Mother has told me some funny things that happened long long ago about some of the familieshave here written down. But she is talking 70 miles an hour while I write doubt any of this is of any help. We’ve enjoyed the census you’ve collected and it brought back so many memories for mother of long ago.

Good Luck!

Mrs. Emma Sharp

and Gail Goss


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