Will Book 2, Page 68
Union County, North Carolina

The Last Will and Testament of Andrew Hartsell:
I, Adrew Hartsell of the County of Union and State of North Carolina, being of Sound mind and memory, but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence, do make and declare this my last will and testament, in manner and form following

That is to say----
Item 1st That my Executor provide a decent burial, suitable to the wishes of my friends and relations; and pay all funeral expenses.
Item 2nd I will that my beloved wife, have all my Personal property, for the use of herself and family, So long as she remain my Widow; Except one Sorrel colt I give and beqeueath to my sonde George Henry, and one colt to my son Jesse, and I will that my Daughter Margaret J. Hartsell have one heifer calf. I will that my son Victor J. Hartsell have my Blacksmith tools, and I will that my wife Send my sons George Henry and Jesse Hartsell to School.
My will and desire is that my beloved Wife have all my personal property as above stated, with the Provisions mentioned, so long as she remain my widow. Otherwise, If she marry and does not dispose of my property for the use benefit of herself and children, then my property shall be sold by my Executor and the proceeds thereof be equally divided between my children. And lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint my son F. M. Hartsell my lawful Executor, to all intents and purposes, to execute this my last will and testament, whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal.
This 19th Dec 1873

Andrew HartsellM (seal)
J. A. Russel
John H. Long

State of North Carolina
Union County

This the 19th day of Dec’r 1873 Then was the foregoing paper writing offered for Probate and the due execution thereof was proven by the oaths of J. A. Russel and John H. Long and ordered to be recorded as the last will and testament of Andrew Hartsell

G. W. Flow, Prob. Judge


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