Hartwell Spain Love

Born in 1821, it is believed that Hartwell Spain Love is the twin brother of Sarah N. Love. Since she was born 1 Jun 1821, we know the birthdate for Hartwell. It has always been believed that Hartwell and others are the children of elder James Love and a second much younger wife Esther Carriker. But the 1820 census of Cabarrus County enumerates a much younger James Love with family of same size to be that of the yet unborn Hartwell Spain and Sarah N. Love’s. And Helen Tucker Obermeier has recently brought to light a War of 1812 Bounty Claim lending credence that Hartwell and his known siblings are the likely children of James Love and Polly Tucker. This James Love died in 1822 and may be the son of our elder James Love.

In October 1824, George Tucker was also appointed Guardian for“Darling, Pleasant, Hartwell S., and Sally N. Love.” In the same year as James Love’s death, George Tucker married “Esther Love.” It has been believed that Esther is the widow of the much older elder James Love. But we have seen no proof for this thinking. Instead of being his wife and widow, what if Esther was instead his daughter? Esther may be the sister of James Love who died in 1822. In that case, when she married, it would only make sense that she would step in and assist with the raising of her deceased brother’s children. So just as the records imply, George and Esther Love Tucker likely raised the children as though they were their own.

In 1840, Hartwell Spain Love is listed as living in Cabarrus County NC. Dated 29 Nov 1841, he married Sarah B. “Banion or Pinion” Garman in Cabarrus County NC. Charles N. Price was named bondsman and Kiah P. Harris served as witness. Sarah is the daughter of Michael and Mary Shore Garman. Michael is the son of Michael and Sarah Pinion Garman. In the Cabarrus County Pleas and Quarter Jul 1842 Session, the estate distribution of Michael Garman, deceased reads as follows:

Settlement of the estate of the heirs of Michael Garman Jr. deceased by their guardian L. H. Lueaunjain with R. Kirkpatrick and Jno M. Black Esqrs. Up to 20th Jul 1842

To total amt of estate (see original files “re desotis & _____________ )
Amt due Sarah B. Garman (or Love) 20 July 1842             $579.62 ˝
Amt due Elizabeth Garman 20 July                            697.94
Amt due Henry Garman                                        678.49
Amt. due Margaret Garman                                    795.23
Amt. due Mary Ann Garman                                    853.56

About 1838, Hartwell’s older brother Darling Love moved to Pope County Arkansas. Dated 20 Apr 1838, and being just prior to leaving the state, Darling Love sold land (14-98, Cabarrus NC) to his younger brother Hartwell S. Love. Being 112 acres on the east side of the Rocky River, the land adjoined that owned by George Henry Teeter, Henry Reed, and the division land of David Kiser. Entered into record in Jul 1838, the transaction was witnessed by Jno. Barnhardt and George H. Teeter.

On 26 Feb 1845, Hartwell purchased 300 acres (15-329, Cabarrus NC) from Laird Alexander, Cyrus C. Alexander, and Green H. Swearinger. Situated on the Rocky River, the land was further described as being on “Meeting House Branch,” and joining the lands of Michael Garman and David Kisor. Ezekiel C. Black witnessed the transaction. On 25 Feb 1847, Hartwell Love sold 320 acres situated on the west side of Rocky River and farming equipment, livestock and other items (17-237, Cabarrus NC) to George W. Crowell, trustee. Hartwell was indebted to said Crowell and T, J, Shinn, R. F. Morrison, T. J. Crowell and Martin Randleman. Recorded 25 Feb 1847, R. Barringer witnessed the transaction. By review of metes and bounds, this is the same tract that Hartwell purchased in 1848. Situated on “Meeting House Branch,” this land may have been located near Howell Baptist Church.

In 1850, Hartwell Spain Love is listed as living in the Gold Hill District of Cabarrus County NC. Though his occupation is not listed, most of the people enumerated near H. S. Love are “miners.” By mid 1850’s, Hartwell’s remaining brothers and sister removed to Arkansas. And Hartwell removed at some point to Iredell County where in 1860 he is enumerated as living in Statesville NC. He is listed as a farmer and born in Rowan County. Rowan County?

Dated 15 Sep 1859, H. S. Love of Iredell County sold 81 acres (D3-102, Iredell NC) to H. Kelly. Situated on the public road by Paul Bost’s line, the land also adjoined that owned by H. Lents and Archibald T. Barkley.

Dated 8 Sep 1862, Hartwell S. Love enlisted in CSA Co. A, 18th Reg. NC. Joining up at age 46 in Catawba County NC, Hartwell was present until captured at Wilderness VA on 6 May 1864. He was confined at Point Lookout MD until transferred on 10 Aug 1864 to Elmira NY. Hartwell died 16 Dec 1864 of pneumonia. He is buried at Woodlawn National Cemetery in Elmira, New York.

There is a loose estate record for H. S. Love that extends from 1865-1881 in Iredell County NC. The record consists of notes accounting and a petition to recover the value of four large bales of cotton and farming equipment that had fallen into the hands of Hugh Kelly. On 19 Feb 1876, Mrs. S. B. Love sold a lot (D6-329, Iredell NC) on Front Street in Statesville. Adjoining the lands of J. W. Woodard, W. A. Allison and others, the land was known as the F. S. Green lot.

Sarah B. Garman Love died 13 Jan 1883. Her obituary appears in The Landmark, a newspaper published in Statesville NC. The obituary states that Sarah as 63 years old at her death. From volume three of Iredell County North Carolina Cemeteries, Sarah B. Love is buried at Fourth Creek Presbyterian Church. She was born 1822 and died 12 Jan 1884. This cemetery book states that the information came from an earlier survey. Sarah’s grave may be worn beyond recognition or for some other reason cannot be identified. In the fall of 1883, the family of Sarah B. Love petitioned for the sale of their deceased mother’s house in Statesville. Charles H. Davis was appointed power of attorney and was requested to sell the house and lot in order to enable distribution. As follows, the record names all the heirs at the time of Sarah. B. Love’s death:

That Sarah B. Love late of said county died within the present year seized of a house & lot in fee simple lying in the town of Statesville on Center Street, and encumbered with certain mortgages, which real estate thus encumbered descended to her six children and heirs-at-law as tenants in common, viz. F. C. Love, H. J. Love, Charles P. Love, Fannie Lloyd who is the wife of A. V. Lloyd, Augustus Davis who is the wife of Charles H. Davis and Jane Barkley who is the wife of O. M. Barkley, each of them entitled to equal shares therein.

The children of Hartwell Spain and Sarah B. Garman Love are:

A. Hamilton J. Love Born 1843

B. Franklin C. Love Born 1845

C. Jane M. Love Born 1837 married O. M. Barkley.

D. Stanhope P. Love Born 1850

E. Cornelia Love Born 1852

F. Augusta Love Born 1857, married Charles H. Davis.

G. Morehead Love Born 1859.


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