The Last Will and Testament of Jacob Thomas

North Carolina
Union County

October 4th 1887

In the name of God Amen
I Jacob Thomas being of sound disposing mind memory and considering the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death do make and declare this to be my last will and testament as follows
Item 1st I will that my Executor shall after my death prepare for my body a burial dress suitable to the wishes of my beloved wife & children and pay all funeral expenses out of the first money that may come into his hands
Item 2nd I will that my Executor pay all my debts and collect all money that is due me except that which is owing to me by my children.
Item 3rd I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Hester all my real estate together with all my personal property of whatsoever nature it may be to have and to hold during her lifetime and after he death that my Executor sell the same to the highest bidder and the money be divided among all my children Share and Share alike by giving to those that have received nothing in advance an amount sufficient to make them equal to those that have received something heretofore
Item 4th I hereby appoint my trusty and beloved son William Hosea Thomas Executor to this my last will and testament given under my hand and seal this 4th day October A D 1887 Signed Sealed and delivered to be the last will and testament of Jacob Thomas in the presence of
James D. Nance and
Benjamin F. Staton
who saw him sign the same the day and
year above written
James D. Nance
B. F. Staton

Jacob Thomas (Seal)


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