James Love
Son of John Love

James Love was born in the early to mid 1760’s in Brunswick County VA. He is the son of John and Ruth Crook Love. Around 1769, James moved with his family westward to Charlotte County VA. For the next ten years, the Love family lived along Wallace Creek in the southwest section of the county. James’s older sister Sarah married James Middleton on 17 Nov 1781. James’s father signed the bond in support of Sarah’s marriage to James Middleton. A James Love also signed the bond in witness of the event. The handwriting matches later signatures in North Carolina by this same James Love. At the time of the marriage, James would have been 16-21 years of age. The signature may very well be the first documented record left by James Love, the son of John and Ruth. There is also a slim possibility that the signature was that belonging to John’s brother who was also named James.

The 1790 census of heads of household for Virginia was destroyed. Earlier census records were gathered to reconstruct a hodgepodge image of early life in Virginia. Charlotte County is represented by a census taken in 1782. Our Love family appears as follows:

James Love,
2 white / 3 black

John Love ,
6 white / 4 black

Charles Clayton ,
8 white / 2 black

James who is the son of John Love was likely living in his father’s household at this time. The James Love listed above may very well be James Love, Senior, the father of John and grandfather of James for whom this page is dedicated.

The family moved to Surry County NC ca. 1782. John Love never filed or deeded land or received a Secretary of State land grant in that county. However, and along with his son-in-law James Middleton, James’s father John Love may be the same one who appears in tax lists as owning 400 acres. The taxed land was likely an entry that had not matured. Why? The settlers were allowed to live upon the land until they had the resources to pay for land grants. Many early warrants for land list “improvements”, showing they had been living on the land for some time. In addition, keep in mind that this was part of the Moravian’s “Great Wachovia Tract.” Land was handled differently as it was acquired though agents representing the religious sect. So James’s father may have had legally documented property that for some reason failed to mature and be accounted for in county records. The reason may lie in the1786 Surry County probate records showing us John Love had died. Mentioning holdings in Virginia, the loose estate papers list Ruth Love as administrator with her son-in-law James Middleton paying securities. Two years later, in 1789, James Middleton returned to Charlotte County VA. Also in that same year, Stokes County grew from the same portion of Surry where our Love family lived. These facts are likely the reason why there are so few critically needed records in support of our family history during the late 1780’s. To complicate the issue, there was another John Love family living in Stokes County whose life record appears in William Wade Hinshaw’s Record of American Quaker Genealogy. That John also had a son named John and their family’s record in tax lists further confuses the story beyond clear interpretation.

For the duration of the 1790’s, the names James Love Junior and James Love Senior appear side by side in the Stokes County Tax Lists. James Love Senior is the father of John and therefore the grandfather of the James Love for which this page is dedicated. James Love Senior also mentioned a son “James Love Junior” and nominated him to be Executor in his 1799 Last Will and Testament. At first glance, it appears the tax lists for Stokes County refer to James Love Senior and his son James Love Junior. But we know for sure that the son of James Senior was engaged in acquiring land in Cabarrus County at that time. He is also listed in the 1800 census as living in Cabarrus County NC. Shortly after the will was probated, the court appointed “James Love Junior” to administer the estate of James Love Senior. If the son James was nominated to be executor, then why is there a need for the court to appoint him to be “administrator?” During the estate settlement, the generational title “Junior” disappeared from record over time. James Junior, the son of John and Ruth may have been appointed to settle the estate since he was the oldest male descendant living in the area. If this is so, the loose estate records may provide clues in that a few of the documents bear the signature of James Love, Junior. Several signatures look like that found in the Charlotte County VA marriage bond of Sarah Love. One signature clearly differs with more loops and curves in the “L.” At present I am gleaning signatures from obscure documents in hopes of distinguishing James and other Love family members in the region. But as will be shown, a trace of land records is enough to prove the taxed James Junior is the grandson of James Love Senior. Let’s take a look at census, tax, and land records for the 1790’s.

There are only two enumerations for the name James Love in the 1790 census of heads of household for the state of North Carolina. Both are in Stokes County NC. The entries appear side by side and listed as:

James Love, Page 181,
1m 16+, 2f

James Love , Page 181,
1m 16+, 1m16-, 7f, 7 slaves

James Love Senior would have been around 70 years of age in 1790. As is clear from the tax lists, he was older than the legal cut off age and therefore not personally assessed poll tax. He was, however, assessed for ownership of two slaves. Throughout the period, James Love Senior was assessed each year for two slaves. For that reason I think the first entry above represents James Love Senior. The second entry may reflect John’s son James. His mother Ruth may have also been enumerated as living in the house of her son James. As will be later shown, James had a brother John C. Love born ca. 1784. The male under 16 years of ages is likely John C., the son of John and Ruth Crook Love. There are seven females listed. Could James Junior, son of John Love, have been married by 1790?

Dated 1 Sep 1791, Frederick William Marshall, Esquire of Salem in Wachovia sold 402 acres (1-99, Stokes NC) to James Love also of Wachovia. Acting as trustee of the Moravian Church, William Marshall held legal authority controlling church holdings in the settlement known as Wachovia. James Love’s tract is described as lying “on the head branches of a Branch of the middle fork of Muddy Creek called the Rocky Branch.” The land was described as being situated in the “north east corner of Wachovia Tract.” Found in The Records of Moravians in North Carolina, a map and list of owners in Wachovia [1779 and later] locates James Love’s purchase as lot No. 160. Comparing the early map to the present day Forsyth County map, we can locate James Love’s land on Rocky Branch Road to be just southwest of Walkertown. Thinking about the early Surry County tax lists in which John was assessed for 400 acres, could that have been the same land that his son James now purchased of the Moravian settlers? If so, and in spirit, the land would have descended through the family of the same John Love, deceased.

Looking back at the tax lists of Stokes County, we see that James Love Junior is assessed for this same 402 acres through the late 1790’s. Dated 21 June 1800, and for natural love and affection, James Love, Junior of Stokes County gave 200 acres (3-331, Stokes NC) to his brother “John Crook Love, a minor.” Being part of the James Love’s 402-acres acquired in 1791, their mother Ruth paid taxes on this gift land until James’s brother John C. Love came of age. At least one deed during the period mentions “Ruth Love’s land” within the phrasing of metes and bound. This conveyance is key in distinguishing James Love Junior as being the son of John and Ruth Crook Love. It also identifies James as the brother of John C. Love. So it is clear to see that James was the older son who was man of the house after his father’s death.


James Love sold his holdings in Stokes County to son John in 1817 and was named Justice of Peace in 1819 Martin County, Indiana. From land records it appears James made the move ca. 1817 while older sons remained in North Carolina until selling family lands and also making the move ca.1820. The family of deceased brother John Crook Love also removed to Indiana in the late 1820’s. Before digging into land records, take a look at the remaining census records for Stokes County NC:


Ruth Love
1m16/26 // 2f16/26, 2f45+, 8 slaves

James Love
3m10-, 1m26/45, 2f10- // 2f10/16, 1f26-45, 1 slave

James Love
2m10-, 1m26/45 // 2f10-, 1f10/16, 1f26/45


James Love
1m10-, 1m10/16, 2m16/26 1m26/45 // 1f10-, 1f10/16, 2f16/26, 1f26/45

John C. Love
2m10-, 1m26/45 // 2f10-, 1f26/45, 1f45+, 5 slaves


John Love
3m10-, 3m16/26, 1m26/45 // 2f10-, 1f10/16, 1f16/26

John C. Love
5m10-, 1m26/45 // 1f10-, 2f10/16, 2f45+

Wm. Love1m10-, 1m26/45 // 1f10-, 1f16/26, 1f26/45


(No Love Family Enumerated)

After giving a tract of land to his younger brother John C. Love, James Love sold 58 acres (3-183, Stokes County NC) to Reuben Crews on 22 Jan 1799. Siuated on Rocky Branch of Muddy Creek, the land adjoined that owned by Thos. Tucker, Vincent Brown, Ruth Love, and Edward Cooley. Archibald ampbell, Jas. Campbell and Jno Howell witnessed the transaction that was record Mar 1799.

Dated 9 Oct 1810, James Love purchased of Reuben and wife Coney Crews, two tracts (5-340, Stokes County NC) situated on Rocky Branch of Muddy Creek. Archibald Campbell and Francis Tucker witnessed the transaction that was recorded Dec 1810. Being 39 ¼ acres, the first tract is part of 151 acres originally granted to Edward Cooley as found in Book C, Folio 330. Tract two is 58 acres adjoining the first and situated “in the northeast corner of the Great Wachovia Tract” adjoining lands owned by Tucker, Brown, and John C. Love. Thirteen days later, on 22 Oct 1810, Francis Tucker and wife Milly sold 92 acres (5-353, Stokes County NC) to James Love. Situated on the Rocky Prong of the Muddy Creek, the land adjoined that owned by Reuben Crews, James Love, Vincent Brown, David Tucker, and John Closs. The tract is part of 600 acres granted to Robert Walker & Co., then conveyed to Wm. Snow and to Thomas Tucker as registered in Stokes Book B, Folio 287. Geo. Thomason and Vincent Brown witnessed the conveyance.

On 2 Mar 1813, James Love of Stokes sold 29 acres (5-506, Stokes County NC) on Rocky Branch to Wiley Jones. The land adjoined that owned by John Kellium and Benjamin Jones. A. Vanhoy and J. Love witnessed the transaction that was recorded Mar 1814. Note that as seller of the land, James Love signed the deed. Instead of signing his first name, his signature appears as a larger font “J” written in cursive and followed by “Love.” From this point forward, all his transactions are signed in a like manner. On 9 Nov 1816, Wiley Jones sold the same 29 acres (5-723, Stokes County NC) back to James Love, David Martin and Salathiel Stone. Recorded December 1816, this John Love and Joshua Horner witnessed the transaction. This is important as the name Joshua Horner appears near James Love in the 1820 Martin County Indiana census. Also, dated 16 Jul 1814, the marriage bond for John Love and Rhuannour Horner appears in the records of Stokes County NC. So it seems John, the son of James Love married Rhuanner Horner who was related to Joshua.

Following the deed above, the next transaction in the deed book was James Love selling the 92 acres (5-723, Stokes County NC) to John Love. On 9 Dec 1816, James sold the land to John Love for $150. Salathial Stone witnessed the transaction. A short time later, on 26 Mar 1817, James Love sold two tracts (6-18, Stokes County NC) to John Love for $500. Situated on Rocky Branch of Muddy Creek adjoining that owned by David Martin, Abraham Vanhoy, John Love, John C. Love, John Killium and Wiley Jones, the first tract contained 112 acres. The second tract was 97 acres purchased from Reuben Crews and is similarly located. Abraham Vanhoy and John C. Love witnessed the transaction.

A few months later, on 2 Jun 1817, John Love sold 101 acres (6-112, Stokes County NC) to Robert Walker. Robert is the husband of John’s Aunt Martha Love Walker. Being land adjoining that owned by Kellium, Jones, David Martin, John Love, and John Crook Love, this was described as “part of a larger tract of land conveyed to James Love by William Marshall of Salem.” Recorded Mar 1818, John C. Love and Milton Campbell witnessed the transaction. So if this land represented an early 1780’s entry by John Love, then it ended up in the hands of his daughter after passing to son James and on through the hands of his son John.

Dated 3 Jul 1817, John Love sold three tracts (7-136, Stokes County NC) to Isaac Dalton Esq. The first tract was the 92 acres John had purchased from James in deed (5-724, Stokes County NC). The second was a nondescript 12-acre tract. The third was a 97-acre tract originally granted to Reuben Crews. Another deed appears on 2 Jan 1819,where John Love sold the same 92 acres (6-330, Stokes County NC) to George J. Campbell. Milton Campbell and William D. Love witnessed the transaction. Note that William D. Love is John’s brother. Recorded June 1819, the document proves both William D. and brother John were still in Stokes County NC.

It appears James Love sold most of his land to son John in late 1816 and 1817. James disappears from record and reappears in Indiana. Then in 1819 John sells the remaining land as witnessed by his brother William D. Love. They too disappears from the records here in North Carolina. Was James planning to move to Indiana at that time and was John planning to stay here in North Carolina? Did the father go ahead of the family to prepare for the move? After giving land to his younger brother John C. Love, why did James sell remaining land at high price to who we believe to be his own son? Did James need the money to establish a homestead in Indiana? Not clearly understanding the implications of these land records, we can only guess. But both John and William D. Love moved to Indiana where they joined their father and lived out their lives. And from records in Indiana, we learn the family is larger yet. Searching the Internet for clues, I met several folks who descend from the Love and associated families who moved to Indiana. Carol Collins, John R. Whitinger, Paul Vanhoy and numerous others have built on earlier efforts to define their family tree. They have assisted and corrected some of my assumptions. Also, knowing I cannot easily make the trip to Indiana, I asked if they could provide information to complete this page. I am grateful to let you know this has become a collaborative effort and will hopefully help to link our family. Much of the following information is the result of this combined effort.

The Children of James and Sabia Love are:

Jane Love

Born 1789, Jane was born in the newly formed Stokes County NC. She married 1 Mar 1814 William Standley in Stokes County NC. Her brother John Love was bondsman. William Standley and wife Jane moved to Martin County IN where Jane died, date unknown. William died in Daviess County In sometime after 1860.

Ruth Love

Born cica 1790 in Stokes County NC, Ruth is named for her grandmother Ruth Crook Love. She married Martin Stuckey in Martin County IN. Ruth died circa 1847. The 1850 Martin County census lists 52 year old Martin Stuckey as head of household, a potter and possibly remarried. Living in the house is 31 year old Catherine Stuckey, 1 year old John Stuckey and (1?) year old Martin Stuckey. Living next door is son Upton Stuckey. Martin Stuckey died later and is buried in Love Cemetery, Martin County IN. The child of Martin and Ruth Love Stuckey is:
A. Upton Howard Stuckey Born 1822 in Indiana, Upton married 30 May 1844 Jane Elizabeth Love in Martin County IN. Upton died 22 Jul 1896 and Jane followed soon after on 12 Sep 1896.

John Love

Born in the early 1790’s Stokes County NC, John Love married 16 Jul 1814 Rheumour Horner in Stokes County NC. Bondsman was Walter Swan and the bond was witnessed by Martin Armstrong. John’s father deeded land to him in 1816. This leads us to believe he may be an older if not the oldest son of James Love. Earlier transactions by John’s father were witnessed by Joshua Horner. Note the 1820 Martin County IN census lists Joshua Horner near James Love. More effort needs to be spent on the Horner-Love records. Traditional history says that John Love died ca. 1827 in Martin County IN. Did his wife survive him and did they have any children?

William D. Love

William D. Love was born circa 1792 in Stokes County NC. William appears only as witness in land records of Stokes County NC. He married 14 Jul 1825 in Martin County IN.

Elizabeth Love

Born 18 Oct 1798 in Stokes County NC, Elizabeth married Frederick Stuckey in Martin County IN. Elizabeth died 25 Nov 1859 in Pike County IN and is buried in the Stuckey (Jones) Cemetery in Petersburg.

James W. Patrick Love

Born 10 Apr 1800 in Stokes County NC, James W. P. Love married a cousin Nancy J. Love on 26 Jul 1829 in Martin County IN. James died 15 Feb 1848 and Nancy died 9 Jul 1864. Both are buried in Love Cemetery, Martin County IN. The children of James W. P. and Nancy Jane Love are:
A. Archibald Crook Love Born 28 Jan 1837 and died 11 Jun 1840 in Martin County IN. Archibald was buried 15 Jun 1840 in Love Cemetery.
B. Flora Caroline Love Born 23 Jul 1842, married May 1865 Thomas Jefferson Clements in Loogootee, Martin County IN.
C. Martin Stuckey Love Born 23 Jul 1842 and died 14 Apr 1843 in Martin County IN. Martin was buried 23 Jul 1842 at Love Cemetery.
D. Loretta Sabia Love Born 13 Jul 1844 and died 14 Sep 1869, Loretta and sister Flora Jane are the only living children listed in the home of Nancy J. Love in the 1850 census.

Hubbard Love

Born 1805 in Stokes County NC, Hubbard Love married 5 Apr 1827 Sarah Smith in Martin County, Indiana. Hubbard appeared as a farmer with family in the 1850 Martin County census. The children oHubbard and Sarah Smith Love are: A. John C. Love Born 19 Oct 1829, John married 5 Jan 1860 Phebe Whitley in Martin County IN. John died 26 Feb 1884 and was buried 1 Mar 1884 in Love Cemetery, Martin County IN. The children of John C. and Phebe Whitley Love are: a.) Rene Love, married 5 Nov 1882 Henry M. Ross; b.) Amanda Love b. 1868 married 1 Jun 1890 John W. Nichols; and c.) Lydia Love b. Sep 1879 and married 19 Jun 1897 Albert E. Taylor.
B. Sarah Jane Love Born 1832 in Martin County IN, Sarah married first 2 Nov 1860 John Newton Love. He was born 28 Apr 1809 and died 10 Apr 1869. Sarah was the second wife of John Newton Love. John Newton and Sarah Jane Love had one son, a.) William A. Love b. ca. 1863.
After the death of John N. Love, Sarah Jane Love 31 May 1874 William P. Elmore.
C. William H. Love Born 1835 in Martin County IN, William P. Love is the father of a.) Sabia Love b. 1872; and b.) Calvin Love b. 1878.
D. Mary Ann Love Born ca. 1837 in Martin County, Indiana.
E. Archibald Love Born 1840 in Martin County, Indiana.
F. Emmaline Love Born 1843 in Martin County, Indiana
G. Walter R. Love Born May 1847 in Martin County IN, married 12 Nov 1868 Eliza E. Crane. She was born Oct 1848 and died 7 Jul 1910. Walter died 22 Nov 1929. The children of Walter R. and Eliza Crane Love are: a.) Dora E. Love b. Sep 1869 d. ca. 1870-80; b.) Arthur C. Love b. 1874 d. 6 Oct 1901 and bur. 10 Nov 1901 in Goodwill Cemetery, Loogootee, Martin County IN; c.) Grace L. Love b. 1877 d. prior to 1929, married 30 Oct 1895 Lee Keck.
H. Amanda Love b. 1854 Martin County, Indiana.
I. Ambrose Love Born 1858 Daviess County IN, married 15 Jul 1879 Rose Alvey. Ambrose died 13 Jan 1916 in Cannelburg, Daviess County IN.
After the death of wife Sarah, Hubbard Love married second 6 May 1869 Sarah Loveall.

Lovina Love

Born 1808 in North Carolina, Lovina married Mr. Russell in North Carolina. The daughter of Mr. And Lovina Love Russell is:

A. Flora A. Russell Born 1835 in Martin County, Indiana.

James S. Love

Born 1828 in Indiana, James married 21 May 1849 Hannah Elmore in Daviess County IN. The estate of James S. Love was probated 23 Apr 1855 in Martin County IN.


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