Born ca. 1797, John is the son of John and Mary Love Hagler. He married first Martha Polk ca. 1820 in likely Anson County NC. Martha is the daughter of John and Elizabeth Polk. The lands where they lived became Union County in 1841. Court records from Union County refer to John E. Hagler as “Sober John” Hagler. John B. Hagler of Raleigh told me this was due to the fact that he was seldom seen sober. Indicating Martha had died earlier, the 1850 Union County census lists 52 year-old John Hagler with 27 year-old second wife Elizabeth. His other children were either married or living in other households in 1850.
As per his loose estate papers filed in Union County, John E. Hagler died in 1870. Though owning 250 acres of land at his death, the record states that John died in “great debt” and with little money to his name. W. H. Simpson, acting as administrator, petitioned the heirs to sell these lands in order to clear this debt. The record clearly identifies the following to be heirs of John E. Hagler:
W. H. Simpson administrator of John Hagler decd against John I. Hagler Elizabeth Charaker Wm E. Pinion & wife Bedy Pinion Delpha M. Shelby & Marquis Shelby under 21 years of age Nancy J. Hagler under 21 years of age Geo. W. Hagler under 21 years of age Catherine & Bedy B. Rushing [now intermarried with E. W. Williams] both of full age Martha & Reason Rushing under 21 years of age Eave & James Hagler under 21 years of age Mary & Margaret Hagler Infants under 21 years of age Your petitioner showeth unto the Superior Court of Union County that John Hagler later of Union County died sometime in the year 1870 leaving all the above named defendants his heirs at law and next of kin
The children of John and Martha Polk Hagler are:
A. Elizabeth Catherine Rushing Born 1848, Elizabeth married 12 Feb 1880 Melton Culwell Hagler, the son of Hiram and R. N. Hagler.B. Beedy B. Rushing Born ca. 1849, as per her father’s estate record, Beedy, Beedy married William E. Pinion.
C. Martha Ann Rushing From the 1860 census, Martha was born 1852. She married 18 Dec 1873 W. E. Williams, son of J. W. and Barbara Williams.
D. Reason W. Rushing Born ca. 1855, Reason married 18 Jan 1880, Sarah E. Tarlton. She is the daughter of R. W. and Catherine Rushing.
Dated 28 Feb 1840, Elizabeth Hagler married Mathias “Kariker” in Cabarrus County NC. Her brother Thomas was bondsman and Kia P. Harris witnessed the documentation. Mathias died prior to the Oct 1846 estate entry in the Cabarrus County Record of Settlements Vol. 1, page 11. Leaving an estate valued at $231.96, the document reads: “Settlement of the estate of Mathias Cariker Dec’d with Andrew Cariker Adm’r . . . ” Was Mathias the son of Andrew Cariker Junior?
As already stated, the widowed Elizabeth appears in the 1850 census in the home of her father. Though we know she and Mathias had a son Henry born earlier, he is not listed in the census….. need to find him. Dated 20 Jan 1853, Elizabeth’s brother James Hagler of Union County sold to Elizabeth Carriker of Union, 66 1/2 acres (18-709, Union County NC). Situated on the waters of Grassey Creek, the land adjoined Margaret Hagler’s land and Love’s corner (now Green’s land.) Witnessed by B. A. Austin and R. T. Rushing, the transaction was not filed in court until 29 Dec 1885.
The 1860 Union County census lists 37 year-old “Elizabeth Carriker” with children Henry W. aged 19 and Mary E. aged 15. The children of Mathias and Elizabeth Hagler Carriker are:
A. Henry Wilson Carriker Born ca. 1841, Henry W. Carriker enlisted 11 Mar 1862 in Union County NC. Serving in CSA Co. C, 10th Batt., Heavy Artillery, NC, he stated at enlistement that his place of birth was Cabarrus County. Present for the war, he was paroled 3 May 1865 at Charlotte NC. Returning from war, Henry W. Carriker married 22 Feb 1867 to Elizabeth Braswell. There is no mention of the parents on the license. And much later, dated 1 Jul 1912, the 69 year-old Mrs. Elizabeth Carriker of Unionville, Union County NC applied for a Civil War widow’s pension. Stating her husband served in CSA Co. C, 10th Battalion, there is no other support information telling when and how he died. But the witnesses for this application are I. A. Clontz and W. A. Love. And looking at land records for Union County, it appears Henry lived out his life on the lands his mom acquired in 1853 from her brother. And in the 1890’s, Henry and wife Elizabeth donated land in the area of Crooked creed for the purpose of building a school.
B. Mary E. Carriker Born ca. 1845, Mary Elizabeth Carriker married 19 Jan 1869 William High. In 1870 the 45 year-old Elizabeth Carriker is enumerated with William and Eliza High [Hyatt.]
The 1850 Union County census lists 23 year-old John J. Hagler with wife Margaret and 1 year-old son Milus. From this we believe John was married ca. 1848 to Margaret whose maiden name is unknown. The 1860 Union County census records a growing family: John J. Hagler 33, Mary 33, Milus 12, Wm R, 10, James A. 7, Josephine 6, George T. 3, and Andrew J. 8/12.
A age 37 years and by occupation a miner, John J. Hagler enlisted on 11 Mar 1862 in CSA Co. C, 10th Bat. NC. Since this unit was responsible for securing breastworks around the seaport town of Wilmington, I am sure John’s experience in gold mining came in handy. This unit also served in the battle of Charleston SC. He was accounted for through Oct 1864 and was paroled at Charlotte on 3 May 1865.
The children of John J. and Margaret Hagler are:
A. Milus Hagler Born 1848.B. William R. Hagler He is enumerated in the1860 census as being 10 years of age.
C. James A. Hagler Born ca. 1852, James married 18 Oct 1874 Jane Miller. Born 1852, she is the daughter of Jackson and Mahaly Miller.
D. Josephine Hagler Born 1854, Josephine married first 19 Apr 1877 John McCoy, the son of James M. McCoy. Two years later, Josephine “Hagler” again married to Robert A. Foard on 17 Sep 1879.
E. George T. Hagler Born ca. 1857, George Hagler married 11 Jan 1888 Sarah Jane Baucom. Born ca. 1864, she is the daughter of Alvis Baucom.
F. Andrew J. Hagler Born ca. 1860, A. J. Hagler married 17 Feb 1883 Mary L. Baucom. Born ca. 1865, she is the daughter of Riley Baucom.
G. Henry W. Hagler Born ca. 1861, Henry married 5 Sep 1883 Mary Howard. Born ca. 1861, she is the daughter of Jackson and Nancy Howard.
Dated 10 Aug 1862, Darling M. Hagler enlisted in CSA Co. I, 48th Reg. NC. Reported present though October 1862, he died of “pneumonia” 1 Feb 1863 at Raleigh. He is buried at Oakwood cemetery. In 1870, Elizabeth and family are enumerated with that of her widowed sister Mary. As per his father’s estate, Darling and Catherine Eudy Haigler had the following children:
A. Mary Hagler Born 1861.B. Margaret E. Haigler Born 1864,
James G. Hagler enlisted 3 Apr 1863 in CSA Co. C, 10th Bat. NC. This unit was stationed at Wilmington where they built and manned breastworks for the seaport town. Later in the war, the 10th fought in the battle of Charleston SC. James’s combined military record does not contain very much information. All we know is he served through 1864.
James Hagler does not appear in the 1870 census. But living in Union County, a 38 year-old Mary Oudie is listed as head of household. Living with her is 27 year-old Elizabeth, 12 year-old Cary, 7 year-old James and 6 year-old Margaret. Knowing that James G. Hagler’s brother Darling Hagler married Mary’s sister Elizabeth, and also knowing that Darling died in service of the war, this appears to be the extended family of two widowed sisters. So James G. Hagler likely died prior to 1870. From his father’s estate and the arising petition naming the heirs, it is believed that the children of James G. Hagler are:
A. Eave HaglerB. James Hagler
Residing as a carpenter, William E. Pinion enlisted in CSA Co. I, 48th Reg. NC on 20 Mar 1862. Mustering in as Private and being 30 years of age, he was wounded at Sharpsburg MD on 17 Sep 1862. Returning to duty, he was promoted to Sergeant on 1 Aug 1863. William Pinion was wounded in the chest at Bristoe Station VA on 14 Oct 1863. Returning to duty, he surrendered at Appomattox Court House, VA on 9 Apr 1865. Dated 6 Ju 1885, 54-year old William E. Pinion of Pioneer Mills Cabarrus County applied for a Civil War soldier’s pension. He suffered from a “gunshot wound through the breast also in the head which said wounds incapacitated me from manual labor …said wound rendering my right arm almost useless.” The doctor’s examination adds the following: “Scalp wound on the side of head by piece of shell. Also a gunshot wound of the right breast, passing through the pectoroalis muscles & coming out under the right arm.”
The children of William E. and Beedy Elizabeth Hagler Pinion are:
A. Susan Pinion Born ca. 1858.B. James A. Pinion Born ca. 1861, James married 14 Oct 1888 B. H. Benton. Born 1869, she is the daughter of B. F. and Avis Benton.
C. Elizabeth Beedy Pinion Born ca. 1863
D. Martha Pinion Born 1866
E. John B. Pinion Born ca. 1871
F. Frances Pinion Born 1874
G. Cordelia Pinion Born 1877
It is believed John Hagler married a person named Elizabeth after the death of his first wife. The 1850 census enumerates the likely couple as John Hagler age 52 and Elizabeth age 26. John and Elizabeth had the following three children:
Adelphia “Delphia” M. Hagler
Born ca. 1851, in the 1860 census, Delpha Hagler is enumerated as 9 years of age living in the home of her father, John Hagler. Dated 31 Jan 1869, Delpha Hagler married Marcus (M. L.) Shelby. Born ca. 1848, Marcus Lafayette Shelby is the son of Coleman and Monica Shelby.
Nancy J. Hagler
Born ca. 1853, Nancy J. Hagler married 25 Nov 1874, John C. Rushing. Born ca. 1849, he is the son of John and Anna Rushing..
George Washington Hagler
Born ca. 1856, George Washington Hagler married 9 Nov 1873 Mary Jane Williams. Born ca. 1850, she is the daughter of John D. and Nancy S. Williams.