In the name of God Amen
I Jacob Gurley of the State of North Carolina and County of Anson Being week in body but [of] perfect Sound and Disposing mind and Memory Doth make this my Last will and testament in maniner and form following (viz) First -I gave my sole to God that gave it and my Body to be Buried in a place which my Executors may hereafter appoint
and now for settleing my temporal Estate and afairs.
1st Item. I gave and Bequeath to my son Josiah Gurley a certain Bay Mare called poll and one cow and calf formerly Claimed by him also one Dish and Bacon and three plates one pot also one club ax and a broad ax also two sows and five piggs and eight shotes one hand saw and Drawing knife two chisels and gouge and Auger and one mattock and two plows and one cobbler two pair hor____ and one weedg and frow and six piggs and smiths tools

2nd Item. I gave and Bequeath to my son Daaniel Gurley one cow and calf one Ewe and Lamb One Dish and Bacon and three plates also one fether Bed one poth one mattock one ax also one sheep and one plow and c______ one case bottle also one Earthen bole on Scythes and Cradle

3rd Item -I gave and Bequeath to [my] Daughter Sussannah Gurley one feather Bed one Dish and Bacon and three plaits one Cow and Calf one Bay horse one Cotton wheel and chards and one Dutch oven two sheep one smoothing Iron and hunting saddle and the small skillet one flax wheel one tin funnel and pepper box one weaver loom and gears and one bee hive

4th Item -I gave and bequeath to my grandson Joseph Gurley one Cow and calf Earling also one pot also one Ewe and lamb and one bacon and two plaits one Club ax

5th Item -I gave and Bequeath to my son Neddham Gurley two sheep

6th Item -I gave and bequeath to son Jesse Gurley one Cow and [steer] Earling and two sheep one colter and one Auger one Bible one Case Bottle one Earthen mug and 5 tea cups one pint tin Jack

7th Item -I gave and Bequeath to my son William Gurley one two year Old heffer and three Sheep and a Whipsaw one sow and 3 yearling hoggs one hymm Book One case Bottle one pair sheep shears and one quart tin Jack one bee hive

8th Item -I gave and Bequeath to my son David Gurley one heffer yearling and two SHeep and a Cow and yearling and one reaping hook and one weeding hoe one speller book and spelling Book one Chink Bottle one scythe and cradle

9th Item -I gave and Bequeath to my son Benjamin Gurley two sheep one shovle plow and one Bul yearling and four _____ and 3 yearling hoggs and one Reeping hook one jug one testament book and one chink bottle also 3 tea saucers and one Slait one Scythe and Cradle

10th Item -I gave and Bequeath to my Daughter Unity Whittely two sheep and one bull yearling and one weeing hoe also the Largest skittel

and now [for] settleing my temporal Debts and Executing this my Last will and testament I appoint Jesse Gurley and William Gurley and Leave with them a Waggen and one hundred Acres LAnd and a Wooden CLock and seven chears and one yearling Colt ALso one hundred [and fifty] Acres of Land also all property Now Belonging the Sd Jacob Gurley [not in the will] to be sold by the Sd Executors Jesse Gurley and William Gurley and after all my just Depbts [are paid] the Remainder to divided among all the Legates in proportion to make Each one Equal in what he or she has formerly Received or that is mentioned in the above will in Witness Signed seald and Jam 19 - 1820

Delivered in presents of

Richd Austin

Willis Gurley

Jacob I Gurley

part of the first Item
I Jacob Gurley will that Sde Josiah Gurley have the Black Still and Stands Casks Barrels & C also two weeding hoes one shugar Box two tin Jacks one candle stick and snuffer together all the kitchen knives and forks and the Buffet one grindstone one bee hive also my Big coat one Cutting knife and Box one scythe and Cradle


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