In the name of God Amen, I John C. Love of Stokes County and State of North Carolina being of sound mind and memory but weak in Body do this w3 day of August 1827 make and ordain this to be my last will and testament in manor and form following viz; first I will that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid out of my estate 2nd I will that all my Negroes be sold immediately after my death at probate sail partly for ready cash that is cash sufficient to pay of the judgments that may be against my estate at the time of my death 3rd I will that all my property may be kneeded to be sold or be solde at privet sails to the best advantage
4th I will that should my beloved wife Flora feel willing and think proper to give up her right and claime to my land that it be sold privately and applied to the land office in Salem.
5th I will that after all my Debts be paid that the remnant of my estate be left in my beloved wifes hands during her widowhood to be applied to the raising my children an Educating them But if should my wife see proper to marry then I will that what estate may then remain shall be divided amonghts all my heirs share and share alike
I further will that my beloved wife Flora and son John N. Love and my neighbour Armstrong Martin be appointed Executors for carry this my last will and Testament into effect and I hereby dismiss all other wills by me made making and Establiching this to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have this day set my hand seal the day and year first above written.
John C. Love

Elbert Love
Nancy J. Love
Lewis Martin

Jno C. Love
Recorded page


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