John Crook Love
Son of John Love

Born 24 Jun 1783 in Surry County NC, John Crook Love is the youngest son of John and Ruth Crook Love. John C. Love’s father died in 1786. Two years later, Stokes County was formed from the area of Surry where the Love family lived. John C. Love’s brother James purchased 402 acres in 1791 Stokes County. In 1798, Love’s Methodist Church was built upon land likely adjoining that owned by James. Dated 21 June 1800, and for natural love and affection, the same James Love [Junior] of Stokes County gave 200 acres (3-331, Stokes NC) to his brother "John Crook Love, a minor." Being part of James’s 1791 402-acre acquisition, Stokes County taxes were paid on this gift land by his mother Ruth until John C. Love came of age.

Dated 27 Dec 1803, John Crook Love applied for a marriage bond to marry Flora Campbell in Stokes County NC. John Crook Love’s brother James served as bondsman and A. Robinson witnessed the bond. Both John C. and his brother James signed the document. The signature of James matches that found on the 1781 Charlotte Co. VA marriage bond of their sister Sarah Love. Born 30 Mar 1783, Sarah Campbell Love is the daughter of Archibald and Jane Evans Campbell.


In many ways, the marriage and land records of Stokes and Surry Counties collide, confusing any hope for easy understanding. From the deed above, we know that James is the brother of John Crook Love, and by default of John’s middle name, we assume their parents are John and Ruth Crook Love. But other land records show another John Love as being a contemporary equal of John Crook Love. It appears this John is the oldest son of James Love, who is the much older brother of John Crook Love. In effect, John and John C. Love were closer in age to behave as brothers than Uncle and Nephew.

In 1808, John Crook Love sold 72 acres of his brother’s 200 acre gift deed to John Kellam of Guilford County NC. The name Kellam / Killium raises suspicion as it appears on earlier land records in Wilkes County NC pertaining to James Love, who we perceive to be the brother of John Love (father of John C. Love). The name also appears much later in Indiana along side descendants of John Crook Love. The deed follows, but note John C. Love’s father-in-law witnessed this transaction:

Deed (5-593, Stokes County NC) dated 23 Jan 1808, recorded Mar 1815. John Crook Love of Stokes to John Kellam of Guilford. Being 72 ¼ acres situated on Rocky Branch, a middle prong of Muddy Creek. The land adjoined that belonging to William Hitchcock, and James Love. This tract was part of 200 acres conveyed to John C. Love by “his brother James Love” which may appear in Book C. Folio 332. The said 200 acres being part of 400 acres conveyed to said James Love by the late Frederick Williams Marshall Esq. Dated 1 Sep 1791. Arch’d Campbell, and Alexander Taylor witnessed the transaction.

I need to do some further traces related to the next set of transactions. In 1817, John Love sold three tracts to Isaac Dalton. The deed states that James Love purchased part of the land from Reuben Crews before selling it to “John Love” who then sold it to the said Isaac Dalton. The metes and bounds indicate the lands adjoined that owned by John Love and John C. Love. This use of “John” and “John C.” as identifiers separates these two as not being the same person. Since “John Love” acquired his land from James, we assume he is the son of the same James Love. Knowing James Love acquired land first in 1791, there is a real possibility he could have had a son old enough to appear in land records by 1816. As a means of understanding how tightly knit the records for this family were, take a look at the following deeds:

Deed (3-723, Stokes County NC) dated 9 Nov 1816, recorded ___. James Love of Stokes County to John Love of Stokes. For 150 dollars, James sold John 92 acres on the middle prong of Muddy Creek. Adjoining lands owned by James Love, Reuben Crews, David Tucker, John Close, and Vincent Brown, this was part of a larger 600 acre tract granted to Robert Walker and later 260 of which were conveyed to William Snow. As appears in the next deed, this deed was sold soon after.
Deed (6-18. Stokes County NC) dated 6 Mar 1816, recorded Jun 1817. James Love of Stokes county to John Love of Stokes county. Witnessed by John C. Love and A. Vanhoy, the conveyance consisted of two tracts of land situated on Rocky Branch a middle prong of Muddy Creek.
Tract:1 Being a 112 acres tract adjoining the lands belonging to David Martin, Abraham Vanhoy, John Love, John Kellam. Willey Jones, and John C. Love.
Tract 2: Being 97 ¼ acres adjoining John C. Love and John Close as was granted to my by Reuben Crews.

Deed (7-136, Stokes County NC) dated 3 Jul 1817, recorded Mar 1821. John Love of Stokes County to Isaac Dalton Esq. Milton Campbell witnessed the transaction. Milton is John Crook Love’s brother-in-law. Being three tracts of land situated on the middle prong of Muddy Branch and further defined as:

Tract 1: Being 92 acres adjoining that owned by Reuben Crews, James Love, Vincent Brown, and David Tucker. This tract had been earlier conveyed by James Love to John Love as found in Book # 5 Folio 724.
Tract 2: Being 12 acres adjoining tract 1 and lands belonging to John Love, John C. Love and Abraham Vanhoy, this land was further defined as being part of the Great Wachovia Tract..
Tract 3: Being 97 acres adjoining tract 2 and lands belonging to Abraham Vanhoy, John Love, John Closs, and John C. Love. This tract had been conveyed by Reuben Crews to James Love as recorded in “Book Folio Z,” and then James Love conveyed it to John Love dated 26 Mar 1817.

As trustee, John C. Love had to sell off the land of James Meacom in 1825. He sold the land to friend Armstrong Martin. In the next transaction, John C. Love sold 201 acres on Rocky Branch to who I believe is his brother-in-law George Jennings Campbell. Note the transaction took place in 1822 and was not recorded until 1828. We know that John C. Love died in 1827. The deeds are as follows:

Deed of Trust (8-432, Stokes County NC) dated 4 Apr 1825, recorded Sep 1826. John C. Love of Stokes to Armstrong Martin of Stokes. Where John C. Love held in trust and sold the lands of James Meacom who was indebted to the Cape Fear Bank in Salem. John C. Love sold the land to Armstrong Martin. Being 47 acres where the said Meacom “lately resided,” the land was situated on Rocky Branch and adjoining that owned by John Henly, William Crews, Vincent Vass, and others. Jane Meacom and Nancy J. Love witnessed the transaction.

Deed (9-112, Stokes County NC) dated 16 Feb 1822, recorded March 1828. John C. Love of Stokes to George Jennings Campbell of Stokes. Being 201 acres situated on the “Rocky Branch which is the middle prong of Muddy Creek” adjoining lands owned by John C. Love and John D. Solomon. The land included three tracts conveyed by John Love to Isaac Dalton and then from said Isaac Dalton to John C. Love. Robert Walker and Milton Campbell witnessed the transaction.

Dated 3 August 1827, John Crook Love wrote his last will and testament. He placed highest priority in selling off personal assets necessary to pay off perceived judgments against the estate. He then mentioned his wife Flora before naming her and son John N. Love to be Co-Executors. Not identifying the names of other children, John Crook Love only specified that the estate should be divided between all his heirs …"share and share alike." Esther C. Love, Nancy J. Love, and Lewis Martin witnessed the will. Looking at the loose estate documents found in Stokes County estate records at NC State Archives, an accounting of the estate sale provides a hint of things to come. Esther E. Love, Nancy J. Love, M. Campbell, and Jas Campbell made purchases. As header to the two page accounting, the following indicates the family was on the move:

"An account of the sales of the property belonging to the estate of John C. Love dec’d.
Sold in Iredell County on the 8th day of May 1828 at 12 months ____"

Archibald Campbell and family moved to Iredell County NC prior to1830. Since the 1828 sale of loose personal items occurred in Iredell County, it appears the widow of John C. Love may have made the move with her parents. Was John C. Love in the process of moving to Iredell County when he died in 1827? If not, why would all of his household belongings be sold in Iredell County? Also, John C. Love’s family founded Love’s Methodist Church in Stokes County. It is known that Flora Love’s father Archibald Campbell was also involved in the founding of at least two Methodist Churches in Iredell County. One of the items sold in John C. Love’s estate sale was a set of "Methodist Magazines." Esther E. Love purchased those. Many sources have John C. Love as being buried at Love’s Methodist Church situated in southwest Walkertown in Stokes County NC. It is also said that he was buried 9 Sep 1827. But looking into the published cemetery transcriptions including that for Love’s Church in now Forsyth County, there are no entries for John C. or any other member of the Love family. Did the effects of time wear at the stones destroying needed information for such a modern publication? Having no doubt the Love family is at rest in the old grave yard, a trip is warranted to get a feel for cemetery conditions and any rationale for this discrepancy.

As ordered in the last will and testament, the lands of John C. Love were sold for ready cash. The deed appears as follows:

Deed (9-174, Stokes County NC) dated 22 Jan 1828, recorded Mar 1828. Flora Love Executrix and Armstrong Martin and John Newton Love Executors for the estate of John C. Love Esq., sold the estate land to Lewis Martin for $300. Lying on Rocky Branch, the 127 acre tract adjoined that owned by Martin, John Kellam, John C. Love Esq., James Love, Reuben Crews, and Campbell. This was part of the 200 acres granted to John C. Love Esq. by James Love Esq. as found in Book C, Folio 392. J.W.P. Love and William Martin witnessed this transaction.

So, we know that John C. Love began with 200 acres (3-331, Stokes County NC) given to him in 1800 by his brother James. In 1808 John C. Love sold 72 acres (5-593, Stokes County NC) of the 200 to John Kellam. This final estate land sale accounted for the remaining 127 acres. Note that J.W.P. Love witnessed the transaction. Who was he? Also, keep in mind that Flora Love, the wife and widow of John C. Love, is the daughter of Archibald and Jane Evans Campbell. Not sure how or if it fits, an 1810 petition within the estate records for Charles McAnally deceased, mentions heirs John Evans and "John and Ruthann Love." Who were they?

Flora Love and children moved with others to Indiana. I cannot imagine a widow taking off across country with a young family to make a new life that far away. And thinking about the fact that her parents and brothers moved south to Iredell County NC, why did she not also move there to raise her sons to be near family? With all these questions in mind, I began an initial census and Internet search of related counties in Indiana. Quickly I learned of a little church in Martin County Indiana bearing the name Love’s Methodist Church. Living nearby were families of Love, Campbell, Vanhoy, Horner and many others from earlier in Stokes County NC. It did not take long to make contact with descendants armed with their own research and the stories and documentation that had been passed down to them by Francis Fox and others who researched this family years ago. Carol Collins offered old letters written between these family members debating their origin. John R. Whitinger has offered help and provided insight to past thoughts and research efforts. Since they are closer to the heartbeat of life and the Love family in Indiana, I have asked that they join in and offer their support in making sure this history is correct. And as always, if anyone has any thoughts or concerns, please voice your mind and let’s work to seek the history as it happened. With all that in mind, much of the remainder of this page is a result of information shared by Carol Collins and John R. Whitinger.

As they did in North Carolina, the Love family founded a Methodist Church situated in Loogootee, Martin County, Indiana. Buried at “Love’s Methodist Church,” we know that Flora Campbell Love was born 11 Mar 1783 in Stokes County NC and died 30 Sep 1869 in Indiana. The family of John Crook and Flora Campbell Love are:

Nancy Jane Love

Born 14 Oct 1804 in Stokes County NC, Nancy Jane is the oldest child of John C. and Flora Campbell Love. After moving to Martin County Indiana with her parents, Nancy married 26 Jul 1829 cousin James W. Patrick Love. James W. P. Love was born 10 Apr 1800, the son of James and Sabra Love. He died 15 Feb 1848 and was buried 18 Feb 1848 in Love’s Cemetery, Martin County IN. In the 1850 Martin County census, Nancy Love is enumerated as being 45 years old, head of household and born in North Carolina. Nancy died 09 Jul 1864 and is also buried at Love’s Cemetery. She left an estate as recorded in 25 Jul 1864. The children of James W. Patrick and Nancy Jane Love are:
A. Archibald Crook Love Born 28 Jan 1837 and died 11 Jun 1840 in Martin County IN. Archibald was buried 15 Jun 1840 in Love Cemetery.
B. Flora Caroline Love Born 23 Jul 1842, married May 1865 Thomas Jefferson Clements in Loogootee, Martin County IN.
C. Martin Stuckey Love Born 23 Jul 1842 and died 14 Apr 1843 in Martin County IN. Martin was buried 23 Jul 1842 at Love Cemetery.
D. Loretta Sabia Love Born 13 Jul 1844 and died 14 Sep 1869, Loretta and sister Flora Jane are the only living children listed in the home of Nancy J. Love in the 1850 census.

Archibald Campbell Love

Born 12 Jun 1806 in Stokes County NC, Archibald C. Love died 12 May 1814 in Stokes County NC

Esther Evans Love

Born 19 May 1808 in Stokes County, Esther married 18 Oct 1835 Valentine Raney in Martin County IN. Esther died 23 Mar 1851.

John Newton Love

Born 28 Apr 1809 in Stokes County NC, John N. Love married first 11 Nov. 1834 Rachel Carrico in Daviess County IN. Born 1 Oct 1814, she is the daughter of Vincent and Mary Carrico. Rachel died 22 Oct 1859 and was buried 25 Oct 1859 in Love Cemetery, Martin County IN. John Newton Love died 10 Apr 1869 and was buried 13 Apr 1869 beside Rachel in Love Cemetery. The children of John Newton and Rachel Carrico Love are:
A. Flora Jane Love Born 02 Aug 1835 and married 13 Jun 1855 in Dover Hills, Martin County IN to Armaduke Moses Fraim Junior. Born 27 Nov 1834, Armaduke died 08 Nov 1895. Flora Jane died 28 Apr 1902 in Loogootee, Martin County IN. The children of Armaduke Moses and Flora Jane Love Fraim are: a.) Flora Fraim b. 1855 d. 1932, married Albert Crays b. 1850 d. 1890.
B. Milton H. Love Born 22 Jan 1842, Milton died 01 Nov 1858 in Martin Co. IN. Milton was buried 03 Nov 1858 in Love Cemetery, Martin County IN.
C. John Augustus LoveBorn Jan 1850 in Martin County IN, Augustus appears as a newborn in the 1850 census. He married 23 Feb 1879 Bridget Gunnup in Martin County. John A. Love d. 03 Dec 1909 and is buried at Crown Hill Cemetery, in Indianapolis IN.
Following the death of Rachel, John Newton Love married second 02 Nov 1860, in Martin County IN. Born 1832 in Martin County IN, Sarah Jane is the granddaughter of James and Sabia Love. The child of John Newton and Sarah Jane Love is:
A. William A. Love Born 1863 Martin County IN.

James Madison Love

Born 9 Jan 1812 in Stokes County NC, James Madison Love married 27 Dec 1837 Elizabeth Stanley in Martin County IN. James died 2 Aug 1861 and was buried 5 Aug 1861 in Love Cemetery. The children of James Madison and Elizabeth Standley Love are:
A. Crook Love Born 14 Oct 1839, Crook Love married first 31 Jan 1861, Abigail B. Elmore. Soon after, he mustered in 5 Aug 1862 for service in the Civil War. With his first cousins Moses and Aaron W. Love, Crook Love served in Co. F, 65th Reg. US. He was listed as being a farmer, 23 years of age at enlistment, gray eyes, black hair, 5’-91/2”, with dark Complexion. He appeared absent sick since 15 Dec 1864 at White Hale Hospital in Bristol PA. Abigail died 3 Jun 1874. The children of Crook and Abigail Elmore Love are: a.) James Love b. ca. 1861, married first 8 Aug 1885 Catherine Spitzic and married second 01 Feb Feb 1894 Eliza Davis; b.) Abigail J. Love b. 1872, married 30 Dec 1892 Wiliam Bryant in Martin County IN.
Crook Love married second 19 Oct 1874 Nancy Davis in Martin County IN. Nancy was born 25 Dec 1840 and died 15 Oct 1933. Crook Love is buried at Mt. Union Cemetery in Martin Co. IN. The children of Crook and Nancy Davis Love are: a.) Howard Love b. Jan 1878 Martin IN; b.) Thomas Love b. 1880 Martin IN; and c.) Nora D. Love b. Apr 1884 Martin IN.
B. Philitia Love Born 1841 in Martin County, Indiana and died prior to 1860.
C. Caster Love Born 1842 in Martin County, Indiana and died prior to 1860.
D. Ruth Love Born 12 Nov 1844 in Martin County, Indiana.
E. Stanley Love Born 1849 in Martin County, Indiana.
F. Winfield Love Born 1852 in Martin County, Indiana.

Milton Douglas Love

Born 9 Jan 1814 in Stokes County NC, Milton D. Love is named for his Uncle Milton Campbell. Milton Love married 27 Dec 1835 Rachel in Martin County IN. Rachel was born 10 Dec 1813 and died 10 Dec 1887. She is buried beside her husband who died a few months earlier on 11 Sep 1887. The children of Milton D. and Rachel Vanhoy Love are:
A. John Campbell Love Born 2 Feb 1837, died 18 Feb 1865 and buried 21 Feb 1865 in Love Cemetery, Martin County IN.
B. Nancy Ellen Love Born 13 Apr 1839, married 25 Dec 1854 Aaron Rose, a potter living at the home of Upton Stuckey in 1850. Nancy died 28 Dec 1859 and was buried 30 Dec 1859 in Love Cemetery.
C. Rebecca J. Love Born 10 Apr 1840, Rebecca died 24 Feb 1857 and was buried 27 Feb 1857 in Love Cemetery.
D. Maria Frances Love Born 10 Apr 1840, married 11 Apr 1865 John G. Long. She died before 1870.

William Crook Love

Born 6 Jan 1816 in Stokes County NC, William C. Love married first 20 Aug 1836 Jane Wood. Born 1 Sep 1817, Jane died 13 Apr 1857. The children of William Crook and Jane Wood Love are:
A. Aaron Wood Love Born 17 Jun 1839, Aaron mustered in 7 Jun 1861 in Terra Haute as musician. Serving in Co. C, 14th Reg. US, he was listed as being a 21 year old farmer, gray eyes, black hair, 5’-8”, with dark complexion. Aaron was discharged 19 Nov. 1861 on surgeon’s certificate of disability at Cheat Mt., Virginia. Aaron reenlisted 5 Aug 1862 at the same time as his younger brother Moses. Serving as Corporal in Co. F, 65th Reg. US, Aaron was reduced to pvt. 18 Nov. 1863 and listed as absent sick since 10 Jan. 1865 at Brown’s Gen’l Hospital in Louisville KY. Aaron Love mustered out 10 Jul 1865 in Louisville KY. He returned home where he married 22 Feb 1866 Elizabeth D. Hayes. She died 22 Jun 1907 and he followed 5 Feb 1912.
B. Rebecca Ann Love Born 2 Jul 1841 in Martin County, Indiana
C. Phebe Jane Love Born Jul 1842 and died before 1850.
D. Moses Love Born 14 Aug 1844, Moses mustered in 18 Aug 1862 at Evansville for service in the Civil War. Serving in Co. F, 65th Reg. US, he was listed as 18 years of age and born in Daviess County, blue eyes, dark hair, 5’-4”, with light complexion. Moses mustered out at Greensboro NC on 22 Jun 1865. He married 7 Jan 1866 Nancy J. Goff . Moses died before 1908.
E. Flora E. Love Born ca. 1848 in Martin County, Indiana
F. William R. Love Born ca. 1851 in Martin County, Indiana.
G. Sentenary Love Born ca. 1857 in Martin County, Indiabna
William Crook Love married second 24 Dec 1857 Nancy Nunnally in Martin County, Indiana. He died 8 Sep 1868.

Harvey Allen Love

Born 8 Feb 1818 in Stokes County NC, Harvey A. Love married 2 Mar 1821 in Martin County IN. Born 2 Mar 1821, Ann died 8 Oct 1888. Harvey died two months later on 16 Dec 1888. The couple lay at rest in Love Cemetery, Martin County IN. The children of Harvey Allen and Ann Wood Love are:
A. James Bayard Love Born 5 Oct 1844, James B. Love mustered in for three years of service in the Civil War on 25 Feb 1864 at Indinanapolis. Serving in Co. F, 65th Reg. US, he was listed as 19 years of age, blue eyes, light hair, 5-8 ½, with light complexion. He transferred to the 120th Ind. On 15 Jun 1865 and mustered out at Raleigh NC on 8 Jan 1866. James B. Love married 28 Apr 1870 Frances L. Killion in Martin County IN. The 1870 Martin County census enumerates James as a cabinet maker. Frances Killion Love was born 15 Nov 1844 and died 27 Feb 1908. She was buried 2 Mar 1908 in Goodwill Cemetery, Loogootee, Martin County IN. Her husband died 20 Aug 1913 and is also buried in Goodwill Cemetery. The children of James Bayard and Frances L. Killion Love are: a.) Hattie M. Love b. 8 Aug 1871 d. 5 Oct 1958 bur. Goodwill Cemetery, married 22 Aug 1895 Charles E. Lein b. 21 Jan 1869 d. 9 Jul 1960; b.) Fred Love b. 20 Aug 1873 d. 9 Sep 1873 bur. 12 Sep 1873 Goodwill Cemetery; c.) Etta Love (twin) b. 20 Jul 1878 d. 23 Jul 1879 bur. 26 Jul 1879 Goodwill Cemetery; d.) Ethel Love (twin) b. 20 Jul 1878 d. 23 Jul 1879 bur. Goodwill Cemetery.
B. Phebe Adine Love Born 19 Jun 1847, Phebe married 1 Nov 1866 Levi A. Killion, born ca. 1847. Phebe died 26 Dec 1874.
C. Rebecca Love Born 6 Jul 1849, Rebecca died sometime after 1913. Following the death of her sister, Rebecca married 1 Jan 1876 Levi A. Killion.
D. Theodore Sherman Love Born 19 Apr 1851, Theodore married ca. 1872 Eudora Emily Allen, born 28 Apr 1854. Theodore died 18 Oct 188 and Eudora died 22 Feb 1905 and is buried in Walnut Hill Cemetery, Odon, Daviess County IN.
E. Margaret A. Love Born 30 Jun 1858, Margaret married 18 Sep 1882 William T. Ellis, born ca. 1861. Margaret died sometime after 1913 in Windsor, Shelby County IN.

Jane Eliza Love

Born 27 Jun 1819 in Stokes County NC, Jane E. Love married 30 May 1844 Upton Howard Stuckey in Martin County IN. Upton died 22 Jul 1896 and his wife Jane followed soon after on 12 Sep 1896.

Ruth Caroline Love

Born 16 Oct 1821 in Stokes County NC, Ruth was named for her grandmother Ruth Crook Love. She died 21 Jan 1822 in Stokes County NC and is likely buried there at Love’s Methodist Church.

Jeremiah Parkhurst Love

Born ca. 1824 in North Carolina, Jeremiah married first 11 Mar 1849 Amanda Cooper in Martin County IN. Amanda was born 13 Aug 1823 and died 6 Sep 1851 in Martin County. The children of Jeremiah and Amanda Cooper Love are:
A. Cecelia Rosalette Love Born 8 Jan 1850, Martin County IN.
B. Lyman Malanethorn Love Born 19 Jun 1851, Lyman married Charlotte Ann Cushman, born 1860 died 1917. The children of Lyman Malanethorn and Charlotte Ann Cushman Love are: a.) Ernest Cushman Love b. 1884 d. 1947, married Abbie Grace Lyle b. 1888; b.) George Parkhurst Love b. 1886, married Ruth Cynthia Chaffee b. 1900; c.) Charles Wayman Love b. 1887 d. 1945, married Anna Helen Lewis b. 1904 d. 1985; d.) Frank Campbell Love b. 1889 d. 1981, married Winifred Myers b. 1895; e.) Robert Barnum Love b. 1891, married Marion Alberta Peavy b. 1897; f.) Lyman Manley Love b. 1893; g.) Arthur Howell Love b. 1895; and h.) Dwight Patterson Love b. 1896 d. 1984.
Jeremiah P. Love married second 24 Jul 1852 Elizabeth Cooper in Martin County IN. The children of Jeremiah P. and Elizabeth Cooper Love are: a.) Amanda Love b. ca. 1854, married 28 Feb 1872 Jefferson Elliott; b.) Adaline Love born 1856; c.) Crook Love b. 1858; d.) Florence Love b. 1860 and Campbell Love b. 1862.
Jeremiah P. Love married third 21 Dec 1864 Mahala Smith in Martin County IN. The children of Jeremiah P. and Mahala Smith Love are: a.) Charles Love b. 1867 and b.) William Love b. 1862.

Abraham Howard Love

Born 8 Feb 1826 in Stokes County NC, Howard married 1 Nov 1849 IN Minerva Copper in Martin County IN. Minerva was born 1 Oct 1828 and died 10 Jul 1896 and is buried in Goodwill Cemetery, Loogootee, Martin County IN. Howard Love died 13 Apr 1905. The children of Abraham Howard and Minerva Cooper Love are:
A. Leighton Luther Love Born 29 Jun 1851, married first 13 Dec 1877 Eudora Emily Allen. Born 28 April 1854, Eudora died 22 Feb 1905 and is buried in Walnut Hill Cemetery in Odon, Daviess County IN. The child of Leighton Luther and Eudora Emily Allen Love is: a.) Iden C. Love b. 1883 d. 1978.
Leighton Luther Love married second 19 Dec 1905 to Jennie. Leighton L. Love died 27 Mar 1934 and is buried in Walnut Hill Cemetery, Odon, Daviess County IN.
B. Eugenia Amanda Love Born 14 Jun 1853, Eugenia married 8 Nov 1875 John B. Correll. Eugenia Amanda Love died 29 Sep 1893 in Daviess County IN.
C. Flora Alice Love Born 26 Nov 1857, Flora died 29 Jun 1893 and was buried 3 Aug 1893 in Goodwill Cemetery, Lagootee, Martin County IN.
D. Sarah Annette Love Born 28 Jul 1859, Sarah married 26 1878 John W. Shafer in Daviess County IN. Sarah died 17 Nov 1945 in Indiana.
D. Noah P. Love Born 12 Mar 1863, Noah married first 7 Mar 1866 Minnie Warren Fraim in Martin County IN. Born 14 Jun 1867, Minnie died 3 Jan 1895. From Martin County vital records, Noah and Minnie Love had one (unnamed) child born 26 Aug 1889.
Following the death of Minnie, Noah P. Love married second Naomi P. _____, ca. 1897. Noah P. Love died 17 Nov 1945 in Inidana.
E. Wesley Paris Love Born 29 May 1865, Wesley married 25 May 1892 Katherine Brown Berkshire in Mitchell, Lawrence County IN. Katherine died 28 Aug 1917 and Wesley died 5 May 1954 in Mitchell IN. The children of Wesley Paris and Katherine Brown Berkshire Love are: a.) Nellis Wes Love b. 28 Mar 1893 d. 27 Mar 1981, married 29 Oct 1921 George William Bush b. 24 Jun 1899 d. 14 Oct 1935; b.) Ernest Howard Love b. 1 Jul 1895 d. 18 Jul 1954 VA Hospital in Indianapolis, married 6 Jul 1921Olive Folsom; c.) Paris Valet Love b. 30 Jul 1899 d. 2 Jul 1901 Mitchell, Lawrence County IN; d.) Joseph Staley Love b. 30 Jun 1906 d. 17 May 1971 in Toledo, Lucas County OH.
F. Ida Josephine Love Ida Josephine was born 29 Jun 1867 and died 29 May 1868 in Perry twp., Martin County IN.
G. Harvey A. Love b. 24 Mar 1869 in Martin County IN.


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