John William Thomas

Grant # 5177, Anson NC, to John W. Thomas. Sur 5 Aug 1795. For 100 acres on Mill Creek adjoining his own and James Brown land. chainbearers were John Sides and Isaac Brumbelow.

Grant # 5683, Anson NC, to John William Thomas. Ent 19 Oct 1798, Sur Dec 12 1799. Being 50 acres on the School House Branch adjoining said Thomas corner and including the school house. Chain bearers were John Will. Thomas and John Thomas.

Deed (??-??, Anson NC) 8 Jan 1800. John Thomas and Isaac Brumbelow to John Medcalf. First tract, by John Thomas, being 100 acres on Meadow Branch of Richardson's Creek joining Wade land. Seconbd tract, by Isaac Brumbelow, being 50 acres on Meadow Creek.

Deed (??-115, Anson NC) 26 Feb 1800. William Johnston and William Cupples by their atto. John Wright Jun. to John Thomas. Being 150 acres on Mill Creek beginning at Isaac and Edward Brumbelow land . Witnesses were Daniel Coburn and Sam Dufey.

Deed (??-244, Anson NC) 24 Dec 1800, filed Oct 1832. William Brumbelow to John Wm. Thomas 25 acres on a branch of the north side of Richardsons Creek. Also a 50 acre tract on Richardsons Creek adjoining William Metcalfs lower corner lands of William Phillips. Witnesses were John Thomas and William Morton.

Grant # 6123, Anson NC, to John W. Thomas. Sur 4 Mar 1814. For 100 acres joining his own at Cuthbertson's corner. Chain bearers were John Helms and Morton Thomas. Grant # 6902, Anson NC, to John W. Thomas. Ent. 4 Feb 1831, Sur 11 Oct 1833. Being 50 acres joining his own land on the west side of Richardsons Creek on Mill Creek and adjoining Roberts land. Chain bearers were John Lawson and Millenium Lawson.

Deed (??-210, Anson NC) 22 Nov 1833. John Thomas to Millenium Lawson, being 464 acres of land on the north west side of Richardsons Creek beginnig on Mill Creek a little below the mouth of School House Branch adjoining lands of David Tomberlin, Presson, Sussanah Roberts, Cuthbertson, and Price lands. Witnessed by M. W. Cuthbertson and J Cuthbertson.

The children of John W. Thomas are:

1. Balaam Thomas

In the 1840 Anson County Census, Balaam Thomas was enumerated beside John Richardson. Balaam Thomas later was listed in Cherokee County Alabama where his neighbor remains listed as as John Richardson. In the 1850 Cherokee County AL Census, Balaam is listed as 70 years old, a cooper, and born in Virginia. His wife is 69-yearold Clarissa who is born in NC. In the 1860 Census, the aging Balaam Thomas and Clarissa are listed as living in the household of John Richardson. In 1860, he is lited as born in NC. On 4 Apr 1831, Balaam Thomas sold 112 acres on Mill Creek in Anson County to John Presley. The land adjoined the proprietory lands, Joel Thomas's field, and William Price Land. In the deed, Balaam Thomas specifies that all of this tract of land is for sale with the exception of of five acres including the "John Thomas house" belonging to him and his wife "Elizabeth Thomas". They may live on the land until their death and then the land will be added to that deeded to John Presley. This land was actually in Union County NC. Thomas's in NC and AL. Could they be related?

2. Moses Thomas b 1792

Deed, (??-??, Union NC) 3 Mar 1860. Moses Thomas and wife Catherine of Barbour County Alabama appoints Isreal Helms their agent and attorney. Convey their interest as heirs at law of the estate of Joshua Sikes. 3. Lecy Thomas b. 5 Apr 1794 d. 6 Mar 1869 married Joel Helms.

4. John Thomas b. 1795

5. William Thomas b. 1796.

6. Morton Thomas b. 1799. Deed (??-??, Anson NC) 23 Feb 1823. David Cuthbertson to Morton Thomas (attorney for William Johnson), being 204 acres on Watson's Creek adjoining Fleet Williams and Joseph Chestnut. Witnesses were J. Cuthbertson and Joseph Price. Morton Thomas to Joel Helms, being 204 acres on Watson's Creek adjoinig Fleet Williams, N. B. Jinkins. Witnesses were N. B. Jinkins and Allen Helms

7. Joel Thomas b. 1805.

8. Emanuel Thomas b. 1811

9. Hezakiah Thomas b. 1813


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