Edmund Kiker last will & testament

State of North Carolina
Union County
December 31st 1850

In the name of God Amen. I Edmund Kiker of the county & state aforesaid being in my right mind and memory do make this to be my last will and testament.

In the first place I wish my body to be decently buried and the expences paid out of my Estate.

Item 2nd I want all of Just debts paid.

Item 3rd I give unto my step son Jesse G. Thomas my young mare Betty a saddle and bridle one bed and furniture a cow and calf a sow & pigs also a Ewe and lamb.

Item 4th I give unto Elizabeth B. Kiker all of lands with the exception of the piece of land where mother Musslewhite lives for her to have that as long as she may live with the exception of the field I last cleared and at her death for the land where Mrs Musslewhite to return to my wife and children also I give unto my wife all of my household and kitchen furniture also all my stock of every kind with the exception of ______ I give unto Jesse G. Thomas. also I give unto my wife all of my farming tools with the present crop I have on hands of every description also one colt I give my wife this for the purpose of raising my children should live to marry my wish is for their mother to fix them off as well as she can, now what I give to Jesse G. Thomas he is to have if he stays with his mother and is smart and makes her a crop if not it is to return to his mother, also I want my wife to be Executrix.

In witness whereof I have set my hand & seal

done in presence of
Wm Brantley Jurat
John (X) Brantley
Wm Allen

Edmond (X) Kiker

State of North Carolina


Union County

Court of Pleas & Quarter July Term 1855

Where this instrument of writing the last will and testament of Edmond Kiker was produced in Open Court and prooved in due form & Law by William Brantley one of the subscribing witnesses and was recorded Whereupon Elizabeth B. Kiker the Executrix therein named is duly sworn & letters testamentary filed.

M. Stewart Clrk.


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