Wilmington, N. C.
August the 21 1862

{Thru the kin's [King's] Providence of the Lord I seat my self to in form you that I not a mending much yeat I am so that I can walk any whers in the hospittle that I pleas I hope you may git thoes few lines in dew time in a they may find you well and in good spirits about me I have wrote fore letters to you and I havet got the first of a pese from you or any one else since I left the I want you to Rite to me as oftine as you can mabe I will get _________ time I love to Rite to you once a week __ have to you each here from me I want to here from you very bad JA Austin said that you was all well that done me some good I shall stay here untill I git able to go on duty I feel very well here I get as much as I can eat te ould Squire can tell you all a bout it I want you to Rite to me as soon as you can and Rite all of the news and tell me I _______ the _________ is a doing tell pink he had better come with out making for they will will have him store Tell him he had better take my word for it and come I will do the best that I can and you must do the same you need not be uneasy about me for if I git any wors I will let you know it theare I have got Wilson and Davis and sevral of the boys in here with me the oald man can tell you more about it than I can we will draw our monthley pay in a few day if you want any stamps I want you to send me words in a letter and I will send you as many as you want I want you to send how much wheat you maid and how every thing looks and what they are a doing about the shop I want you to git the horse as fat as you can and sell him and git all you can for I cant git to come home now nor I dont now when I shall I will wait about two weeks and see how I git in that time I will Rite once a week and let you now how I am you need not be a messy about me for I will Rite to you if I git any wors Write as soon as you can and Rite all of the news

I must close for this time I Remain your son untill Death so good by

J G Thomas To

E. B. Kiker

of my hand and pen


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