Aug. 27,1866

Dear Elizabeth,

It is with pleasure I take my pen in hand to inform you of the health of all of our families. Mary family all well. Amanda family is well. Elizabeth, I never see a well day. I am afflicted with my back. I suffered a great deal. I thought last winter and spring I never should walk again. Through the kind mercy of God I were permitted to rise again. I suffer a good deal yet. I can't walk no distance. The doctor said my spine is affected. I were in Wills Valley staying with Amanda. Elizabeth, I have some more trouble than I could write. The death of Thomas was a great trial. The Lord puts no more on us than we are able to bear. It's not worth while to grieve at the loss of our friends. I can't help it. I think sometimes I won't grieve anymore about Thomas. I get to studying about them blessed little children and to the truth I am afraid we all will suffer for bread. I hope we won't. The Lord will will provide some way for us all. I want you to write how you are a getting along and all the news. I want to see you and the children bad. I hope I will get to see them yet. Kiss them for me. Adalee, be a good girl and you will meet your Pa in heaven. I sent you the letter I got from Mrs. Lea as soon as I got it. I suppose you did not get it. Here is a copy of torn. I sent the one you sent to torn. Mr. Frank Falkner is dead. Mrs. Sarah Cunningham dead. Today 2 weeks ago she was buried. Amanda was married 3 of April 1865. Thomas Richerson, Brient Richerson son. Wess Richerson was married to Mary Jane Paton a very respectable girl. Thomas' brother. Mary send her best love to you and the children and you must write to her. Amanda sends her best love to you and the children. If I can get any chance I am coming. Nancy E. Perkins said she wants to seee her little cousins bad. Kiss them for her. Write soon. I must come to a close. I remain your Mother until death.

Eliza S. Daniell
to Elizabeth Daniell
A present from Nancy to Adalee.


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