April the 18 day
Camp near Vicksburg

Dear Loving Wife,

I one time more take my pen in hand to let you know that I am well and I do hope and trust that these few lines will reach your hands and find you enjoying the same blessing of health. Elizabeth, I have just received your kind and loving letter which was wrote last Sunday April 5 day and it gave me great satisfaction to hear from you and the children and to hear that you and the children was well. Elizabeth, you wrote me that you would be glad to see me. I don't doubt it at all for I want to seee you worser than I ever did in my life and you may tell the children that I want to see them very bad and I hope the time is not far off til we all will meet again. Elizabeth, you wanted to know what made me back all of my letters to Mother. I can tell you the reason I did so. Your name was strange to the post master and I thought that you would be more apt to get my letters back to Mother. Elizabeth, you wrote me to take good care of myself. I will do so and I want you to do the same dear companion. I have been very sick since I left home. I am getting stout again. I am able to do duty at this time. I have been able to drill for several days and hope that my health will get good again and continue good until I get home to you and my blessed little children. Write to me as soon as you get this letter. Write soon. Elizabeth, you wanted to know whether all the neighbor boys was here with me. I can say to you that they are all here with me and they are all good to me. Lee Thomas, when I was sick, he waited on me good. He would go off and get me milk and other little things that I could eat. Elizabeth, I want you to write to me how you are getting along together in your next letter. My dear, we are going to muster for our pay this evening and I will send you some more money by the first chance I have. I must come to a close by saying to you that I remain your dear husband until death.
W. T. Daniel to Elizabeth Daniel and the children

Elizabeth, my dear wife, you seem to want me to send you a name for that big boy of mine by the way you write to me and as it is your desire for me to name it you may call him Patrick Thomas.


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