Wilmington July the 5th 1862

Dear Mother,

I sit my self to drop you a few lines to let you know that I just a bout like I was when I left home I hope this few line may Reach you in dew time and find you all well and in Joying the S____ Good blessing I am just a siting here and duing nothing and dont no when I will a any thing my M___ has bot a house to stay in I can stay here as good as any where I handed my paper that the Docttor give me [it to Lieut] and it was all Rite they said that they wished that I had a stayed at home till I had got well I see more satisfaction here in one day than I can in a week onley If when I was with my sweet hart Henry is no better yeat he was worse last night than he has bin since this pup has been here I hope that he will git well befor long. I want you to Rite to me all about what the boys is doing that was not with me I just lay up here and walk a bout a little when I pleas the officers is Just as Good to me as I want them to be so far I want you to Rite to me what you don with my tin type and not tell no boddy you need not be uneasy about me for I am doing as well as any body could in my fix at presant you must Rite as often as you can and if you want any stamps Rite to me and I will send you some we can git as many her as we want tell Pink that he and the rest of them must come as soon as the conscrips bears we want to see them a coming we git a plenty to eat such as bacon and beef and flour and meat and Rice and white peas and shugar and molasses I cant eat much yeat but I think that I will git so I can befor long and I cant take any thing now they is about fifteen wimen in our Camp now some a comin every day to see there husbands we are all gitting a long as smouth as a shingle I would be as good fix as I would want to be if I could see you once a week and my sweet heart about twice a week and hug here about fore times a day you must excuse me for all mis take and bad Riting for my hand is weak Rite as often as you can tell my sweet hart to Rite some two so Good by fore this time

JG Thomas to Elizabeth Kiker


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