Wilmington N. C.
June the 2 1862

Dear mother it is with plesur that I seat my self to drop you a few lines to informe you that I am well I have bin as well for one week as I ever was I was glad to here and to here that you was all well I got your letter June the 2 and I sent you one the same day you said for me not to think hard of you for not Riting so ofin I shant think hard of you if you will Rite as oftin as I do I have sent you 6 letters besids this one I was glad to here that you was getting along well I am doing very well from since I have got well
Camp life agrees with me other than I shant it would get a plenty to eat and haft to stan guard every third day and night we stand twenty fore hours at a time it hant as hard as you might think for the guard is one two hours and off fore I just haft to walk up and the line and release the guard once in two hours that dont seem so hard as you mite think for rote in my other letter about how our breast works was I want you to rite to me how all of the neighbors is a doing and how my sweet hart is and I want to now where my tythe is you said you had me some pant in the loom you may keep them untill I send for you to send them to me we will draw some clothe in a short time you said you would send me some butter by W. Griffin I would be glad to have a few ____ of butter I bout one tbe [ounce] of butter and paid thirty five cents for it

I sent you twenty dollars and I hant got no word from you about it I want you to Rite to me wheter you got it or not I give the money to Wm Griffin and took his receipt for it yeat we have got our cannons in good fix we have got grape and ___nister balls the balls are thirty two pounders if the Yankeys come we will give them the best fight that we can I will come home at harvest if I can I dont how it will be if I cant come home you must do the best you can if I dont come it want be my falt for I will come home if I can Jacob I would like to see you I want you to Rite to me and I will Rite to you I have rite 27 letters and I have not got but 6 letters I mail at Olive Branch you must Rite as oftin as you can and I will do the same I want Henry and Melvina and Catherine to Rite to me and Rite all of the news I want to see you all bad but it out of the question now we cant git a ferlow now for nothing only for the itch they can get off I will close for this time Rite as soon as you can I am yours truly

J. G. Thomas to Mother

and family

When this you see so remember me----


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