From W. T. Daniel
34th Ga. Reg. Vol.

Mrs. Elizabeth Daniel
Pine Log
Cass Co.

Dear wife,

I seat myself to drop you a few lines to let you know that landed here safe and sound yesterday. A am well this evening as common and hope when these few lines come to hand they will find you all enjoying the same blessing. The health of the boys is not good. The provisions that we draw is very rough. Corn meal poor and too it rains a good deal and very muddy. I went over and saw Patrick today. He is well. Tell Bill Hardy that I saw John. He is well also. I have nothing to much importance to write to you at this time only than the Yankees are throwing bombs over this way. I could see them burst in the air ever once in a while. We were on the road 8 days and did not get much sleep on the way. We can see the gun boats in the river. The boys say that 2 have gone down the river a few days ago and shot at our company but did not hurt any of them. A shot hit one of our company but it was spent and did not hurt him. They say that we will draw money pretty soon and I will send it home the first chance I get. Tell Charley that if he wants it use it. Him or mother either. Things is all right as far as punishment is concerned. The smallpox is in Cherokee. Old Mrs. Baker, John Richardson's son, Marth Alfred and her mother all died with it. Old Dick Alfred got burned up in his house. I close good by. Write soon. Give me all the news. Your husband To wife W. T. Daniel


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