James Love, Junior

Beginning in Brunswick County, Virginia

From his obituary published in North Carolina, James Love [Jr.] was born in 1745. His father is James Love Senior and his mother’s name is likely Elizabeth. James Love Jr. grew up on Waqua Creek in St. Andrew’s Parish in northern Brunswick County VA. On 27 Dec 1760, Charles Clayton, “James Love Jr.,” and Nanny Clayton witnessed a transaction (7-244, Brunswick VA) between Amey Short, William Short, and John Short to Nicholas Robinson. Nancy is James Love Junior’s sister with Charles Clayton being her husband. Recorded on 28 Mar 1763, the deed was for 231 acres on Beaver Pond Branch on Sturgeon Run. On 29 Jul 1763, Lovide (F) Vaughan of St. Andrew Parish sold 250 acres (7-327, Brunswick VA) to James Love Jr. The land was situated on both sides of Beaver Pond Branch.

Dated 1 Sep 1763, John (x) Westmoreland sold 62 ½ acres (7-382, Brunswick VA) to James Love Jr. Situated on the north side of Beaver Pond Branch, the tract was part of Richard Vaughan’s land and adjoined that owned by Col. Drury Stith and James Dearden. Robert (x) Lucy witnessed the transaction that was recorded 26 Sep 1763. Recorded on the same day, John Ingram and wife Patience sold 100 acres (7-374, Brunswick VA) to George Berry. On 10 Apr 1766, James Love Jr. of St. Andrews Parish sold his 62 ½ acres (8-484, Brunswick VA) to Richard Elliott. Recorded 27 Apr 1767, the transaction was witnessed by William Wilkinson, Charles Clayton and William Merritt.

Dated 24 Nov 1766, James Love Jr. purchased 174 acres (8-389, Brunswick VA) from John Gunter Sr. of Orange County NC. Situated on the north side of Red Oak Run in Brunswick County, the land adjoined that owned by Cawley, Fry, and Manning. On 26 Feb 1770, James Love Jr. sold his 174 acres (9-593, Brunswick VA) to Richard Littlepage. Witnessed and recorded on the same day as the transaction date, this deed states the wife (name not written) of James Love Jr. relinquished her right of dower. From later deeds we know that James married Mary, the daughter of John and Patience Berry Ingram. The deed above indicates the marriage took place prior to 1770. Looking back to the 1763 transaction by John and Patience Ingram to George Ingram, we see why James Love Jr. would be a suitable witness.

Later in the fall of the same year, on 3 Nov 1770, James Lindsey & Mary Lindsey sold 100 acres (10-43, Brunswick VA) to Bartholomew Dameron. James Love, Mary Love, and Elizabeth Lindsey witnessed the transaction. From her mother’s estate, we later find that Mary’s sister Sarah was married to Bartholomew Dameron. On 17 Aug 1773, Peter Jones of Dinwiddie County VA sold 207 acres (11 part 1-126, Brunswick VA) to James Love Jr. Situated on Hickory Run, the land adjoined that belonging to Joel Biggs, Peter Jones, and Isaac Reid. Edward Robertson, Bartho Dameron, Henry Allen and Henry Morris witnessed the transaction. Three days later, James Love Junior and wife Mary of Brunswick County VA sold an undisclosed amount of land (11 part 1-130, Brunswick VA) on 20 Aug 1773. Indicating James Love is now selling the land he just purchased, the deed states the tract was situated on Hickory Run adjoining that owned by Peter Jones, Isaac Read, and Joel Biggs. Being the last of a series of land records in Brunswick County Virginia, this deed for the first time states that James Love Junior’s wife is named “Mary.” In this transaction, James and Mary sold their land to Mary’s brother-in-law Bartholomew Dameron. Three years prior, being in 1770, James’s father, brother John Love, and brother-in-law Charles Clayton purchased land to the west in Charlotte County VA. Records connecting to Drury Stith positively identify the Love’s in Charlotte County as being the family of our James Junior from earlier in Brunswick County. Believing James Junior’s family moved to Charlotte County, this 1773 transaction to his wife’s brother-in-law Bartholomew Dameron indicates he was in process of joining his family to the west. There are no further land records for James Love Junior in Brunswick County VA until much later. And the only deeds then arise from Cabarrus County NC in response to deaths within James’s wife’s family.

Records in Charlotte and Halifax Counties, Virginia

Ayounger son of James Love Junior is named Jonah A. Love. As written on his tombstone and in the 1850 and 1860 Stanly County NC census, Jonah was born in 1779. Both census records list Jonah as being born in “Virginia.” This fact is important as it establishes that James Love Junior was still in Virginia as late as 1779. And from records in Virginia, it is possible Jonah was born in Brunswick, Charlotte, or even Halifax County. Let’s look at records in Charlotte and Halifax Counties.

Dated 4 Mar 1770, Robert Bromfield and wife Susannah sold to John Love of Charlotte County 237 acres (2-422, Charlotte VA). The land adjoined that belonging to Stith, David Logan, Robert Hamm, and David Maddox. Dated 15 Oct 1770, “Drury Stith of Brunswick County VA” sold 300 acres (2-393, Charlotte VA) to John Love. Situated on Wallace Branch, the tract was part of a larger grant issued to Drury Stith on 16 Dec 1769. John’s brother-in-law Charles Clayton and his brother Britain Clayton witnessed the transaction. On the same day, John’s father James Love of now Charlotte County VA also purchased 300 acres (2-303, Charlotte VA) from Drury Stith of Brunswick VA. Being another section of the larger tract granted to Drury Stith on 16 Dec 1769, the land was adjoined by that owned by Parkins and Moore. Son John Love, and son-in-law Charles Clayton and his brother Brittain Clayton witnessed the transaction. Two years after acquiring land in Charlotte County, “James I Love and wife Elizabeth of Charlotte County and Cornwall Parish” sold their 300 acres (3-165 Charlotte VA) to Charles Hundley Junior of Nottaway Parish in Amelia County VA. Just as he had signed his name in Brunswick County, James Love Senior now sells his land in Charlotte County. But this will be the last record in Virginia signed in such a way clearly identifying James Love Senior.

From 1771 through 1773, the court order books for Charlotte County identify a James Love as surveyor for laying off and keeping a road in the southern part of the county. In 1773, “John Love is appointed Surveyor of the road whereof James Love was late Surveyor.” In Apr 1774, “on motion of James Love, leave is granted him to keep an ordinary at McGraw’s old store in this County he giving security whereupon he together with Paul Carrington Gent. his security entered into and acknowledged their bond according to law for that purpose.” Was this James Love Senior? Was he living at the old store and therefore not in need of the land? He would have been about 55 at the time of the court order. Knowing James Love Junior was in Virginia as late as 1779, could part of the above records relate to him?

Though James Sr. and his son John and son-in-law Charles Clayton appear in the annals of Charlotte County, there is no proof documentation placing James Love Junior in that county. I had missed a key set of records when via the Internet, Mildred Fournier pointed me in the direction of Halifax County VA. Charlotte County VA is bounded by Halifax County to the southwest with Staunton River forming the county line. From land records, we know our Love family lived on Wallace’s Creek in southwest Charlotte County VA. Wallace’s Creek empties into the Staunton River. Dated 17 Oct 1771 and recorded on the same day, James Love “of Brunswick County” purchased 400 acres (7-281, Halifax VA) on a branch of Hunting Creek from John Cardwell. The land was bounded by that owned by James Steward, Clark, and Cole. Looking at a Virginia map, we see that Hunting Creek rises in Halifax and flows northeast emptying in the Staunton River. Wallace’s Creek empties into the opposite side of the river just to the north of Hunting Creek. Was this James Love Junior or Senior? Dated 10 Aug 1772 and recorded later on 21w Apr 1774, James Love “of Brunswick County Virginia” sold the same above 400 acres of land (9-277, Halifax VA) to “Charles Love of same.” Signed “James Love,” this appears to be James Love Junior, as his father signed with a mark. Also, to seal that thought, Barth. Dameron, Chrty Dameron, and Bartha. Ingram witnessed the transaction. They are all members of James Love Junior’s wife’s family. So be it a few miles south and in another county, our James Love Junior did move west or at least purchased land near his family. But in both transactions he is identified as living in Brunswick County. Could James Love Junior have remained for the short term in Brunswick to be nearer his wife’s family?

Also, just who was Charles Love? We know that James Love Jr. had a son Charles Love born ca. 1765. This could not be the same Charles as he was not old enough. Could this be a brother to James Love Jr? Note that on 16 Oct 1778, Charles Love “of Parish of Latrim and H, sold 300 acres of the same land (11-329, Halifax NC) to William Callicoat of Prince Edward County. Could Charles have been the younger brother of James and could James have sold land to him before moving on to North Carolina? And what ever happened to this Charles Love who may be the name sake of James Love Junior’s son?

James Love moves to North Carolina

We know that James was in Virginia at the time of the 1779 birth of his son Jonah. James’s brother John sold his land in Virginia and moved to Surry County NC in the early 1780’s. Charles and Britain Clayton and James Love Senior also made the move to the same section of Surry County that later became Stokes. But like in Virginia, we know for sure that James Love Junior was a bit different in where he chose to live. Before the others appear in the annals of North Carolina, James Love Junior acquired land further to the southwest in the wilds of Wilkes County NC. On lands assigned over by the Stanley family, beginning in 1780, James Love entered lands on Hunting Creek in Wilkes County. Judy Stanley Cardwell has extensively researched the Stanley family. Appearing on a site prepared by Faye Moran, a plotting of the Stanley lands and their assignments precisely locates the lands upon which our James Love settled. Take a look at Judy’s Jacob Stanley, Senior page. Located near the top of the page, look for the links to the Stanley land plats and their transfer to others. And below are the legal descriptions as found among the Secretary of State Land Grants at North Carolina State Archives:

James Love (Grant # 245, Wilkes NC) ent. 31 Mar 1780, sur. 10 Apr 1780, iss. 23 Oct 1782. Being 39 ¾ acres, the land was situated on Hunting Creek at the foot of Lazy Hill. Ruben Stanley and Jacob Stanley served as chain bearers. A study of this grant and other deeds indicate James’s land is situated in the southeast corner of Wilkes County near present day Hwy 115.

James Love (Grant # 261, Wilkes NC) ent. 25 Jan 1780, sur. 10 Apr 1780, iss. 23 Oct 1782. Being 198 acres, the land was surveyed on the same day as grant # 245 above. This land was also situated on the banks of Hunting Creek at the foot of Lazy Hill. Again, Ruben and Jacob Stanley served as chain bearers.

James Love (Grant #1815/1998) ent. 15 May 1780, sur. 9 Nov 1802, iss, 23 Nov 1803. Being 100 acres situated on Bear Branch adjoining the lands of William Lewis, this was grant # 1815 that did not mature and was reissued as grant # 1998. Though the land was granted to James Love, the name “John Love” appears on the reverse side of the duplicate warrant. D. Rousseu and H. Cullumber served as chain bearers.

There are few records marking James Love, Junior’s life in Wilkes County. This was a time of great change and James Love was now settling near the western extent of civilization. The American Revolution beckoned, and for a while, the daily grind of governmental infrastructure was placed on hold. Now thirty-five years of age and at a respectable age too old to take up arms, James Love’s oldest son volunteered to serve in his place. Dated 30 Oct 1832, John Love applied for a Revolutionary War Pension in Wilkes County NC. As found in Catawba Frontiers 1775 - 1781 by Mary Elinor Lazenby, the abstract of the pension application documents the life of John Love back to his birth in Virginia. In testimony, John states his birth was in 1762 Brunswick County VA. Continuing, he goes on to say that while quite small, he moved with his father “James Love” to Charlotte County VA. He lived there for a few years before moving to Wilkes County NC. In place of his father James, John Love enlisted 1780 in Wilkes County and served throughout the piedmont of North Carolina. Shortly after the war, John removed to Stokes County where he lived for two or three years. Returning to Wilkes County, he settled down and raised a family before applying for the pension in his old age. The fact that John moved back to Surry for a short time is significant. In 1787 John Love married Martha James in Surry County. His sister Elizabeth married Henry Shore in 1788 Surry County where she lived out the remainder of her life. With two children marrying in Surry County in the late 1780’s, just where was James Junior during this time? From a well-documented estate record, we know that James’s brother John died in 1786 Surry County. He had settled within the Moravian Sect’s Great Wachovia Tract. Tax lists for Surry/Stokes County hint that James may have also moved back to assist the family during what must have been a trying time. But the courthouse in the county seat of Richmond NC was hit by a cyclone much later destroying many records for early Surry County. A Moravian Minister wrote of the event in the 1830’s describing how the doors of the courthouse were blown a great distance. The storm was created so much damage that the community decided not to rebuild the town. There is actually very little governmental record surviving to define the lives of early Surry County settlers. That is, with the exception of Moravian account books, state level records, and records appearing after Stokes County was divided from Surry in 1789. Blurring the line of church and governmental jurisdiction, the complication of accounting in Surry County has hidden facts from many a searcher. At the center of community, the Moravian Church bought up the large tract of land known as “Wachovia.” They hired an agent to interface with the government body and thence were able to parcel off tracts to both congregational members and other settlers arriving predominantly from Virginia northward. Passed down through Mrs. Winifred Love Mallory, this record source as relates to the Love family came to be known through a 1948 letter written to Frank C. Love by Adelaide L. Fries, the Moravian Archivist in Winston Salem NC. Along with the letter, Adelaide Fries provided a hand written copy of Moravian Administration Records. My thanks goes out to all involved who have made possible the following information.

John Love moved from Virginia and entered 402 acres in the extreme northeast corner of The Great Wachovia Tract. From Book A, of the Administration Ledger of Wachovia, the credit column shows that on 31 Jan 1786, 30 pounds was received from John Love on “account for land.” On the same day of the following year, John’s “Br. [brother] James Love” paid 30 pounds for the same land. Two years later, in Mar 1790, John’s “Son James Love” paid 104 pounds for the land. Knowing John Love’s estate was settled in 1787, it is clear that he, John Love, entered land and then died. His brother James stepped in and made payment on behalf of his deceased brother in 1787. By 1790, John’s son James Love was of age to take responsibility for the land. So even though James Love Junior acquired land in Wilkes County, there is rationale for him to move back to Surry County. And it makes perfect sense that his son and daughter were married in Surry County in 1787 and 1788.

Looking back to Wilkes County, there are listings for two men named James Love about the same time our family appears in the tax lists in Surry County NC. Below are Love family entries in the tax list records for early Wilkes County:

1782, Capt. Alexander Gordon’s Dist
                   acres     white poll       black poll
James Love          810         4                  2    

1784, Capt. Alexander Gordon’s Dist
                   acres       polls
James Love          650          3
James Love Jur.       2         ---

1785, Capt. Alexander Gordon’s Dist
                   acres       polls
James Love          100          1

1786,  no Loves listed

1787, Capt. Gordon’s Dist
                   acres        polls
John Love           200           2    
1789, Capt. Johnson’s Dist
                   acres        polls
John Love           ---           1
1790, Capt. Harvil’s Dist
                   acres        polls
John Love           ---           2   
Note that in 1784 there are James Love and James Love Junr listed in the tax list. This adds more possibilities. And… look closely at the tax lists for 1785-1787. It is clear the family left the county during 1786 and afterwards only John, the son of James Love Junior returned. So now the tax lists, Moravian administration records and John Love’s revolutionary war pension are all in agreement. Let’s look at remaining records in Wilkes County.

Dated 29 Sep 1783 and recorded Jan 1784, “James Love of Wilkes County” purchased 106 ¼ acres (A1-350, Wilkes NC) from Ambrose Craine. Adjoining the lands belonging to Osborn Hillands, this tract was also located on Hunting Creek. Alexdr Morrison, Carlton Keiling, and Daniel Holman witnessed the transaction. On 14 Nov 1786 and recorded Jan 1787, “James Love, Junr. of Surry County” sold the above 106 ¼ acres (A1-540, Wilkes NC) to Reuben Stanley of Wilkes County. As is born out in the Moravian administration records, James Love was indeed in Surry County in 1786. And then two years later, dated 2 April 1789, James Love’s son John Love entered land grant # 1160 in Wilkes County. A warrant originally issued to Daniel Holman, his name was struck through indicating the land was assigned to John Love. Being 100 acres of land, the tract adjoined lands owned by Holman and Craine. Jos. Holman and Chs. Reynolds served as chain bearers. This land grant was not issued until 4 Jul 1794……

In February of 1794, the same year that John Love was issued a land grant on Hunting Creek, a deed was filed in the courts of Wilkes County indicating James Love Junior was in process of yet another move. Dated 4 Jan 1792, “James Love of Mecklenburg County and State of North Carolina Farmer of the one part,” sold land (B-351, Wilkes NC) to Evan Beall (Bell). Being two tracts formally identified in the deed as grants # 261 and 245, it appears James Love sold out after removing to Mecklenburg County NC. John B. Hoy, John Love, and Benj. Crabtree witnessed the transaction. His son John witnessed the transaction and remained in Wilkes County.

James Love Junior moves to Mecklenburg / Cabarrus County
...and gold is found

The name James Love first appears in the records of Mecklenburg County for a person living among the congregation of Rocky River Presbyterian Church. In 1770, he and John McEachern, both “of Cumberland County NC,” purchased land on Rocky River. But this is not our James Love Junior. Though from an Ingram family Bible record we believe our James Love did indeed marry Mary Elizabeth Ingram, she is known from all legal documentation as either “Mary Love” or “Mary Ingram.” This while all mentions of the other James Love identifies his wife as “Elizabeth Love.” I believe some searchers have wrongly combined the two names as a possible proof that our James arrived in Mecklenburg County as early as 1770. While our James Love Junior was clearly living in Brunswick County VA, the early James Love of Mecklenburg was listed in the 1767 tax list of Cumberland County NC. I have put together some information on this other James Love of Cumberland County NC.


Elizabeth, the daughter of James Love Junior, married Henry Shore in 1788 Surry County NC. Stokes grew from Surry in 1789. And the 1790 Stokes County census lists two James Loves. One appears to be James Love Senior and the other his grandson who was known as James Love Junior after our James Love moved to Mecklenburg / Cabarrus counties. Whew….did ya get that? Our James Love Junior does not appear in the 1790 census. He could have gone back for a while to Virginia where the census record was destroyed for 1790. Either that or he was on the move and somehow avoided enumeration. But clearly at the time of census taking for 1790, our James Love first purchased land in Mecklenburg County in the area he is known to have lived. And as Mecklenburg County was physically divided in 1792, related documents begin appearing in the newly formed Cabarrus County NC. Take a look at the following two deeds:

Deed (14-147, Mecklenburg NC) transaction date 31 Jul 1790, recorded Jan 1793 session; George Hoice[Hise] and his wife Catherine to James Love. This 101-acre tract is situated on both sides of Rocky River adjoining the lands of George Garman. The witnesses were James Harris and Henry (x) Smith.

Deed (14-149, Mecklenburg NC) transaction date 31 Jul 1790, recorded Jan 1793 session; George Hoice [Hise] and his wife Catherine to James Love. Granted 2 Nov 1784, and being a 50-acre tract on Rocky River, the land adjoined that belonging to Geo. Tucker. The witnesses were James Harris and Henry (x) Smith.

These acquisitions are certainly in a part of Mecklenburg that became Cabarrus County in 1792. Purchased in 1790 Mecklenburg, the transactions were recorded early 1793 as still being in Mecklenburg County. Mecklenburg County likely maintained legal jurisdiction until a courthouse and proper public buildings could be built for keeping records in the newly formed Cabarrus County. And yet, though James Love purchased two tracts in mid 1790, he does not appear in the 1790 census of Mecklenburg County. But beginning just a year later, James appeared in 1791 and 1792 court minutes as being appointed to serve on juries representing Capt. Alexander’s Company. George Kiser and James McAnulty were also appointed for jury duty along with James Love. In January of 1792, James Love was fined L0.20.0 “for contempt as a Juror & failing to appear on notice.” Was James really contemptuous of the legal system or was there another reason for the fine? Keep in mind that in 1792, James Love of Mecklenburg sold his lands in Wilkes County. Could he have been back in Wilkes visiting his son and taking care of business? Six months after being held in contempt, now “Capt. Love appears in court minutes in lead of a Militia Company with “Michael Garman and James Love” representing the company for jury duty. Would a county punish a man for not serving and then a few months later place him in a position responsible for leading others carrying out the same duty? And this record throws a twist into our story. Did our James Love Junior represent the company he commanded?

James Love appears in an undated petition of inhabitants of Cabarrus County NC seeking assistance in locating a governmental seat. John B. Hagler of Raleigh NC brought this record to my attention. He discovered the actual document that provides a wonderful new perspective from which future generations will define the family of James Love. We believe the petition was raised in the early/mid 1790’s ca. 1794. The name James Love is listed side by side in order with what is believed to be three of his children. The signatures appear to be penned by the same person. However, in both spelling and style, the signatures do not match any others I have seen for the family. Could someone else have signed on behalf of the family members? The signatures appear as follows:

The implications of this record are many and will forever change family histories. First, could this be our James Love Jr. and his father James Love who later died ca. 1799 in Stokes County NC? I doubt it. The document supports traditional beliefs that Thomas Love is the son of James Love Junior. The naming of Charles Love is new and big. Written beside Thomas and James Love, this signature legitimizes Charles as a probable son of our James Love Junior. And since “Jeames Love Junier” is listed last, it appears he is also a son of our James Love Junior. So the Jeames Love Junier in this petition may actually be James Love III. Second, in order to be included on a petition, the signer had to be of legal age. At the time of signing, the minimal limit was likely twenty-one years of age. So we now know that at least three named sons of James Love were born prior to 1775. But just who are Charles and Jeames Love Junior? Why have they avoided prior detection and inclusion in our traditional family history?

Looking back to the records of Halifax County VA, our James Love Junior sold land to a Charles Love in 1774. Too old to be the son of James Love Junior, it appears from a glance that this may be James Love selling land to a younger brother. If so, then we have good rationale for James Love Junior to have a son named Charles. And note that in later generations of Love’s living in Cabarrus and Union Counties NC, the name Charles is used many times. But how else do we link this son of James Junior back to Cabarrus County? Dated 9 Jul 1794, Frederick Kiser was issued a grant for 60 acres on both sides of Meadow Creek adjoining the lands of Zion Holland. In 1795 the same land was sold to George Harkey. Proven in court in Oct. 1799, the transaction was witnessed by John McQuirk and Charles Love, Jurat. This land was in the same neighborhood as that belonging to our James Love Junior. Charles Love next appears in the 1800 Rutherford County Census where he is also recorded as purchasing land. Even though there is no surviving marriage bond, we know Charles Love married Fereby Osborne before making the move to Rutherford County. Occurring in the early 1790’s, the marriage likely predated record keeping capabilities of the newly formed Cabarrus County. Fereby is the daughter of Christopher and Sarah McGruder Osborne. Probated in 1789 Mecklenburg County NC, the last will and testament for Christopher Osborn mentions a daughter “Fervy Osborn.” Christopher owned land on the west side of Rocky River on Anderson’s Creek. The creek was situated near the lands of James Love and just north of where present day Highway 24-27 crosses the river. A later Secretary of State Land Grant issued in Cabarrus County to James Love was for land adjoining that belonging to “Christopher and Jonathan Osborne.” These were the sons of the same Christopher Osborne who died in 1789. In honor of their fathers, Charles and Fereby Love named two of their sons James and Osborne. And son James had sons Christopher and James Ingram Love. Remember that Charles’s mother was Mary Ingram Love.

And who was Jeames Love Junior? New finds demand that we question traditional beliefs. Such questions arise in the recognition that our James Love Junior had a mature son of same name in the early 1790’s. Did this “Jeames Love Junier” acquire land in Cabarrus and how should the grants and deeds in Cabarrus County be credited? On page 693 of the 1800 census of Cabarrus County NC, James Love is enumerated as 1m16/26, 1m45+ // 1f10/16, 1f16/26, 1f 45+ // 12 slaves. He is the only member of the Love family listed in the Cabarrus County census for 1800. The younger male living in the home of James Love is likely his son Jonah who from later census records is listed as being born 1779 in “Virginia.” There is no other enumeration for James Love in North Carolina believed to be that for our James Love Jr. So what ever happened to Jeames Love Junior as named in the petition? Some believe he may have moved to Edgefield County, South Carolina before 1800 and then to Campbell County, Georgia where he wrote his last will and testament naming a son Ingram Love. It is also known that children of James’s brother Charles moved to the same region of Georgia. But Helen Tucker Obermier has recently brought to light a record that raises serious doubt in this thinking. Another James Love married in 1813 Polly Tucker. He served in the War of 1812 and then died about the same time as our James Love Junior. The younger James Love’s widow married David Brooks and they settled in southern Montgomery / Stanly County until in 1841 David Brooks also died. And then in 1858 and 1878, Polly Tucker Love Brooks applied for Bounty Land she felt due her for the services of her deceased husband James Love. The discovery of this application raises possibilities that seriously question our traditional history. Later discussions of James Love III will be based on this premise.

Looking back to related records in Cabarrus County, in April 1795, (1-91, Cabarrus County NC P & Q Sessions) James Love, Sr., John M’Quirt, and Jonathan Osborn are listed as jurors representing Captain Kiser’s Company. James Love who died in 1799 Stokes County was born ca. 1720, making him 75 plus years old. No way would he have been appointed to serve as juror. Being our James Love Junior, he was now away from his father and being recorded as Sr. in order to distinguish him from his own son “Jeames Love” III. Note that Jonathan Osborne listed in the record is the brother of James Love’s daughter-in-law. In April 1797, James Love and Patience Freeman were issued letters of Administration (1-175, P & Q Sessions, Cabarrus NC) in order to settle the estate of Clavan Freeman, deceased. Joseph Howell and Alexander Forgueson provided security amounting to 400 pounds. James Love’s wife is Mary Ingram. Mary’s mother is Patience Berry Ingram. It appears that Patience Freeman is the daughter of our James Love. Note also that James’s son Thomas Love did not appear in the census until 1810. At that time, he was enumerated in Mecklenburg County NC beside “Widow Freeman.” Also, on 1 Dec 1797 James Love was jurat, witnessing the transaction of 25 acres sold to Thomas Ingram by Bonner Bird. Is this Thomas Ingram who is James Love’s brother-in-law?

In 1798, a large gold nugget was discovered on neighboring land owned by John Reed. In 1848 John Reed’s son-in-law George Barnhardt documented the find in writing. He stated that Reed used the gold as a doorstop for three years until he traveled east and sold it for a very small amount of money. It really is hard for me to believe that John Reed did not know the rock was indeed gold. Another interesting bit of information can be found in early deed books questioning just how well the people understood the riches buried beneath them. Going back as early as 1771, land transactions in the presently known gold regions of Mecklenburg County mentioned specific rights to any “gold or silver mines.” These were transactions for land in now southern Cabarrus County and over near Polk Mountain in now Union County. Was this standard legal form or had bits of gold been found necessitating inclusion and proliferation of the gold rights clause? From later newspaper articles describing how gold in area creeks glistened like the sun, I strongly believe that small amounts of gold were being discovered all along. An 1828 newspaper article in the Carolina Observer offers yet another accounting of Reed’s find. Twenty years before George Barnhardt’s published affidavit, this earlier newspaper article states that John Reed hid the gold in his walls because he was a German Hessian. Afraid of being run away or having his gold rights taken from him, John Reed simply protected his find. Holding on to the gold for three years, John Reed did eventually sell the nugget at a steal. Why three years? In 1798, John Reed’s son Conrad found the gold on or near a 30-acre home tract. A year prior, John Reed entered land adjoining this tract. And then in 1799 and 1800, John again entered land adjoining the home tract. The three tracts were surveyed and issued in Dec 1800 as one large parcel comprised of 330 acres. Could he have been waiting for a free and clear title to the land before moving forward? And one last thought, I have seen discrepancies in histories recounting John Reed’s selling of the first gold nugget. Some say he traveled to Fayetteville to seek a jeweler. Others say that going to Raleigh for business, he carried the rock to be valued. And lastly, I have read that John Reed carried the metallic rock locally to Concord, where he only found a blacksmith. He then carried the rock to Fayetteville. But knowing he was German, and knowing both Raleigh and Fayetteville were bustling places of business built in old Scotch-Irish style, it makes no sense that John Reed would have taken that route. Also knowing he originally escaped ship from Charleston only to seek out safe haven in the German community of now Cabarrus County, it seems he would have first trusted those who spoke his common language. And even as early as the 1780’s, folks in Cumberland County NC petitioned the state’s general assembly in hope they could persuade the skilled and industrious Germans to move from the western settlements such as Wachovia. And knowing that a Methodist Church was earlier built on lands owned by our Love family in the Moravian settlement in Stokes County NC, the following diary entry raises questions for me:

Page 2785, Records of the Moravians in North Carolina
Salem, April 16, 1804. Probably the news has not yet reached Germany that for several months gold has been mined in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, about seventy miles southwest of here (the first in the United States). I have myself seen a piece of ore which was sent to Br. Jacob Loesch, in Bethania, to be smelted, and it was very rich. The report of this discovery is confirmed by so many that the only doubt is how much there may be of it. The reason that I mention it is that in our neighborhood one and another has begun to dig for gold, great hopes having been inspired by the divining rod of an old Methodist preacher, Daub by name, for instance inside of our lot No. 88. Daub supposes that the vein runs into my land, or rather into the unsold portion of the Wachovia land, and while I see no reliable ground on which he should base his assumption I will be careful if the question of a sale comes up, lest I might later regret my haste.

All this and only four years from the time gold was found in Cabarrus County! Who was Jacob Loesch and how or from whom did he get the gold from in Cabarrus County? And here is a Methodist minister involved in the search for gold. It is known that one of the named men, William Jeans, in the last will and testament written by James Love Sr. was indeed one of the founding members of Doub’s Methodist Church. And it was Henry Doub who later witnessed a transaction in Stokes County between James Love Junior’s son John Love and his in-laws. Knowing he had quiet access to the industrious settlement of Wachovia, does it not make sense that John Reed may have sought the services of his neighbor James Love to determine the value of the ore they sat on? Though subjective and without the backing of full study, I believe the truth is less clear than we believe. And just as with the life record of our James Love, there still remains much debate over John Reed’s first gold discovery in America. But all accounts are clear on the fact that John Reed eventually asked Rev. James Love and two other men to join in a partnership in the operation of what became the prosperous Reed’s Gold Mine. Growing up listening to tales involving gold, I can only dream of life surrounding the mining operations in the early 1800’s.

At the same time that John Reed made his discovery, the life record of James Love is marked by yet another flurry of land transactions:

Deed (2-482 Cabarrus NC) transaction date 10 Apr 1798 recorded April 1798. James Love to Joseph Howell Senior., being a tract of unidentified acreage bound by George Garman’s line, a small entry of James Love, and a corner of Joseph Howell’s land along the Rocky River. The witnesses were John and Henry Howell. Note that Joseph Howell founded Howell Baptist Church in Concord. Several of the daughters of James Love married sons of Joseph Howell.

James Love (Grant #291, Cabarrus NC) Ent. 21 Oct 1799, Sur. 17 Oct 1801, Iss. 13 Dec 1803. Entry officer James Kiker recorded that James Love was to receive 320 acres “joining George Garmon, Charles Alexander, Archibald White, Jonathan Osborn, Chrisotpher Osborn.” The survey for 320 acres confirms only that the land adjoins that belonging to Archibald White. The chain bearers where Jonah Love and George Garman. This is the first record linking Jonah to his father James Love.

James Love (Grant # 083, Montgomery NC) Ent. 8 Jan 1800, Sur. 1 Jun 1801, Iss. unknown date. Being a grant for 460 acres situated on Camp Branch at Rocky River and the Cabarrus County line, this land also adjoined that belonging to Phillip Fredrick, Hathcock, Carson, and his own lands. Nearly a square mile, this land is situated on the Rocky River below Love’s Grove UMC between present day Polk Ford Road and Renee Ford Road. The chain bearers were Thomas Love and Henry Frederick. This deed links James Love to son Thomas.

Deed (5-50, Cabarrus NC) transaction date 15 Mar 1804 recorded Apr 1804 session. James Love to Michael Garman. This tract of undefined acreage was cut from land situated on the “west side of Rocky River divided from the south end of sd. James Loves 320-acre tract.” The land adjoined that belonging to Michael Garman. This was part of James Love’s Secretary of State Land Grant # 291. Witnesses to the transaction were Jas. Little and John (L) Reed.

James Love (Grant #323, Cabarrus NC) Ent. 6 Jan 1804, Sur. 12 Jul 1805, Iss. 22 Nov 1805. Being 91 acres on the east side of Rocky River. Chain bearers were John Reed and Jonah Love.

Found in the 1984 issue of Progress Magizine, an article entitled A Flame of Fire chronicles the history of the Methodist Church in Cabarrus County. From the article:

Mt. Moriah, which apparently began when Rev. James Love deeded land for its construction in 1813, survived along with its slightly older sister congregation, Asbury Methodist Church, until 1867 when they merged into Center Grove Methodist Church.
I have yet to find the source for the deeding of this land by James Love. But from another record in 1867, we can absolutely locate Mount Moriah Church as springing from lands once owned by James Love. Present day Reed Mine Road crosses Little Meadow Creek and rises to the river ridge where it makes a sharp turn to the north. In this turn Hartsell Road loops off to the southwest. Situated on present day Hartsell Road, the church once stood less than a hundred yards from the turn in Reed Mine Road. Located between the church and the river is the Love Family cemetery believed to be the resting place of James Love. Built upon the platting of the above tracts of land, the platting of these tracts greatly enhances our understanding of life of James Love and his neighbors.

Back to Brunswick County, Virginia
A Document Trail Back to the Parents of Mary Ingram Love

From the 1770 deed records in Brunswick County VA, we know for sure that James Love’s wife is named Mary. Early transactions involving the Love and Ingram families provide a hint that she may be the daughter of John and Patience Berry Ingram. The will of John Ingram and later transactions by his wife solidify the fact that Mary Ingram did indeed marry into the Love family. But the undisputable link to our James Love avoids documentation until the following deed that appears in the records of Cabarrus County NC.

Deed (5-248 Cabarrus NC) transaction date 18 Jan 1805 recorded Apr 1805. James Love and his wife Mary to Sterling Tucker of the State of Virginia for the sum of fifteen hundred and fifty dollars. Being one seventh part of the estate of Thomas Ingram deceased due to “Mary Love as one of his sisters & one of his coheirs became & entitled to & now with the said James Love her husband is seized & possessed of one seventh part of the said estate.” The land “Was allotted to the widow of said Thomas Ingram now the wife of said Sterling Tucker.” Signed by: “James Rice, Leroy Tucker, Bhyram, Hartwell Tucker as for J. Love, John Dameron as for Mary Love.”

Looking back to the records of Brunswick County, Virginia, we know that John Ingram wrote his last will and testament on 26 Sep 1786. He bequeathed his land and plantation situated in St. Andrews Parish “Unto my son Thomas Ingram after the decease of my loving wife Patience.” He further bequeaths “unto my six children John Mary Sarah Nancy Betty Patty what I’ve already given them.” Also mentioned is a granddaughter Elizabeth Gray Ingram. On 22 Feb. 1796, a deed was recorded in Brunswick County VA in which Patience Ingram released her rights to a portion of the personal estate left to her by way of her deceased husband’s will. For love and affection, she releases the personal property to John Ingram, Mary Love, Sarah Dameron, Nancy Lanier, Betty Meredith, Patty Clay, & Thomas Ingram & Elizabeth Gray Ingram.” So looking at the Cabarrus County record, it is clear that Thomas Ingram died shortly after his mother’s release of his father’s estate. Thomas Ingram was married, but appears to have had no children as legal heirs. His wife married second to Sterling Tucker of Virginia. In Cabarrus NC, James and wife Mary Ingram Love sold their rightful one-seventh portion of the estate to Mary’s former sister-in-law’s new husband. Since the Love’s were now living in North Carolina, the transaction was executed by Hartwell Tucker for James Love and John Dameron for Mary. As follows, the last known land transaction executed by James Love Junior is witnessed by Thomas Berry. What is the relation to James Love’s mother-in-law?

Deed (6-135, Cabarrus NC) transaction date 27 Dec 1806 recorded Jan 1807 session. George Garman to James Love. The legal description of this transaction is unclear. It is described here as I have interpreted the meaning. Land joining said Love’s land on the north and the Rocky River to the west and south, …and is bound on the east by another tract of 140 acres granted to George Garman on 2 Nov 1784 … it being part of 81 acres granted to Geo. Garman Sr, dec’d by Arthur Dobbs dated 25 Jun 1764 and …containing 50 acres. Also another tract containing 40 acres adjoining the above lines on the waters of the Rocky River. Also another tract tract of 47 acres on the east side of the Rocky River joining “his own, James Little’s and James Love’s. Witnesses are John Hegler Jur and Thos. Berry.

With most of the earlier records falling into place, documentation for the closing story line for our James Love Junior is weak and just does not add up. From census to marriage records, and military to court records, there are discrepancies that evade understanding. Knowing well the traditional history, and yet wondering from what source it was developed, I can only move forward reviewing the records as they unfold. The process is clumsy but may provide a good starting point for further discussion. Let’s begin by looking at the different years in which James Love and family appear in census:

James Love, p. 693 Cabarrus County NC
1m16-26, 1m45+ // 1f 10-16, 1f16-26, 1f45+ and 12 slaves
His neighbors are James Little, Henry Howell, John Stuart and George Teeter

Charles Love, p. ___ Rutherford County NC

James Love, p. 385 Cabarrus County NC
1m45+ //1f45+ and 20 slaves
His neighbors are David Kiser, George Kiser, Sr., James Long, and John Reed.

Jonah Love, p. 386 Cabarrus County NC
1m 26-44 // 4f10-, 1f16-26 and two slaves
His neighbors are Peter Tolar, and Conrad Reed.

Thomas Love, p. 502 Mecklenburg NC
1m26-44 //1f10-, 1f26-44 and one slave
His neighbors are widow Freeman, David Arnett, Wm. Polk and Jerry Purser.

Charles Love, p. 54 Rutherford NC 1m10/16, 1m16-26, 1m45+ // 1f0-10, 1f10-16, 1f45+
Sons John and James are enumerated beside Charles

James Love p. 26 Cabarrus County NC
2m0-10, 1m26-45 // 1f 16-26
He is living near Archibald White

Jona Love p. 36 Cabarrus County NC
1m0-10, 1m26-45 // 4f0-10, 2f10-16, 1f26-45

Thomas Love p. 2 Anson County NC 1m0-10, 2m10/16, 1m45+ // 1f10-16, 1f45+

Charles Love p. ___ Rutherford County NC

Looking through the time period as outlined above, we see that in 1810, the aging James Love lived alone with his wife Mary. His children had moved out of the house and were now raising families of their own. The next record relating clearly to our James Love appears in a diary once kept by John Osborn. Many others and myself have enjoyed reading through the first Diary of John Osborn. Housed at the North Carolina State Archives, the original provides a wonderful insight into the lives and happenings in 1800-1802 Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. As also found on microfilm, I have reeled through the diary’s many pages in hopes of finding a tidbit on my family. Though he traveled throughout the region, John Osborn failed to name anyone immediately important to my family history. But this understanding recently changed. As found on the Internet, Pat Osborne Cheek discovered a second Osborn diary in the Southern Historical Collection at University of North Carolina. Thanks to the efforts of a group of Osborn family searchers, both diaries are now indexed and online. I encourage anyone interested in the history of Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Anson, Union and Stanly/Montgomery Counties to study and enjoy these wonderful diaries.

Spanning March 7, 1819 to September 19, 1821, the second Osborn diary mentions “Old Mr. Love in Cabarrus County.” Abstracted by Oborn historians and as appears on the John Osborn Diary site, I thankfully present the following passages:

[Page 32]
August 1820
Mecklenburg County

Wen 16 Wet
Sheering Sheep

Thir 17 Warm
I sot out in order for to go to old Mr Loves in Cabarus County
for to sell him my plantation.

Page 33
August 1820
State of North Carolina

[continued from previous page]

I calld in at Wm McEney store drank some juice
Than on to Charles Polks than on & crost Rocky river to Mr. Loves
& staid all night was very friendly Entertained
but he did not inclin for to buy land

Fri 18 Warm
after Eating & Drinken with Mr Loves
I sot for home again Stopt awhile again at Mr. McEneys Store
& so on home.

So in late summer of 1820, it appears our James Love Junior was living in Cabarrus County. It makes good business sense that John Osborn stopped first at Charles Polk’s house. Since Charles’s daughter married James Love’s son Thomas, then maybe John Osborn was seeking advice on how to loosen up old Mr. Love’s wallet? Also in 1820, the General Assembly of North Carolina appointed John Coutey to survey and map the run and elevation of Rocky River from its mouth to Smith’s Mill above Mallards Creek. Why was there a need for that survey? Could there have been early efforts to build a canal along the run of Rocky River enabling the linkage of the Pee Dee and Catawba Rivers? The map identifies such prominent landmarks as Bryan Osteen’s Mill, Jacob Osteen’s Mill, and Hagley’s Mill. On the east side of Rocky River, directly across from Anderson Creek and along Meadow Branch, the map also locates our “Love’s.” Directly across the river is the family of “Garmans.” From the diary and map, we see that our James Love Junior was both active and reputable in 1820.

Dated 22 Jan 1821, James Love made a legal agreement (10-328, Cabarrus County NC) with his grandson James Hagler, son of John and Mary Love Hagler. Between “James Love and his grandson James Hagler,” the agreement stated that the said James Hagler:

“ . . . is by bargain to move his grandfathers barn from where it now stands & build it again over the hollow by the crib & is to find covering & new logs if there is any wanting to repair with –The agreement of this bargain this that the sd. Jas. Hagler is to have a certain piece of land lying on the west side of Rocky River joining Michael Garman Wm Bost John Carathers Geo. Garman & Jos. Howel & if not complied with it will be of none effect & if complied with the sd. Jas. Hagler is to have the land more or less.”
The above was the last of four agreements documented on the same page in a Cabarrus County deed book. Made in late 1825, James’s father deeded over all rights to Jacob Hagler. Who was he? Made the same day, James’s father deeded over all rights to the estate of his deceased parents. And in the next agreement, both parents deeded over their rights to the estate of James’s mother’s deceased father. And as abstracted above, the last agreement was backdated and made between James and his grandfather before his death in 1822. As follows, ad obituary in the 24 April 1821 edition of The Western Carolinian, announced the passing of James Love:


In Cabarrus county, on Sunday morning, the 15th of April, the Rev. James Love, in the 76th year of his age. Mr. Love belonged to that denomination of Christians called Anti-pedo-Baptists. He was a true Whig in the Revolutionary War.

We now know that James Love was held high for his patriotic support during the Revolutionary War. In trying to prove his service, some have linked this clause within the obituary to a series of ca. 1785 Revolutionary War pay vouchers issued out of Mecklenburg County. However, the vouchers should be credited to the James Love who moved to Mecklenburg from Cumberland County. The only references to service attributable to our James Love is the above obituary and his son’s pension affidavit stating he served in place of his father James Love. Also, though two local Methodist churches hold the family name of “Love,” our James Love is known in his obituary as an Anti-pedo-Baptist Minister. Meaning “after child,” this theology holds that the sacrament of Baptism must be reserved for the mature person who being self-aware comes freely to accept Christ.

The above is most of what we know and can prove about our James Love. As hinted at earlier, there exist deeply held beliefs linking our story to records that cannot be assigned. Let’s look at these possibilities as we go back though the last years in the life of James Love.

From the 1810 census, we know that the aging James Love was living with his wife in Cabarrus County. From the diary and obituary, we also know he was alive and living in the county in 1820. But as seen below, looking at the 1820 census, there is only one James Love in Cabarrus and his age in no way appropriate for our “old Mr. Love.”

James Love, Page 26, 1820 Cabarrus County NC
2m0-10, 1m26-45 // 1f 16-26
As per the surviving marriage bond, dated 21 Jul 1813, a James Love married Polly Tucker in Cabarrus County. Abram Bost was bondsman and the bond was not witnessed. Serving as rank of Private, a James Love was also included in an 1814 list of Cabarrus County Militia to be sent to serve in the War of 1812. This James is a real person, an unknown, and yet must be a valued player in our game. Family tradition is built upon the idea that James Love Junior’s wife Mary Ingram Love died between the 1810 census and 1813. Not knowing the source of the date, it is also said that our James Love Junior married second Esther Belle Carriker ca.1813. Born ca. 1797, she would have been very much younger than the elder James Love. Looking back to the 1820 census, are we seeing our “old James Love” and his younger wife Esther? I think not. But before delving into new doubts, let’s continue from this perpective.

Keeping in mind that James Love Junior died 15 Apr 1821, just over a year later, an Esther Love married George Tucker on 16 Nov 1822. From family tradition and court records pertaining to the estate of James Love, it has long been held that after the death of her husband James, Esther married second George Tucker. Let’s take a look at the estate of James Love Junior.

Settling the Estate of James Love, [Jr.]

Even though the written instrument does not survive, court entries indicate that James Love Jr. wrote a last will and testament. From the January 1824 Cabarrus County Pleas and Quarters Session minute records, we know that Alphonso Alexander, William Crayton, and Moses Archibald were appointed by the court to settle the estate of James Love. They were appointed to settle up with John McClellan who was the former “Executor” of the estate of James Love. In April of the same year, the court also appointed Alphonso Alexander to be the Administrator of the estate of “John McClellan, deceased.” The sheriff of Cabarrus County, it appears that John McClellan had been named Executor in a will written by James Love. Since John died before the estate was settled, the court immediately appointed George Tucker to "Administer" the will of James Love. James and William Petry posted a $10,000 security bond. In October 1824, George Tucker was appointed Guardian for “Darling, Pleasant, Hartwell S., and Sally N. Love.” George and John Reid posted a $4,000 security bond. In January 1825, George Tucker made a “Return of estate for minor heirs by guardian.”

It has long since been believed that the above “heirs” are the children of our James Love, Junior. Born 1813 -1821, they could not be the children of Mary Ingram Love. And if this is the case, it is plausible that the aging James Love could have married and had children after the death of his first wife Mary. And if his possible and much younger widow Esther Love married George Tucker, then it makes since that as her husband, he would have been appointed guardian of his wife’s children. We know that Darling and Pleasant Love were born in the mid 1810’s and twins Hartwell and Sally were born in 1821. Again looking back to the 1820 census, these children appear to those born to a much younger James Love.

The Trial Docket for the Court of Pleas and Quarter Session reveals two important cases that do not appear in the minute book. These suits arise among the descendants asserting their rightful claim to the estate of James Love, deceased. The records appear as follows:

Book A, Jul 1825,
Court of Pleas and Quarter Session Trial Docket
D.F.C.           Doe on the demise of              
                 Darling Love & Others   Common Rule
                          vs.            Not Guilty
M.J.A.         Richard Roe and James Hagler

Book A, Oct 1825,
Court of Pleas and Quarter Session Trial Docket
R.H.A.      Henry Shore, Adm.            Answer Filed
  42             vs.       PETITION
D.F.C       Heirs of James Love, Decd.   Cont.

Book A, Jan 1826,
Court of Pleas and Quarter Session Trial Docket
R.H.A.      Henry Shore, Adm.            Judgement of the
                                         Court that the
21               vs.         PETITION    will of the defdts.
                                         testator be
D.F.C.      Heirs at Law of              established
            James Love, Decd.
                                         appld. prayed & granted 

In the first of the above cases, Darling Love likely represents the minor heirs in this suit against James Hagler. Note the trial date is shortly before John Hagler’s deeding of all legacies due him to his son James. Were the other heirs contesting the agreement to move the barn? Or is there some other conflict of interest? Noting that both parties are minors, the court ruled in favor of James Hagler. And from tracing James Hagler’s later land transactions, it appears he did gain access to the lands on the west side of Rocky River. Heard and continued, the second of the above cases was raised by Henry Shore of Stokes County NC. We know that James Love's daughter Elizabeth married Henry Shore in 1788. She and Henry lived near Bethania where they were members of the Moravian Church. In 1824, and just prior to this petition levied by Henry Shore, Elizabeth died in Stokes County. As administrator of his deceased wife's estate, Henry petitioned for a rightful share of her deceased father's estate. Judgment is for the wishes of the testator as established by James Love in his will. It appears the ruling did not fall in favor of Henry Shore. A final note indicates he appealed the case to a higher authority. I have found no further mention of this case in the court records of Cabarrus County. Much more than just a trial, this entry wonderfully defines Elizabeth to be a daughter of James Love. As is customary in the Moravian faith, the Shore's minister kept a diary. He recorded Elizabeth's death date, funeral service, and even tells where they lived. He ends his entry by noting Elizabeth is the daughter of Mr. Love of Virginia.

The settlement of James Love’s estate continues through two court books extending into the mid 1840's. Some of the more important records are as follows:

Book A, Page 339, Jan 1835 Court of Pleas and Quarter Session
Return of the estate of Love's heirs by the guardian George Tucker
Land Rent to Esther Tucker $15.00

Book A, Page 415, Jan 1837 Court of Pleas and Quarter Session
Return of the estate of James Love's heirs by Geo. Tucker, Guardian.
To amount of sale of sale of negros Decr. 12 1832 $1877.50

Book A, Page 442, Court of Pleas and Qurter Session
Settlement of the estate of Love heirs with guardian G. Tucker.

To amount of estate    -----      $6412.41
Vouchers amount of                 5631.28
Commissions                         481.00

Book B, Page 232, Oct 1842 Court of Pleas and Quarter Session
Settlement of the estate of James Love deceased with the guardian George Tucker
by M. Widenhouse & S. C. Klutts Esqrs.

To amt. Of clk. Certificate up to 28 Sep 1842          47098.99
To vouchers & Commissions                                360.31 =  46738.66

In 1848, James Love’s daughter Mary Love Hagler died. As per item 8 from his will, at that time the administrator distributed the slaves among the children of Mary Hagler. In the same year, Thomas E. Hagler sold the slaves to his first cousin Charles Cannon Love, who is the son of Mary’s brother Thomas Love. The Cabarrus County court record follows:

Cabarrus County Court October Session 1848
Page 231

Division of the slaves of James Love, Dec’d.

July 24 1848 in pursuance of the 8th item if the
last will and testament of James Love, dec’d,
I George Tucker proceeded to divide the lot of Negroes
therin mentioned to wit:

Lot No. 1 boy Peter to James Hagler valued at ………………………………... $530
Lot No. 2 girl Rachel to Thomas Hagler valued at……………………………... $550
Lot No. 3 girl Lucinder to Paul Hagler valued at………………………………. $500
Lot No. 4 boy Pleasant to John Hagler valued at.……………………………… $600
Lot No. 5 boy Spencer to Polly Hagler but now Polly Garmon valued at……… $600
Lot No. 6 boy Daniel to Charles Hagler valued at……………………………… $350
Lot No. 7 boy Enoch to Martha Hagler but now Martha Sprinkle valued at…… $325
Lot No. 8 boy Wesley &girl Eunas to Elizabeth Hagler but now Elizabeth Hinson valued at…. $400

George Tucker, Adm.

The story of James Love Junior casts down clearly among all his children except those traditionally believed born to a second wife. Even among descendants of these children, written letters testify that the debate over their heritage has never been truly settled. And add to this mix the 1813 marriage of a James Love to Polly Tucker, speculation has run the gambit of possibilities. Though still not resolving all issues, Helen Tucker Obermier recently brought to light a record that changes the way we perceive this family. Curious as to the military service of James Love who served in the War of 1812, Helen wrote Washington D. C. requesting all related records. From two applications for Bounty Lands filed by James Love’s widow, we now know that a younger James Love did marry Polly Tucker in 1813 Cabarrus County. James Love served on his way to the war for fifteen days at which time the war ended. This James Love lived in Cabarrus County and died at his home on “Rocky River.” While one application states he died in 1825, the other application states he died in 1822. Polly then married David Brooks after giving birth to a daughter out of wedlock. David Brooks died in 1841 Stanly County. Mary Polly Tucker applied for bounty land in 1855. The 84-year old Jonah Love witnessed and testified to the truth of Mary’s statement. And then again Mary applied just before her death in 1878. Mary is buried at the Brooks-Hill Family Cemetery. Looking back to the 1820 census, it now makes sense that the children we see belong to James and Polly Tucker Love. Is this our “Jeames Love Junier” from the 1794 petition of Cabarrus County? Believing he is, his death in 1822 or 1825 had to complicate the estate settlement of his father James Love. And now sensing the traditional story in error, we must ask who Esther Love was that married George Tucker. Was this a young widow of elder James Love or could Esther have been a sister to James Love who married Polly Tucker? Looking at the estate settlement, it makes sense that after the death of her brother, Esther and husband would have been appointed guardian. And in 1835, Esther paid $15.00 via her husband George Tucker to the “estate of the Love heirs.” We still cannot say with certainty where the truth lies, but it looks to me that the four cildren were born to the younger James and Polly Tucker Love. And noting again that Polly applied for a War of 1812 Bounty Claim, it must be pointed out that lands received would have been located in Illinois, Missouri, or Arkansas. And as we know, all but one child eventually moved with others to Pope County, Arkansas. James Love Junior lived a long and prosperous life. Though he lived one step ahead of the record books, we are able to reflect upon his deeds and the order in which he moved about. He eventually settled in Cabarrus County where his story is greatly enhanced by luck of where he decided to live. And yet, known in traditional histories as “Grand Sir Jimmy,” the closing years in the life of our James Love are marked by records we do not understand. And after his death in 1821, these records keep coming until they fade away in the 1840’s. With one exception, the story of James Love is nearly complete. But there exists one more concern that needs to be discussed at this time. Let’s take a look.

James Love Junior
…and the death of his father

James Love Senior wrote his last will and testament on 26 Dec 1799. His “Son” James Jr. received five shillings. His daughter Nancy and her husband Charles Clayton received a bay horse. Along with James Jr. and Charles Clayton, Ruth, the widow of son John, received one third of the residuals. Though appointed executor, his son James Jr. did not sign the will in witness. At the time of his father’s death, James Love Junior was living in Cabarrus County and within tree years, had his hands full as a major player in America’s first gold rush. And yet, “James Love Junior” applied for Administrator’s bond for the estate of James Love Senior on 2 Sep 1800 in Stokes County. James Love, William Walker and Archibald Campbell paid securities. Another document in the loose estate record is an accounting of a Committee that examined vouchers and settled “with Jas’ Love Admr. to the Estate of James Love Dec’d.” If James Love Senior appointed his son James Love Junior to be “Executor,” why is he known officially as “Administrator?” Since the son of James Love Senior was involved with gold mining and living in Cabarrus County NC, the court appointed the closest and oldest known heir to administer the estate. The administrator was James, the son of John Love. But just as James Love Junior returned from Wilkes to help after the death of his brother, I can’t help but to think he also returned to Stokes at the time of his father’s death. And wondering what and when James Love knew about John Reed’s find, the 1804 Moravian diary entry pertaining to the gold find only adds to my anxiety. But unless someone has a rabbit hiding in a hat, I must put this story to rest.

We know that James Love Junior is the son of James (I) Love Senior. His mother is likely Elizabeth as mentioned in deeds of Brunswick and Charlotte Counties VA. James Junior married Mary Ingram, the daughter of John and Patience Berry Ingram. He moved to Halifax and through Charlotte County VA before removing to Wilkes County NC. Also removing to North Carolina, his brother died in Surry County. Just before moving to Mecklenburg/Cabarrus County NC, James Junior moved back from Wilkes to Surry at the time of his brother’s death. Stokes grew from Surry County. Remaining in Stokes County NC, his father mentioned son James Love Jr. in his 1799 last will and testament. James Love became quarter owner of Reed’s gold mine and purchased numerous tracts in the area of present day Midland and Stanfield NC. Appearing in the 1810 census, it is believed by many that his wife Mary died before 1813. Four minor children named in his estate hints that James Love Junior may have married a second time. But then again it now appears more likely that these were grand children born to a son of same name. James Love Junior died in 1821. Regardless of whether we are right or wrong, the ensuing estate indicates the children in question are the “heirs” of James Love. So with not enough proof to say otherwise, we must at least honor the beliefs and traditions held by our ancestors.

The children of James Junior and Mary Ingram Love are:

John Love.
James Love, III.
Patience Love.
Elizabeth Love.
Mary Love.
Charles Love.
Thomas Love.
Jonah A. Love.
Martha Love.

Possibly the children of James and second wife Esther Belle Carriker are:
(May actually be the children of James Love III)

Darling Love.
Pleasant Love.
Hartwell Spain Love.
Sally Nica Love.


The father of James Junior is:

James Love, Senior