J. E. Barrentine
Real Estates and Rentals
Charlotte, N. C.

August 20, 1932

Mrs. Robt. Bingham Henry
310 Arkansas Ave.
Russellville, Ark.

Your letter concerning the Loves who left this section many years ago for Ark. was duly received, and I wish to thank you for the information about them which it contained. I read it entire at the reunion which was held at Love’s Chapel Meth. Epis. Ch. S. about thirty miles east of here near Stanfield, N. C. on Aug. 13th. We expected to hold it July 26th, but on account of arranging the program to better fit local conditions it was postponed till the later date.

All seemed to enjoy your letter very much. We had an all day program of speaking and singing with dinner served on the grounds. This was our first reunion, and there were 250 or 300 present.

I note that you say that your grandfather, Darling Love, was reared in South Caro. This, if you will allow, seems to be in error; for his parents seem to have permanently settled early adult life till death on the easterly side of Rocky River in what was Mecklenburg county and now Cabarrus county, North Caro. Then too, if Darling Love was the son of James and Mary Love, as you state, there was a marriage of James Love of which we are not acquainted. We know from a deed that James Love was married to Elizabeth …., maiden name unknown, and later to Esther …… maiden name unknown: the latter of whom was the mother of Pleasant Love and the stepmother of Darling Love. Perhaps you have definite evidence to contract the information as I have it above; if so, I would be very glad, indeed, to have you correct me.

You state that you do not know the name of your grandmother’s – Cerena Little Love – father. His name was Daniel Little and Cerena’s mother before marriage was a Miss Honneycutt, given name unknown. Cerena as you say was the only child of her mother, and after her mothers death, her father, Daniel Little, married again.

Thanking you again for your kindly informative letter, I beg to remain,

yours very truly
James A. Love

P.S. Daniel Little’s father was also named Daniel Little


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